Constructor toGenericString() method in Java with Examples

The toGenericString() method of java.lang.reflect.Constructor class is used to return get the generic form of this constructor, i.e. a string representing the details about this constructor including the type parameters.


public String toGenericString()

Parameters: This method accepts nothing.

Return: This method returns a generic form of this constructor as a string that describes this Constructor along with the type parameters.

Below programs illustrate toGenericString() method:
Program 1:

// Java program to illustrate
// toGenericString() method
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // create a class object
        Class classObj = shape.class;
        // get Constructor object
        // array from class object
        Constructor[] cons = classObj.getConstructors();
        // check get string representation
        String str = cons[0].toGenericString();
        // print result
        System.out.println("Constructor : " + str);
    public class shape {
        public shape(Object... objects)


Constructor : public GFG$shape(GFG, java.lang.Object...)

Program 2:

// Java program to illustrate
// toGenericString() method
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // create a class object
        Class classObj = String.class;
        // get Constructor object
        // array from class object
        Constructor[] cons
            = classObj.getConstructors();
        for (int i = 0; i < cons.length; i++) {
            String str = cons[i].toGenericString();
            // print result


public java.lang.String(byte[], int, int)
public java.lang.String(byte[], java.nio.charset.Charset)
public java.lang.String(byte[], java.lang.String) throws
public java.lang.String(byte[], int, int, java.nio.charset.Charset)
public java.lang.String(byte[], int, int, java.lang.String) throws
public java.lang.String(java.lang.StringBuilder)
public java.lang.String(java.lang.StringBuffer)
public java.lang.String(byte[])
public java.lang.String(int[], int, int)
public java.lang.String()
public java.lang.String(char[])
public java.lang.String(java.lang.String)
public java.lang.String(char[], int, int)
public java.lang.String(byte[], int)
public java.lang.String(byte[], int, int, int)
