
Combination is a way of choosing items from a set, such as (unlike permutations) the order of selection doesn’t matter. In smaller cases, it’s possible to count the number of combinations. Combination refers to the mixture of n things taken k at a time without repetition. To know the combinations in the case where repetition is allowed, terms like k-selection or k-combination along with repetition are often used.

Combinations are particularly useful in scenarios where the outcome depends on the presence or absence of items rather than their sequence, making them a fundamental tool in various probability and statistical analyses, as well as in everyday decision-making processes that involve selecting subsets from a larger set.

In this article, we will learn about combinations in detail, along with their formulas, how to calculate combinations, etc.

Table of Content

  • What is Combination in Maths?
  • Basic Principles of Counting
  • Combination Formula
  • Permutations and Combinations
  • How to Calculate Probability of Combinations?
  • What is Handshaking Problem?
  • Handshaking Combination
  • Examples on Combinations
  • Combinations Class 11
  • Practice Problems on Combinations

What is Combination in Maths?

Combination is the choice of selecting r things from a group of n things without replacement and where the order of selection is not important.

Number of combinations when ‘r’ elements are selected out of a complete set of ‘n’ elements is denoted by nCr

nCr = n! / [(r !) × (n – r)!]

Example: Let n = 4 (E, F, G, H) and r = 2 (consisting of all the combinations of size 2). 

nCr = 4C2

= 4!/((4-2)!×2!) 

= 4×3×2×1 / 2×1×2×1 = 6

The six combinations are EF, EG, EH, FG, FH, and GH.

Combinations Meaning

Combinations refer to a way of selecting items from a larger set such that the order of selection does not matter.

Basic Principles of Counting

Counting various things in a specific manner is a basic concern of mathematicians. To solve this problem two basic principles of counting are given which include,

  • Fundamental Principle of Counting: For any event X which occurs in n different ways and another event Y which occurs in m different ways. Then the total number of occurrences of two events is = m x n.
  • Addition Principle: For any event X which occurs in m different ways and event Y which occurs in n different ways where both events are implicit i.e. both the events cannot occur together, then the occurrence of events either X or Y is m + n.

Combination Formula

Combination formula is used to pick r things out of n different things, where the order of picking is not important, and replacement is not allowed.

Permutations and Combinations

Permutation and combination have a lot of similarities but they also have some striking differences. For n different objects, we have to make r unique selections from this group of n objects.

The number of permutations of size r from n object is nPr here the order, of selection is not important so each selection is counted r! times. So the number of unique selections is nPr / r! We know that a unique selection of r things from the total of n things is called a combination(nCr). Thus,

nCr = nPr / r!

Relatioship Between Permutation and Combination

The main relatioship between Permutation and Combination are added below:

  • Permutation: Permutation involves arranging items in a specific order, considering the arrangement’s significance. For example, arranging letters to form words or seating people in a row.
  • Combination: Combination, on the other hand, focuses on selecting items from a set without regard to their order. It emphasizes the group of items chosen rather than their arrangement. For example, selecting a committee from a pool of candidates or choosing lottery numbers.

Difference Between Permutation and Combination


Permutation means total number of ways in which we can arrange elements in The combination order combination.

Combination means a total number of ways in which we can select some elements from a given set of elements.

Order in which the elements are placed is very important.

Order in which the elements are selected is not important.

For example, on tossing three coins, HHT is a different permutation from HTH.

In combination HHT is the same as HTH. The order does not matter.

Permutation can be made using repetition or without repetition of elements.

Combination is not concerned with repetition or withou

How to Calculate Probability of Combinations?

Probability of Combinations can be easily understood with the help of the examples given below:


  1. How many ways are possible to distribute 7 different candies to 3 people where each gets only 1 candy?
  2. In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘POWER’ be arranged?
  3. How many six-digit numbers can be formed with digits 2,3,5, 6, 7, and 9 and with distinct digits?


For 1:

For the first people, we can choose any of the candy among the 7 candies available. Similarly, for the 2nd person we are left with 6 choices and for the 3rd, we will be having 5 choices.

So, the number of ways of distributing candies = 7 × 6 × 5 = 210 ways

For 2:

Letters of the word ‘POWER’ can be arranged in 5! ways i.e.

5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 ways  = 120 ways.

For 3:

Number of distinct ways of forming 6-digit numbers with different digits is

6! = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 ways  

= 720 ways.

What is Handshaking Problem?

Handshaking problem is one of the most interesting problems in mathematics. It is used to find that in a room full of people how many handshakes are required for everybody to shake everybody else’s hand exactly once?

Example: The table given below tells us about the minimum number of handshakes required for various groups of people.

Basically when there are 2 people there will be two handshakes and if there are three people there will be 3 handshakes and so on.

This many people we can count but let’s suppose there are thousands of people in a hall then we can’t count each handshake here the need for the combination arises.

