Comparison of Mean, Median and Mode| Practical Work in Geography Class 12

In this article, we will delve deep into the topic of “Comparison of Mean, Median, and Mode” from Chapter 2 of the NCERT Class 12 Practical Work Geography book. These notes are specially curated by an expert team at w3wiki for all the students.

Table of Content

  • Measures of Central Tendency
  • Comparison of Mean, Median, and Mode

Measures of Central Tendency

When we’re dealing with characteristics like rainfall, elevation, population density, education levels, or age groups, they tend to vary. If we want to understand them better, we might need a single number that represents the whole set of observations. This number typically sits in the middle of the data, not too high or too low.

To find this middle point, we use statistical methods called measures of central tendency. These methods help us find where most of the data clusters around. They’re also called statistical averages.

There are a few common measures of central tendency:

  1. Mean: This is the average of all the values.
  2. Median: This is the middle value when the data is arranged in order.
  3. Mode: This is the value that appears most frequently in the data set.

These measures give us a good idea of what’s typical or common in the data we’re studying.

The median, mode, and mean are all ways to find a single number that represents a set of data, but they work differently.


  • The median is the middle value when the data is arranged in order.
  • It doesn’t depend on the actual values, just their order.
  • If there’s an even number of values, the median is the average of the two middle ones.


  • The mode is the value that appears most often in the data.
  • It shows where the data is most concentrated.


  • The mean is the simple average of all the values.
  • It’s calculated by adding up all the values and dividing by the total number of values.
  • The method for finding the mean differs for data that’s grouped or ungrouped.

Each of these measures gives us a single representative number, but they’re best suited for different types of data sets.

Comparison of Mean, Median, and Mode

  1. We can understand the differences between mean, median, and mode by looking at a normal distribution curve, which is shaped like a bell. Traits like intelligence and student achievements often follow this distribution.
  2. In a normal curve, most observations cluster around the middle, creating a symmetrical shape. As you move towards the extremes, fewer observations occur.
  3. Here’s an important point: in a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode are all the same because of its symmetrical nature. The most frequent score is in the middle, with half of the scores above it and half below. This means most scores gather around the mean.
  4. However, if the data is skewed or not symmetrical, the mean, median, and mode won’t match up. In such cases, we need to consider the effect of the skewed data.

Conclusion – Practical Work in Geography Class 12 Comparison of Mean, Median, and Mode

In conclusion, this article has provided a comprehensive exploration of the topic “Comparison of Mean, Median, and Mode” as outlined in Chapter 2 of the NCERT Class 12 Practical Work Geography book. Delivered by a dedicated team of experts at w3wiki, these insights aim to assist students in grasping the fundamental concepts of measures of central tendency. Central to statistical analysis, measures of central tendency play a vital role in understanding and interpreting data variability across various geographic parameters such as rainfall, elevation, population density, and educational demographics. By encapsulating the essence of a dataset into a single representative value, these measures offer valuable insights into the typical or common characteristics of the observed phenomena.

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FAQs on Comparison of Mean, Median and Mode

How do you find the median in Class 12 Geography practical?

Median can be found by locating the central observation or value in the arranged series. The central value may be located from either end of the series arranged in ascending or descending order.

What is mean class 12 geography practical?

The mean is the value obtained by adding all of the values together and dividing by the number of observations.

What is mode class 12 geography?

The most frequently occurring data value in a series.

What is data class 12 geography practical?

Data refers to the numerical and quantitative measurements of geographic occurrences, human activities, and their interrelationships. In other terms, datum refers to quantitative data. As a result, data is sometimes referred to as quantitative information.

What is pie diagram class 12 geography?

A pie chart or divided circle is a basic graphical technique for presenting a quantity that can be divided into parts. Pie charts show amounts or percentages. Pie charts can also be drawn as proportional circles.