Conservation of Water: Meaning, Methods, Importance and Projects

Conservation of water mainly refers to protecting preserving, and controlling the use of water and its resources. It is the system and techniques used to manage freshwater, reduce wastage, and protect the water and its resources.

Water is the most vital resource for living organisms and one cannot imagine life without water on earth. Nearly 70-80 percent of the earth is covered with water, within which only 1-2 percent is in a pure state and suitable for human consumption. Conservation of water should be one of our chief concerns.

Let’s dive right in.

Table of Content

  • What is Conservation of Water?
  • Why do we Need to Conserve Water?
  • Techniques of Water Conservation

Conservation of Water

This article is especially designed for the students of Class 8, by the subject matter experts of Biology at GFG. In this article, we are going to learn what conservation of water means, why we need to conserve water resources and different techniques of water conservation.

According to the to the World Health Organization Water scarcity impacts 40% of the world’s population, and by 2030, 700 million people will be at-risk of being displaced as a result.

What is Conservation of Water?

Conservation of water refers to protection, preservation as well as control of the usage of water and its resources. It refers to judicious use of water resources and avoiding any wastage.

By practicing water conservation, we can reduce our dependence on groundwater and surface water sources, minimize wastewater discharge, and protect freshwater ecosystems. Water conservation is important because it helps preserve our most precious natural resource – fresh water.

Only 3% of the world’s water is freshwater, and two-thirds of that is locked up in ice caps and glaciers. The remainder is found in underground aquifers (1%), surface waters like lakes and rivers (0.3%), and the atmosphere (0.0001%). That leaves just 0.006% of the world’s total water supply available for human use, which is why it is extremely important to be aware of water conservation techniques.

Importance of Conservation of Water


We need to conserve water because of the following reasons:

  • A better way of life requires all the more new water.
  • Farming and Industrial exercises require all the more new water.
  • As the populace builds the necessity for water is likewise more.
  • Less than 1% of the world’s water is readily accessible for human use.
  • Importance: Conservation ensures sustainable use of this limited resource, preventing water scarcity.

Conservation of Water Methods

The following are the some popular methods for Conservation of Water:

1. Decreasing dissipation misfortunes 

The dissipation of water in sticky locales can be diminished by putting it flat. Boundaries of black-top underneath the dirt surface.

2. Lessening water system misfortunes

Sprinkling and water system monitors water by 30-40%. The water system in the early morning (or) later night lessens dissipation misfortunes. Developing cross-breed crop assortments additionally moderate water.

4. Reuse of water

 Treated squandered water can be reused for the water system. Water from washings, restrooms, and so on can be utilized for washing vehicles and planting.

5. Forestalling of wastage of water

Shutting the taps when not being used and fixing any spillage from pipes.

6. Diminishing runoff misfortunes

Runoff, on the greater part of the dirt, can be decreased by utilizing shape development (or) Porch cultivating.

7. Stay away from the release of sewage

removal into normal water assets ought to be kept away from.

Project Ideas on Water Conservations

The following are some cool Project Ideas:

  1. Water Audit at School:
    • Conduct a water audit in your school to identify areas of water waste and build some creative system to save those Water or utilize that in other areas.
  2. Community Awareness Campaign:
    • Create a multimedia campaign (posters, videos, social media) to raise awareness about the Importance of Water saving and Show How they can save water and recycle it.
  3. Rainwater Harvesting Model:
    • Create a small Scale Harvesting system which uses Rainwater for irregation.
  4. Water-Saving Devices:
    • Design and build simple water-saving devices like Water conservation tank, automatic water saving devices with sensors.
  5. Water Footprint Analysis:
    • Research and calculate the water footprint of common products or daily activities. Conduct deep research on that.

Conclusion on Conservation of Water

Awareness should be created for conservation of water among family, friends, relatives etc. Conservation of water is essential as it saves life on earth. Water conservation includes a range of activities from personal choices like turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, to large-scale infrastructure projects like dams and desalination plants. In this article, we have discussed what conservation of water means, why we need to conserve water and different techniques of water conservation. This is an important chapter to learn for the Biology students of Class 8.

FAQs on Conservation of Water

1. What are the 4 ways to conserve water?

The 4 ways to conserve water include:

  1. To not let water run while brushing teeth.
  2. To take short showers.
  3. Close the drain before turning water on in a tub.
  4. Waste water to be used for water plants.

2. What are 5 methods of water conservation?

5 methods of water conservation include:

  1. To take bath with a bucket and not shower.
  2. To keep sprinklers off
  3. Turn off the taps after use
  4. Fill up the washing-up bowl and conserve water.
  5. Use of leftover water for various purposes.

3. What is water conservation?

Water conservation refers to the judicious use of water resources using different management techniques and avaiding wastage.

4. Why is conservation of water important class 8?

Water is the most vital ingredient for living organisms on earth. Nearly 70-80 percent of the earth is covered with water, and only 1-2 percent of it is in a pure state and suitable for human consumption. This is why conservation of water sis important before we are left with none of it.

5. What are the aims of water conservation?

With less than 1% of the worlds water being freshwater, the aim of water conservation is to make sure of the availability of water for future generations where the withdrawal of freshwater from an ecosystem does not exceed its natural replacement rate.