Compliance as a Service (CaaS) in Cloud Computing

Cloud compliance issues occur as any cloud consumer make use of cloud storage and backup services. Cloud computing by its very nature extents various jurisdictions. The laws of the country of request from where it originates many not necessarily match the laws of the country in which the request is being processed, and probably laws of neither location match the laws of the country in which the service is delivered. Compliance is beyond than a basically provided an unidentified service token to an identity so that access to a resource can be obtain. Compliance is a difficult issue which needs considerable expertise. While Compliance as a Service (CaaS) seems in discussion, some examples which falls under service of this category exist as a general product for a cloud computing architecture. A Compliance as a Service (CaaS) application would need to oblige as a third party. CaaS may require to be architecture as its own layer of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in order to be reliable. A CaaS may be needed to be able to manage cloud relationships, comprehend security rules and procedures, know how to operate data and administer privacy, deliver an incidence feedback, archive, and enable the system to be queried. This is a huge order, but CaaS has the capability to be a good value-added service. CaaS system built inside a private cloud in which the data is under control of a single entity, thus confirming that the data is under that entity’s secure control and that transaction is audited. Indeed, major cloud computing compliance systems have been created with the help of private cloud. A well-implemented CaaS service may measure the risk of servicing compliance and ensure or indemnify tenancy against that risk. CaaS can be brought to bear as mechanism to guarantee that an e-mail conformed to particular standards, anything which may be new electronic service of a network of national postal system and something which may help in ending the scourge of spam. The major services that should provided additionally in a Compliance as a Service (CaaS) offering:

  1. Database access control
  2. Separation of duties
  3. Annual risk assessment
  4. Application management
  5. Change control
  6. Data discovery
  7. Data masking
  8. Incident response
  9. Policy creation and enforcement
  10. Real-time data protection
  11. Repair of vulnerabilities
  12. Personnel training
  13. Service configuration

Advantages of Compliance as a Service (CaaS) –

  1. In cloud, Encryption is quite arduous to track which is simplified by the Compliance as a Service. To fulfill the needs of end user and organizations around governance including compliance, they use a cloud provider’s service. These services deliver pre-built behaviors with specific regulations, such as needed encryption levels.
  2. Compliance as a Services are configurable i.e. no development is required. This is cost effective for the organizations and it reduce the maintenance along with changing regulations, as well as internal and external policies of the corporations.
  3. Expertise and Knowledge: CaaS providers have expertise and knowledge of regulatory compliance requirements and can help organizations navigate complex regulatory landscapes.
  4. Improved Compliance: CaaS helps organizations improve compliance by providing tools and services that automate compliance management and monitoring, reduce human errors, and improve audit readiness.
  5. Scalability: CaaS is scalable, which means that it can be tailored to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.
  6. Reduced Risk: By using CaaS, organizations can reduce the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties, fines, and reputational damage.
  7. Flexibility: CaaS offers flexibility, as organizations can choose which compliance services to use based on their specific needs and requirements.
  8. Faster Time-to-Market: CaaS enables organizations to launch new products and services faster by reducing the time and resources required for compliance management.
  9. Improved Transparency: CaaS provides improved transparency into compliance management activities, which can help organizations build trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders.
  10. Easy Integration: CaaS can be easily integrated with other cloud services and applications, making it easier for organizations to manage compliance across multiple platforms.

Disadvantages of Compliance as a Service (CaaS) –

  1. Cloud service consumers will be held responsible for any issues with the compliance services. Its mandatory that customer validate the compliance services to ensure that there are no issues.
  2. It is impossible to Compliance as a Service providers to support all the regulations among all the countries. Also, as all the services are cloud based then there is always a risk that providers will stop to providing the services at any time because of low uses of their services. So, end-user and organization become dependent on service providers. Overall these are some critical aspects which falls under drawbacks of CaaS.
  3. Dependence on Service Providers: Organizations become dependent on CaaS providers for compliance management, which can be a disadvantage as it reduces control and flexibility.
  4. Limited Customization: CaaS providers offer pre-built compliance behaviors and services, which may not always meet the specific needs and requirements of organizations. This can lead to limited customization options.
  5. Integration Issues: Integrating CaaS with other systems and applications can be challenging, particularly when it comes to ensuring compatibility with existing infrastructure.
  6. Data Security Risks: CaaS providers may store sensitive data in their cloud environment, which can be vulnerable to security risks such as data breaches or cyber attacks. This can put the organization’s compliance posture and reputation at risk.
  7. Limited Visibility: CaaS can provide limited visibility into compliance activities, which can make it difficult for organizations to assess their compliance posture and make informed decisions.
  8. Cost: While CaaS can be cost-effective for some organizations, it can also be expensive, particularly for organizations with complex compliance requirements that require extensive customization.