Concatenate Two Strings in R programming – paste() method

paste() method in R programming is used to concatenate the two string values by separating with delimiters.

Syntax: paste(string1, string2, sep=)

Return: Returns the concatenate string.

Example 1:

# R program to concatenate two strings
# Given Strings
string1 <- "Beginner"
string2 <- "Beginner"
# Using paste() method
answer <- paste(string1, string2, sep=" For ")


[1] "Beginner For Beginner"

Example 2:

# R program to concatenate two strings
# Given Strings
string1 <- "I Love"
string2 <- "R programming"
# Using paste() method
answer <- paste(string1, string2, sep=" ")


[1] "I Love R programming"