How to Configure and Integrate Maven in Jenkins?

Maven integration with Jenkins makes Java project development and deployment easier. Step-by-step instructions for integrating Maven with Jenkins are provided in this guide. You will discover how to set up Jenkins for Maven, manage project dependencies, automate builds, and enhance software delivery pipelines.

What Is Maven?

Maven is a powerful project management tool that is based on POM (project object model). It is used for project build, dependency, and documentation. It simplifies the build process like ANT. But it is too much more advanced than ANT. In short terms we can tell maven is a tool that can be used for building and managing any Java-based project. maven makes the day-to-day work of Java developers easier and generally helps with the comprehension of any Java-based project.

Different Types Of Ways to Configure Maven in Jenkins

  • Using Jenkins Plugin
  • Using Jenkins CLI

Configuring Maven Using Jenkins Plugin

Follow the steps mentioned below to configure Maven using Jenkins UI.

Step 1: Click on the “Manage Jenkins” option in the navigation menu, sidebar, or user dropdown, click on it. This will take you to the Jenkins configuration management page where you can access various settings and options for managing your Jenkins server.

Step 2: After clicking on “Manage Jenkins” in the Jenkins dashboard, you’ll find a section or category called “Tools” within the management options.

Step 3: Here we are choosing the version maven3.9.6 you can configure according to your requiurment.

  • Maven installations: This is the title at the top of the section, indicating you’re adding a new Maven installation.
  • Add Maven: This button initiates the process of adding a new Maven installation.
  • Name: This field allows you to specify a name for this particular Maven installation. It helps distinguish between different Maven versions you might manage within Jenkins. The example shows maven3.9.6 as the name.
  • Install automatically? This checkbox determines how Jenkins retrieves Maven. If checked (as in the image), Jenkins will automatically download and install the chosen Maven version during configuration.
  • Install from Apache: This radio button selection (pre-selected in the image) instructs Jenkins to download the Maven installer from the official Apache Maven repository.
  • Version: This dropdown menu allows you to choose the specific Maven version you want to install. The current selection is 3.9.6.
  • Add Installer: If you select to install from a custom location rather than the default Apache repository, this button would allow you to upload a custom Maven installer.
  • Save: Clicking this button saves the configuration and installs Maven if the “Install automatically” checkbox is selected.
  • Apply: Clicking this button applies the configuration changes without saving them permanently.

Configuring Maven Using Jenkins CLI

Follow the steps mentioned below to configure maven in jenkins using jenkins CLI

Step 1: Using the below command, first verify whether the maven is installed or not.

mvn -v
  • mvn: This is the executable for the Maven command-line tool.
  • -v: This is a flag that tells mvn to display the version information.

In my instance, the error “command not found” indicates that Maven is not installed, as you can see in the image. Rewrite the sentence

Step 2: To install Maven within your Jenkins environment, use this command:

sudo apt install maven
  • sudo: stands for “superuser do” and is used to execute commands with administrative privileges. Since installing software often requires modifying system files, sudo is necessary to grant those permissions.
  • apt: is the package manager used by Debian-based systems. It manages the installation, removal, and updating of software packages. Think of it like a central app store for your system.
  • install: is a command within the apt package manager that instructs it to install a specific software package.
  • maven: is the name of the software package you want to install. In this case, it’s “maven,” which refers to the Apache Maven software, a popular build automation tool used for managing project lifecycles in software development.

Step 2: Once you’ve run the sudo apt install maven command, let’s verify if the installation was successful.

mvn -v

The image confirms successful Maven 3.8.7 installation using sudo apt install maven.

Integrate Maven in Jenkins – FAQ’s

What is the benefit of integrating Maven with Jenkins?

Jenkins and Maven integration gives you a potent combination for automating your Java development process. This is the reason why:

  • Boost Efficiency: You may focus on more strategic work by automating repetitive build, test, and deployment operations that are controlled by Maven and Jenkins execution.
  • Improve Quality: Make use of Maven’s build configurations and dependency management to guarantee consistency. Jenkins streamlines workflows, decreasing human mistakes and encouraging dependable releases.

How to use POM xml in Jenkins?

Jenkins uses the data in the POM.xml file for your project to automate build processes. How to do it is as follows:

Set up a Jenkins job by creating a new one and pointing it to the POM.xml-containing project directory.

  • Jenkins Finds the Steps to Build: Jenkins automatically determines tasks like compilation, testing, and packaging based on the POM.xml parameters.
  • Execute Build Workflow: Jenkins starts the build process—for example, manually or by making modifications to version control—according to the configuration of your task.
  • Maven Manages Reliances: The project dependencies are specified in POM.xml. Jenkins downloads and manages these dependencies using Maven during the build process.

Can we use Jenkins without Maven?

Yes, Jenkins may be used without Maven. Beyond simply Java applications, Jenkins is a versatile automation platform that can handle a variety of jobs. This is a succinct explanation:

  • Because Jenkins operates on its own, you may create pipelines to carry out a variety of functions, such as launching apps, executing scripts, and sending out notifications.
  • Jenkins isn’t restricted to the Java build process, even if Maven is quite good at creating Java projects.