What is Collective Noun? List of Examples, Uses and Exercises

A collective noun refers to a group or collection of people, animals, or things. It represents a singular entity made up of multiple individuals. Examples of Collective nouns include Team (A team of players), Herd (A herd of cattle), School (A school of fish) etc.

In this article, We have discussed Everything you need to know about Collective nouns such as the Meaning of collective Noun, List of collective nouns, their uses, Exercises for collective nouns, and more.

Table of Content

  • What is a Collective Noun?
  • Collective Noun Definition
  • Collective Nouns Examples
  • 20 Examples of Collective Nouns
  • Uses of Collective Noun
  • List of Collective Nouns
  • A Collective Noun is Singular or Plural?
  • Collective Nouns Examples Sentences
  • Collective Noun: Exercise

What is a Collective Noun?

In simple terms, A collective noun is a singular noun that refers to a group of people, animals, or things. A collective noun can be used with either a singular verb or a plural verb.

Collective Nouns are singular words that refer to an individual or a group. These nouns are used to describe a single unit, even though they refer to multiple individuals within that unit. Collective nouns are common in English and are used to simplify language.

Collective Noun Definition

Collective nouns are defined as “a noun such as ‘family’ or ‘team’ that refers to a group of people or things” by the Collins Dictionary. A collective noun is described as “a noun such as ‘team’ or ‘flock’ that refers to a group of people or things” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Collective Nouns Examples

The following are the examples of the collective nouns:

Collective Noun Example
Team A team of athletes
Herd A herd of cattle
Flock A flock of birds
Pack A pack of wolves
School A school of fish
Swarm A swarm of bees
Hive A hive of bees
Pod A pod of dolphins
Gaggle A gaggle of geese
Army An army of soldiers
Crowd A crowd of people
Group A group of friends
Bunch A bunch of flowers
Fleet A fleet of ships
Crew A crew of sailors
Choir A choir of singers
Hoard A hoard of treasure
Pride A pride of lions
Colony A colony of ants
Family A family of elephants

20 Examples of Collective Nouns

  1. A battery of artillery
  2. A bevy of quail
  3. A bouquet of flowers
  4. A brood of chicks
  5. A bundle of sticks
  6. A cast of actors
  7. A circle of friends
  8. A class of students
  9. A cluster of stars
  10. A colony of penguins
  11. A company of soldiers
  12. A congregation of worshippers
  13. A convocation of eagles
  14. A crowd of people
  15. A deck of cards
  16. A den of thieves
  17. A drift of swans
  18. A faculty of academics
  19. A gallery of art
  20. A gaggle of geese

Uses of Collective Noun

1. With collective nouns, the same kind of animals, things can be given a name representing the whole kind.
2. Collective nouns can take singular or plural verbs depending upon their implication i.e., whether it is implying to an individual or a group.

Collective nouns are used for the following purposes:

  1. Save Words: Condense descriptions for efficiency.
  2. Ensure Clarity: Emphasize group unity for clearer communication.
  3. Create Imagery: Contribute to vivid and expressive language.
  4. Maintain Flow: Facilitate smooth communication in writing and speech.

List of Collective Nouns

The following are the list of collective Noun for Animals, Person, and objects/ things.

Collective Nouns for Animals

Collective nouns for animals include the following:

  • A shoal of fishes
  • A flock of sheep
  • A school of whales
  • A troop of monkeys
  • A column of chickens
  • A drove of cattle
  • A hive of bees
  • A pack of asses
  • A stud of horses
  • A gaggle of geese

Collective Nouns for Person

Collective nouns for animals include the following:

  • A bench of judges
  • A colony of people
  • A board of examiners
  • A staff of officials
  • A council of ministers
  • A guild of artisans
  • A union of workers
  • A circle of friends
  • A gang of thieves
  • Collective Noun for Bees 
  • A swarm of bees

Collective Nouns for Objects/Things

Collective nouns for animals include the following:

  • A bale of wood
  • A block of flats
  • A convoy of lorries
  • A bunch of arms
  • A cloud of dust
  • A League of Powers
  • A clutch of eggs
  • A flotilla of ships
  • A faggot of twigs
  • An album of photos

A Collective Noun is Singular or Plural?

When the members of a collective noun perform an action as individuals, then the plural verb should be used for a collective noun. And, when the entity acts together, then a singular verb should be used. 

  • Committee= A group of people.
  • Audience = A group of spectators.
  • The committee is divided in its opinion. 
  • The audience was spellbound.  

Collective Nouns Examples Sentences

  • A flight of horses has arrived to join the race.
  • The stone pelters threw a volley of stones at the police.
  • The tourist got attacked by a pack of wolves. 
  • A convoy of trucks containing supplies was sent to the border area.
  • A sudden wind swept a pile of leaves. 
  • A regiment of enemy troops got caught in our ambush. 
  • The crew of ships demanded a raise in pay.
  • I went to a concert where a band of musicians performed. 
  • A gang of dacoits robbed at least 10 villagers at night. 
  • He bequeathed her collection of paintings to the National Gallery.

Collective Noun: Exercise

1.  A _________ of volunteers was present to help the players to navigate the way to the stadium.
2.  The cat dropped a _____________of four kittens. 
3. A ____________of local businessmen is bidding for the contract.
4. Their ________of pubs and restaurants brings in millions of pounds a year.
5. Maldives is a mere __________of hours away by jet.
6. The two countries are separated by a ___________of mountains.
7. There is a _________of rules to show what tourists should and should not do.
8. A ____________of bullet shots rang out!
9. The monk wears a __________of beads.
10. The bird has a _________of feathers on top of its head.

