Connected component definition & meaning in DSA

Connected component in an undirected graph refers to a group of vertices that are connected to each other through edges, but not connected to other vertices outside the group.

For example in the graph shown below, {0, 1, 2} form a connected component and {3, 4} form another connected component.

Example of connected components

Characteristics of Connected Component:

  • A connected component is a set of vertices in a graph that are connected to each other.
  • A graph can have multiple connected components.
  • Inside a component, each vertex is reachable from every other vertex in that component.

How to identify  Connected Component:

There are several algorithms to identify Connected Components in a graph. The most popular ones are:

Applications of  Connected Component:

  • Graph Theory: It is used to find subgraphs or clusters of nodes that are connected to each other.
  • Computer Networks: It is used to discover clusters of nodes or devices that are linked and have similar qualities, such as bandwidth.
  • Image Processing: Connected components also have usage in image processing.

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