Compute Cauchy Density in R Programming – dcauchy() Function

dcauchy() function in R Language is used to calculate the cauchy density. It also creates a density plot of cauchy distribution.

Syntax: dcauchy(vec, scale)

vec: x-values for cauchy function
scale: Scale for plotting

Example 1:

# R Program to compute cauchy density
# Creating vector for x-values
x <- seq(1, 10, by = 1)
# Apply dcauchy() Function
y <- dcauchy(x, scale = 5)


 [1] 0.06121344 0.05488101 0.04681028 0.03881828 0.03183099 0.02609097
 [7] 0.02150742 0.01788258 0.01501462 0.01273240

Example 2:

# R Program to compute cauchy density
# Creating vector for x-values
x <- seq(1, 10, by = 1)
# Apply dcauchy() Function
y <- dcauchy(x, scale = 5)
# Plotting a graph
