complx.Rect() Function in Golang With Examples

complx.Rect() Function in Golang returns the complex number x with polar coordinates r, θ. It takes the float value as input and return complex number. This method belongs to complex package.


func Rect(r, θ float64) complex128;

Here, r and θ are the complex numbers with float64 real as well as imaginary parts.

Return Value: It returns a complex number of polar coordinates r and θ.

Example 1: This example computes the value by passing arguments(5, 45).

// Golang program to illustrate
// the complx.Rect() Function
 package main 
// importing fmt and math/cmplx
  import (
    // Calling Main method
    func main () {
    // using the function
    fmt.Printf ("%.1f", cmplx.Rect (5, 45)) 



Example 2:

// Golang program to illustrate
// the complx.Rect() Function
 package main
// importing fmt, math and math/cmplx
import (
// Calling Main method
func main() {
    // using the function   
    fmt.Printf("%.1f,", cmplx.Rect(5, 4*math.Pi)) 
    fmt.Printf("%.1f", cmplx.Rect(5, 90))

