Cognizant Interview Experience for Programmer Analyst Trainee

Cognizant Technology Solutions

Profile: Programmer analyst trainee

Interview Date: 31 October 2020

After clearing the written test which was held on AMCAT consisting of a total of 4 sections:

  1. Quant
  2. Logical Reasoning
  3. English
  4. Automata(debugging code)

I along with some 600 students out of 1900 from our Campus got the interview invitation mail. This Amcat exam was sponsored by our College T & P cell so almost everyone attended the exam.

My interview was scheduled at 11 am it was a virtual interview due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The interview started at 11:05 am the first interviewer introduce himself and told about him then he asked me

  1. Introduce Yourself
  2. What internships and projects I have done
  3. More details about the internship
  4. Project details the mini-project and final year project
  5. Some basics concepts of ECE as I was from ECE branch
  6. What are communication and types?
  7. What are modulation and types?
  8. Which programming languages you know and rate your knowledge out of 5 in that language
  9. Then some basic OOP concepts inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction
  10. What is a virtual function?
  11. What is a dangling pointer?
  12. What is data science (as the course was mentioned in my resume)
  13. Which python libraries you know and you worked on
  14. What is the difference between c++ and java?
  15. The difference between call by value and call by reference to explain with syntax
  16. Write a code to find factorial of a number

Some HR questions:

  1. Ready to relocate
  2. What are your hobbies?
  3. Do you like to go out with your friends on weekends, etc

The interview lasted for 55 minutes

Then I was waiting for results after the interviews

The result came after 24 days as it was a virtual interview they had recorded interview they do an audit of the interviews

Then finally after a long wait On 24 November our TPO sent a list regarding the interview results.

Out of 625 students, 300 were selected.

I was Selected :’)

Thanks for your patience as it was a long story. Pardon my grammatical errors.

Stay safe.