Contest Experiences | AtCoder: Regular Contest 153

AtCoder conducts regular contests for competitive programming enthusiasts to showcase and practice their skills. It consist of 6 problems which have to be solved in a duration of 120 minutes.

AtCoder regular contest 153 had a similar pattern. There were no prizes for this contest rather it was a rated contest in the rated range of 0-2799.
The score associated with each task was as follows:-

  • TASK A: 300
  • TASK B: 500
  • TASK C: 600
  • TASK D: 800
  • TASK E: 800
  • TASK F: 1000

The total score was calculated by considering both the total scores and the penalties. The penalties are computed as (the time you spend to get your current score) + (5 minutes) * (the number of incorrect attempts).


Overview of the Challenge:


Difficulty Level


Approx Time Spent

Number Of Attempts



Maths and tuple

5 -6 mins




array and sequences

20-25 mins




observation and summation properties

30 -40 mins




mod and dp

1 hr

1 (after contest ended)




1 hr

2(after contest ended)



biconnected components and block-cut trees


couldn’t solve

My Experiencewith each question:


  • Objective: Find a 9-digit beautiful number AABCDDEFE using the digits A, B, C, D, E, and F, with the condition that A is not 0.
  • Key observation: The integer AABCDDEFE corresponds to a 6-tuple (A, B, C, D, E, F) in lexicographical order.
  • Limited count of 6-tuples satisfied the conditions.
  • Calculated the nth tuple.
  • Given constraints facilitated listing all tuples and finding the nth tuple.

Task B: Grid Rotations

  • Key observation: For each operation (x, y), the indices are independently flipped for height and width.
  • This observation was verified with given sample cases.
  • Objective: Calculate arrays for both height and width to determine the result using these indices.
  • Operation ‘x’ flipping involved:
    1. Reversing the entire array.
    2. Rotating the index array to the right by len – x, where len is either the height or width.
  • When two consecutive operations were performed, the reversals canceled each other out.
  • Performing ‘x‘ followed by ‘y‘ was equivalent to rotating elements right by ‘x‘ and then by ‘len – y‘.
  • This strategy allowed simulating an even number of operations, and if ‘Q‘ was odd, the final step could be replicated directly.

Task C: Increasing Sequence

  • Initially faced challenges understanding the problem and developing a solution.
  • Derived an approach that was eventually accepted.
  • Special case handling: If A[0] = -1, flipped the sign of A[i] to ensure A[0] was always positive.
  • Introduced variables: S for the sum of x[i] with A[i] positive and R for the sum of x[i] with A[i] negative.
  • The goal was to find unique x[i] values such that S = R.
  • Started with the initialization of x[i] as i, based on an observation.
  • Two cases:
    1. If S > R, subtracted (S-R) from x[i].
    2. If S < R, iterated from i = n-1 to 0, adding (R-S) to x[i].
  • The iteration ensured that S and R would become equal at some point, indicating success.
  • If S still didn’t equal R in the end, checked if the sum of A[i] was 0 to confirm no solution.
  • Reset x[i] = i and, from i = 0 to n-1, subtracted (R-S) from x[i] to stop when S = R.

Task D: Sum of Digits

  • Initially unable to solve the problem during the contest.
  • Realized a key insight after the contest ended, leading to a late solution.
  • The solution involved calculating an additional number in the format 10x+1.
  • Implemented a recursive approach to compute the value of the function for smaller values of x.
  • When max(A) = 1, the function F(A) equals the sum of
  • Applied dynamic programming to recursively calculate states using dp[k][n], where dp[k][n] represented F(A(k,n)), computed in descending order of k.
  • Introduced Fr(A) as the minimum value of the above function for x such that x ≡ r (mod 10).

Task E: Deque Minimization

  • Initially, a greedy approach was adopted for the problem.
  • The approach involved initializing an empty string S and performing operations for each digit of the number X.
  • For each operation, if the decimal notation of the current character was greater than the first character of S, it was inserted at the end of S; otherwise, it was inserted at the beginning.
  • This process generated a positive integer Y that represented S.
  • Dynamic programming (dp) was employed to solve the problem with O(n^2) complexity.
  • Specifically, dp[L][R] was defined as the number of integers X that yielded the Lth through Rth characters of Y.
  • An initial incorrect submission occurred due to the oversight of the case when L < R.
  • In the subsequent submission, dp[L][R] was calculated using dp[L+1][R] and dp[L][R−1].

Task F: Tri-Coloured Paths

  • Though i could understand the logic and how it worked but i had no idea about the implementation of data structures used for implementing the solution.
  • A colouring is bad when edges in every colour exist and the condition in question is not satisfied. That is, any simple path contains edges in two or fewer colours.
  • So we had to count the bad colouring which could be implemented using bi-connected components and Block-cut tree.


The problem-set was challenging with a mix of math, dynamic programming, and data structures. Although I couldn’t complete all the questions, it was a valuable experience.