Exercise Answers
1. Body  2. Litter  3. Syndicate  4. Chain  5. Couple  6. Range  7. Set  8. Volley  9. String  10. Tuft 

Collective Noun- FAQs

1. What is the definition of a Collective Noun?

A collective noun is a noun that refers to a group of people, things, etc.

2. Give some Examples of a Collective Noun.

  • The collective noun for advisers: Council
  • The collective noun for judges: Panel
  • The collective noun for fish: Shoal
  • The collective noun for laws: Code
  • The collective noun for weeds: Crop
  • The collective noun for plants: Family
  • The collective noun for islands: Group
  • The collective noun for lectures: Course
  • The collective noun for powers: Alliance
  • The collective noun for flowers: Bouquet

3. What is the Collective Noun of Sheep? 

 A Flock of Sheep

4. What is the collective noun for card?

The collective noun for cards (e.g., playing cards) is typically “deck.” When you refer to a group or collection of cards, such as a set used for playing card games, you can use the term “deck of cards.” For example, “I shuffled the deck of cards before dealing.”

5. What are 10 examples of collective nouns?

1. Herd: A herd of cattle grazed in the field.

2. Flock: A flock of birds flew across the sky.

3. Pack: A pack of wolves roamed the forest.

4. Swarm: A swarm of bees buzzed around the hive.

5. Team: The soccer team won the championship.

6. Crew: The ship’s crew worked diligently.

7. Audience: The audience applauded the performance.

8. School: A school of fish swam in the ocean.

9. Hive: The hive contained a hive of activity.

10. Bunch: She picked a bunch of flowers from the garden.

These collective nouns are used to refer to groups or collections of specific things, such as animals, people, or objects.

6. What are 50 collective nouns?

The following are the list of 50 collective nouns:

1. Herd of cattle

2. Flock of sheep

3. Pride of lions

4. Pod of dolphins

5. Swarm of bees

6. School of fish

7. Pack of wolves

8. Troop of monkeys

9. Colony of penguins

10. Murder of crows

11. Parliament of owls

12. Gaggle of geese

13. Pod of whales

14. Clowder of cats

15. Kennel of dogs

16. Troop of kangaroos

17. Crash of rhinos

18. Pod of seals

19. Covey of quail

20. Rafter of turkeys

21. Drove of cattle

22. Shoal of fish

23. Sleuth of bears

24. Troop of scouts (for humans)


25. Group of friends

26. Team of athletes

27. Crew of sailors

28. Audience of spectators

29. Staff of employees

30. Class of students

31. Jury of peers

32. Board of directors

33. Committee of members

34. Party of guests

35. Choir of singers

36. Cast of actors

37. Squad of soldiers

38. Band of musicians

39. Troupe of performers

40. Ensemble of musicians

41. Orchestra of musicians

42. Company of actors


43. Set of tools

44. Fleet of ships

45. Collection of coins

46. Stack of books

47. Bunch of keys

48. Bouquet of flowers

49. Batch of cookies

50. Pile of papers

These collective nouns are used to describe groups or collections of various things, including animals, people, and objects.

7. What is collective noun for whales?

The collective noun for whales is a “pod” of whales. Whales, which are large marine mammals, are often found swimming and traveling in pods, especially when they migrate or feed. The term “pod” is commonly used to describe a group of whales, whether they are of the same species or a mix of different species.

8. Abstract noun examples in sentences.

1. Love: She felt a deep sense of love for her family.

2. Happiness: The news of her success brought immense happiness.

3. Freedom: Many people have fought for the cause of freedom.

4. Justice: The court’s decision finally brought justice to the victim.

5. Peace: After years of conflict, the region finally achieved lasting peace.

6. Courage: His courage in the face of danger was admirable.

7. Knowledge**: Education is the key to acquiring knowledge.

8. Friendship: Their friendship has lasted for decades.

9. Kindness: Her acts of kindness touched the hearts of many.

10. Success: Hard work and determination often lead to success.

11. Wisdom: With age comes a wealth of wisdom.

12. Beauty: The beauty of the sunset took their breath away.

13. Hope: In times of adversity, hope keeps us going.

14. Dream: Pursuing one’s dreams is a lifelong journey.

15. Patience: Developing patience is essential in a fast-paced world.

These sentences illustrate how abstract nouns represent intangible concepts, emotions, qualities, or ideas.

9. What is a simple sentence for abstract noun?

Sentence: “Kindness is a virtue.”

In this sentence, “kindness” is the abstract noun that represents the quality or concept of being kind.

10. What is the collective noun of fish?

The collective noun for fish is “school.” So, we can refer to a group of fish as a “school of fish.”

11. What is the collective noun of Wolves?

The collective noun for wolves is “pack.” So, we can refer to a group of wolves as a pack of wolves.

12. What is the collective noun of Monkeys?

The collective noun for monkeys is “troop.” So, we would say a troop of monkeys when referring to a group of them.

13. What are the 10 Examples of Collective Nouns?

The following are the 10 examples of the collectie Nouns:

  1. Herd: A herd of cattle grazed in the field.
  2. Flock: A flock of birds flew across the sky.
  3. Pack: A pack of wolves roamed through the forest.
  4. School: A school of fish swam gracefully in the ocean.
  5. Swarm: A swarm of bees buzzed around the hive.
  6. Colony: A colony of ants worked diligently on their nest.
  7. Team: A team of soccer players competed in the tournament.
  8. Hive: A hive of bees produced honey.
  9. Pod: A pod of dolphins leaped out of the water.
  10. Herd: A herd of elephants marched through the jungle.