Combine two ggplot2 plots from different DataFrame in R

In this article, we are going to learn how to Combine two ggplot2 plots from different DataFrame in R Programming Language. Here in this article we are using a scatter plot, but it can be applied to any other plot.

Let us first individually draw two ggplot2 Scatter Plots by different DataFrames then we will see how to combine them i.e how draw both plots in one plot field. 

Plot 1:


# Load Packages
# DataFrame for first Scatterplot
pointDF1 <- data.frame(XDF1 = rnorm(50),
                       YDF1 = rnorm(50))
# Create First Plot using ggplot2
ggplot(pointDF1, aes(XDF1, YDF1)) +               
  geom_point(fill = "dark green", color = "black",
             size = 5, shape = 21)+


First ggplot2 Plot

Plot 2: 


# Load Packages
# DataFrame for second Scatterplot
pointDF2 <- data.frame(XDF2 = rnorm(50), 
                       YDF2 = rnorm(50))
# Create Second Plot using ggplot2
ggplot(pointDF2, aes(XDF2, YDF2)) +               
  geom_point(fill = "green", color = "black"
             size = 5, shape = 21)+


Second ggplot2 Plot

Now we are going to combine the above graphs into one graph. Everything works normally except for the plotting part. Combine the function to plot the two plots in one frame. 

After combining the two plots, the question arises of what axis labels should be used. The answer is labs() function can be used to give custom labels. This step is completely optional.


labs(x = “X-Label”, y = “Y-label”)



# Load Packages
# DataFrame for first Scatterplot
pointDF1 <- data.frame(XDF1 = rnorm(50), 
                       YDF1 = rnorm(50))
# DataFrame for second Scatterplot
pointDF2 <- data.frame(XDF2 = rnorm(50),
                       YDF2 = rnorm(50))
# Combine Two Plots of different
# DataFrames using ggplot2 
ggplot() +               
  geom_point(data = pointDF1, aes(XDF1,YDF1), 
             fill = "dark green", color = "black",
             size = 5, shape = 21)+
  geom_point(data = pointDF2, aes(XDF2,YDF2), 
             fill = "green", color = "black"
             size = 5, shape = 21)+
  labs(x = "X-Data", y = "Y-Data")+
  ggtitle("Combined Plot")


Combined Plot using ggplot2