Command File Format | .com Extension

Windows-based application development and running are dependent on the fundamental aspect, which is the COM component object model program file format. It is important because it helps in making it possible for software parts to connect and make complicated programs. In this article, We will discuss the COM program file format including its structure, usage, running a COM file, its benefits, limitations, applications that use this format, and potential malware concerns relating to it.

Table of Content

  • What is the COM Program File Format?
  • Uses Of COM Program File Format
  • How to Run Com Program Format
  • Benefits Of COM Program Format
  • Limitations Of COM Program Format
  • Malware Concerns Associated
  • Conclusion

What is the COM Program File Format?

It is a binary file format used for organizing and running Windows-based software components. COM is the model where one can connect the software components written in different languages and technology. COM files have the extension either “.dll” (Dynamic Link Library) or “.exe” (Executable File) and hold the code and metadata describing the behaviors and features of a software product.

Uses Of COM Program File Format

This file format of COM is mainly used for creating reusable software components. Several such components can be called by the other modules or application software thus supporting the developer’s building of big-scale systems with assembled and reusable components. Common use cases include:

  • Application extensibility through COM object creation.
  • The writing of plug-ins and add-ins for a software application.
  • Implementing system services and drivers.
  • Providing IPC between different software elements.
  • Developing ActiveX controls for web-based programs.

How to Run Com Program Format

In Windows, COM files are usually DLLs and EXE files which are used by another application or service and can’t be opened like document files. These are files, which include code and functionality that be accessed by other applications. Nevertheless, some cases may necessitate the examination or alteration of COMS.

Locate the COM Program File: Locate the COM program executable (.dll or .exe) that you need in your system. It could be that you got it from a developer or downloaded from a reliable source.

To Open the COM Program file format double-click on a file or right-click on the file.

Create a Development Environment (if necessary): For anyone who is a developer and has to plug the COM component into your project, open your development space such as the visual studio.

Initialize COM (if necessary): In your code, call the CoInitialize function to initiate the COM library. If your application applies to COM, such is mandatory. This is usually done at the onset of your program.

Create an Instance of the COM Object: Your code should utilize the CoCreateInstance to create an instance of the COM object. Specify the CLSID (Class Identifier) of the component you want to instantiate.

Use the COM Object: In other words, after you create an instance of the COM object, you can invoke any method or get the property value when required. These will specifically depend on the COM component that you want to utilize.

Release the COM Object: Once you are done with the COM object, ensure you use the Release method in order to save system resources.

Uninitialize COM (if necessary): At the end of your program, uninitialize the COM library using CoUninitialize.

Build and Run the Application: Develop your application using your development environment (if you are a developer), and then run it. This will run the function that manipulates the COM object.

Benefits Of COM Program Format

The COM program file format offers several advantages:

  • Reusability: Reusability of COM components enables developers to build applications faster.
  • Interoperability: COM components are written in several programming languages that make the interaction of these components more efficient.
  • Modularity: This is what the COM standard makes possible with respect to software development based on a modular approach, which facilitates the maintenance of applications and their expansion.
  • Versioning: COM involves versioning of components which ensures that backward compatibility is maintained as updates are conducted.

Limitations Of COM Program Format

Despite its merits, the COM program file format has its limitations:

  • Complex Memory Management: Developers also need to make sure COM objects live for their lifetimes, which may cause memory leaks and resource management issues.
  • Lack of Language Independence: However, COM components can be used with different programming languages, but creating and working with them can be language-dependent.
  • Learning Curve: However, it is not easy to develop COM and sometimes the curve of learning is steep, especially for beginners in the programming profession.


  • Notepad
  • MS WordPad
  • Microsoft Windows Operating System

Malware Concerns Associated

Like any other software technology, the COM program file format can be used in a malignant manner. Malware authors have been seen to utilize COM in order to disguise malicious code within authentic components and conduct communication between processes of nefarious behaviors. Dealing with COM files requires a lot of care, especially in cases where they are downloaded or executed by unauthorized entities.


COM program file format is one of the essential parts of Microsoft’s operating system software development. On the one hand, it has numerous advantages. However, it has a few limitations and security issues too. It is imperative for developers and users to understand the structure, purposes, and consequences of COM files.