Communalism, Secularism, Democracy| Class 12 Political Science

Communalism, Secularism, and Democracy is a subpart of the Class 12 Political Science Chapter 8 which is titled The Recent Developments In Indian Politics. The subpart describes the two different political ideologies like Communalism and Secularism and their major applications in the Political System. Democracy is a system to run the government where a citizen of a country elects their representatives through a voting system. The subpart also gives us a differential view of Communalism and Secularism which are opposite to each other. One can harm democracy and the constitution and one is much more essential to practice democracy.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Class 12 Political Science Chapter 8 recent Developments In Indian Politics’s subpart Communalism, Secularism, and Democracy in detail.

Table of Content

  • Communalism and Secularism
  • Democracy
  • Relation Of Democracy With Secularism and Communalism

Communalism and Secularism

Communalism and Secularism are the two different political ideologies. Based on these two political ideologies the definition and the work of Democracy can change. Let us discuss the definition of the Communalism and Secularism as mentioned below.


Communalism is an economy based and political ideology that only supports resources and wealth. This type of ideology is majorly found in small communities. The believers only affiliate only one group and neglect the whole society. This type of ideology is based on a community. Communalism is not suitable for democracy as it can convert into religious prejudices and stereotypical behavior. It prioritizes only one religion over others because the followers of communalism believe that they are the supreme.


Secularism is a principle that is skeptical, critical, or indifferent to all religious beliefs. It is a commitment that maintains the state by ensuring neutrality on different religious matters. The secularism principle neither favors nor promotes any religious belief nor discourages it at all. In a democratic country, secularism ensures and guarantees the freedom to maintain the balance in society and democracy.


Democracy is a form of government where the state power is totally vested in the population. Democracy ensures that to participate in the voting system and elect their political leaders in free and fair ways through election.

Here are the major features of the democracy as mentioned below:

  • An ideal democracy respects human rights in the form of freedom and the right to a fair trial.
  • Democracy ensures the fundamental principles in the form of the rule of law.
  • The ideal democracy supports a multi-party political system that also ensures the citizens’ participation by encouraging the process of transparency.
  • Equality and liberty are the two major components of the ideal democracy that help to confirm legal equality and political freedom.

Relation Of Democracy With Secularism and Communalism

Communalism is not suitable for democracy as it can convert into religious prejudices and stereotypical behavior. It prioritizes only one religion. It is a threat to our democracy as well as the national integrity. It also creates division between people by promoting the religious factor in an extreme way.

Secularism is really important for our democracy. Secularism can reduce the separation of religion from politics and the general people. It can reduce the tendencies of religion-based politics and coalitions. Secularism promotes the rule of law and helps to impose civil laws by removing discrimination. But secularism can nit ensure democracy at all times.

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FAQs on Class 12 Political Science Chapter 8 Communalism, Secularism, Democracy

What is the difference between communalism and secularism Class 12?

Communalism means putting a person’s ethnic group’s loyalties ahead of the interests of the entire society. The idea of secularism holds that all matters of state are independent of religious matters and beliefs, and vice versa.

What is democracy secularism?

In studies of religion, modern democracies are generally recognised as secular. This is due to the near-complete freedom of religion (religious beliefs generally are not subject to legal or social sanctions), and the lack of authority of religious leaders over political decisions.

What are the 4 principles of secularism?

Maclure and Taylor view secularism as constituted by the following four tenets: equality of respect, freedom of conscience, state neutrality towards religions, and separation of church and state. The state shows equality of respect for all the citizens when it recog- nizes the equivalent moral value of everyone.

What is communalism?

As the definition goes, Communalism is described as an ideology stating the division between states (people, groups of people or communities) on the basis of ethnicity, religion, beliefs, values, etc. The difference of two or more religious, ethnic and social communities can sometimes produce clashes in society.

What is called secularism?

Secularism means separation of religion from political, economic, social and cultural aspects of life, religion being treated as a purely personal matter. It emphasized dissociation of the state from religion and full freedom to all religions and tolerance of all religions.

What is secularism 5 points?

Features of Indian secularism are : Equal respect and recognition for all religions by the state. No discrimination by the state on the basis of religion. Non interference in the functioning of any religion by the state. No official religion in India.