Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard that facilitates communication between web servers and external databases or information sources. It acts as middleware, allowing web servers to interact with applications that process data and send back responses. The CGI standard was defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and specifies how a program interacts with a Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ( server.

The cgi library was a Python library that provided a simple interface for writing CGI scripts (scripts that run on a web server). 
This library has been deprecated in favor of more modern and feature-rich alternatives, such as the web framework Django.

Features of CGI:

  • It is a very well-defined and supported standard.
  • CGI scripts are generally written in languages such as Perl, C, or shell scripts. For example, a simple Perl script could be used to process form data submitted from a web page and generate a dynamic response.


print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><body>";
print "<h1>Hello, CGI World!</h1>";
print "</body></html>";

  • CGI allows applications to interface with HTML, enabling dynamic content generation for web pages. For example, a CGI script can be used to fetch data from a database and generate dynamic HTML content for display on a web page.
  • CGI is the best method to create a counter because it is currently the quickest
  • CGI standard is generally the most compatible with today’s browsers

Advantages of CGI:

  • Quick implementation: CGI can be a quick and straightforward method for implementing simple web-based tasks, such as form processing or data manipulation. For example, a CGI script can be quickly developed and deployed to process user input from a web form and generate a response.
  • Easy to use existing code: There is a large existing code base of CGI scripts, especially in Perl, which can be readily used or customized for specific requirements. For example, there are numerous CGI scripts available for tasks such as form processing, data validation, and file uploads.
  • Well-defined and supported standard: CGI is a widely accepted standard in web development, ensuring compatibility across different systems and platforms.
  • CGI-based counters and CGI code to perform simple tasks are available in plenty.

Disadvantages of CGI: 

  • Overhead in page loads: Each page load in CGI incurs overhead by having to load the script into memory, which can impact performance, especially in high-traffic websites. For example, if a website receives a large number of requests, the overhead of loading the CGI script for each request can result in slower response times.
  • Limited caching capabilities: CGI scripts do not easily allow for caching of data in memory between page loads, which can affect performance and scalability. For example, if a website requires frequent database queries or other resource-intensive tasks, CGI may not be the best choice due to limited caching capabilities.
  • Security: Since CGI scripts are executed on the server, there is always a risk of security vulnerabilities. For example, if the script does not properly validate user input, it may be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.
  • Scalability: CGI is not well-suited for handling large volumes of traffic or requests. As the number of requests increases, the performance of the server may suffer, leading to slower response times or even crashes.

 Alternatives to CGI:

  • FastCGI: FastCGI is a variation of CGI that is designed to improve performance and scalability. It allows the web server to keep the CGI program running in memory, reducing the overhead of loading it for each request.
  • PHP: PHP is a popular server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. It is designed to be embedded in HTML pages and can be used to generate dynamic content.
  • Java Servlets: Java Servlets are Java-based alternatives to CGI that are designed to be more scalable and efficient. They can handle large volumes of traffic and can be used to generate dynamic content.
  • Web Frameworks: Web frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, and Flask provide a more structured and efficient way to develop web applications. They abstract away many of the low-level details of web development and provide features like URL routing, templating, and database integration.