Number of PeoplePossible CombinationsMinimum Handshake required
Two PeopleA-B 1 handshake
Three People




3 handshake
Four People







 6 handshake

Handshaking Combination

It means the total number of people in a room doing the handshake with each other. With the help of combination formulas, it can easily be calculated. The formula for calculating the handshakes when there are n people available is given by,

  • Total Number of Handshakes = n × (n – 1)/2
  • Total Number of Handshakes = nC2

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Examples on Combinations

Example 1: In how many ways 6 boys can be arranged in a queue such that

a) Two particular boys of them are always together

b) Two particular boys of them are never together


a) If two boys are always together, then they will be treated as one entity. Hence we can be arranged 5 boys in 5! ways. Also, two boys can arrange themselves in 2 different ways.

Therefore required arrangement = 5! × 2 = 120 × 2 = 240 ways.

b) Total number of permutations among 6 numbers is given by = 6! = 720.

In 240 cases 2 boys are always together.

Thus, for two boys who are never together no of ways will be = 720 – 240 = 480 ways.

Example 2: In a room of n people, how many handshakes are possible?


To see the people present, and consider one person at a time. The first person will shake hands with n – 1 other people. The next person will shake hands with n-2 other people, not counting the first person again. Following this, it will give us a total number of

(n – 1) + (n – 2) + … + 2 + 1  

= n(n – 1)/ 2 handshakes.

Example 3: Another popular handshake problem starts out similarly with n>1 people at a party. Not being possible to shake hands with yourself, and not counting several times handshakes with the same person, the problem is to show that there will always present two people at the party, who had shaken hands the same number of times in the party.


Solution to this problem starts by using Dirichlet’s box principle. If there exists a person at the party, who has shaken hands zero times, then every person which is there at the party has shaken hands with at most n-2 other people at the party. 

There are n-1 possible handshakes (from 0 to n-2), among n people there must be two who have shaken hands the same number of times. If there are zero persons, who has shaken hands zero times this means that all of the party guests have shaken hands at least once.

This also amounts to n-1 possible handshakes (from 1 to n-1).

Example 4: In the function, if every person shakes hands with every other in the party and there exists a total of 28 handshakes at the party, find the number of persons who were present in the function.


Suppose there are n persons present at a party and every person shakes hands with every other person.

Then, total number of handshakes = nC2 = n(n – 1)/2

n(n – 1)/2 = 28

n(n – 1) = 28 × 2

n(n – 1) = 56

n = 8

Combinations Class 11

In Class 11 mathematics, combinations are typically introduced as a fundamental concept in the chapter on Permutations and Combinations.

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Practice Problems on Combinations

Q1. A classroom has 20 students, and a committee of 4 students needs to be formed to organize an upcoming event. In how many ways can this committee be chosen?

Q2. You have 5 different books on mathematics and want to select 3 to place on your desk for quick reference. In how many ways can you choose which 3 books to place on the desk?

Q3. A fruit shop offers baskets that can contain any combination of 3 different fruits from their selection of 5 different fruits (apple, banana, cherry, date, and elderberry). How many different fruit baskets can be made?

Q4. A lottery game requires you to choose 6 numbers out of a possible 49. How many different combinations of numbers can you choose?

Q5. From a pool of 12 jurors, a jury of 6 needs to be selected for a trial. In how many different ways can the jury be formed?

Conclusion of Combinations

Combination, a fundamental concept in mathematics, involves selecting items from a set without considering their order. This selection method is crucial in various scenarios, such as probability and statistical analyses, where the outcome depends on the presence or absence of items rather than their sequence. The formula to calculate combinations, denoted as [Tex]\binom{r}{n} [/Tex], is derived from factorial notation and represents the number of ways to choose r items from a set of n items without replacement.

Combinations – FAQs

What is a Combination? 

Combination is a way of arranging r different things out of n things for which the order of selection is not important.

How to Solve Combinations?

Combinations help us to calculate the total outcomes of an event when the order of outcomes does not matter. Combinations can be calculated with the formula,

nCr = n! / r! × (n – r)!

What is the Value of nCn?

Value of  nCn is calculated as,

nCn = n! / (n-n)!×n!  (0! = 1)

= n! / n! = 1

When do we use Combination and Permutation?

Permutation formulas are used when the order of selection matters and Combination formulas are used when the order of the permutation doesn’t matter.

What is the Combination Formula?

Combination formula is given as,

 nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!

What do you mean by Derangement?

When we shuffle the elements of a set so that no element appears in its original position it is called derangement of data.

Can repetitions occur in combinations?

Combinations usually involve distinct choices, but variations like combinations with repetition cater to scenarios where duplicates are allowed, such as selecting toppings for a pizza.

When are combinations useful?

Combinations are handy for scenarios like team formation, menu selection, or jury assembly, where the order of selection isn’t significant but the choice of items is.

How do combinations differ from permutations?

Combinations disregard order, while permutations consider it, impacting scenarios like choosing committee members (combination) versus arranging a sequence (permutation).