complx.Inf() Function in Golang With Examples

complx.Inf() Function in Golang is used to returns a complex infinity, complex(+Inf, +Inf). TO use this function one must need to import the “math/cmplx” package.


func Inf() complex128

Return Type: It returns a complex infinity.

Example 1:

// Golang program to illustrate
// the complx.Inf() Function
package main
// importing fmt and math/cmplx
import (
// calling main method
func main() {
    // returns the complex Infinite number
    fmt.Printf("%f", cmplx.Inf())



Example 2: You can also generate a complex infinite number as shown below

// Golang program to generate
// complex infinite number
package main
// importing fmt and math
import (
// calling main method
func main() {
    // returns a infinite value
    inf := math.Inf(1)
    // make a complex infinite number
    cmp := complex(inf, inf)
    // print the number
    fmt.Printf("%f", cmp)

