Continuous Testing in Software Testing

Prerequisite: Software Testing

In this article, we will discuss what is continuous testing, how it is performed, why it is performed, and finally the benefits that we get by implementing this testing. So, let’s go inside the article to know more about it.

Testing in Software Development

Software testing is a part of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC is nothing but the end-to-end processes (stages) of developing software from gathering requirements to the deployment of software.  

Whenever software is developed, it goes through the testing phase to ensure the quality of the software and to identify bugs to be fixed by the developers.  

Traditionally testing is done after the software is developed completely. The development of software is split into many parts. Once a team completes developing a part of the software then that part is given to another team and that team hands over the software to another once they complete their part. This continues until the software is completely developed. This method of developing software is known as the waterfall model.  

While the waterfall model allows for dedicated time for each phase of development and enables teams to focus on specific tasks, it does not inherently guarantee the best results. Its rigid sequential nature may lead to challenges in adapting to changing requirements and incorporating feedback, potentially impacting the outcome.

As the demand for faster development and delivery of software to customers increases, organizations adopt the agile software development model. Incremental activities are performed continuously in this model.  

Nowadays, DevOps is adopted by organizations for software development which uses collaborative processes and the responsibility is shared among the teams. DevOps is another methodology of software development like waterfall and agile. It is better than the previous ones.

This evolution of software development models leads organizations to use automation, Continuous Integration (CI), and Continuous Delivery (CD) that require continuous testing (CT).  

Continuous Testing(CT)

Continuous testing is a process of automated testing done on software continuously as soon as a piece of code is delivered by the developers. This testing is done at every stage starting from the initial stages of development until the deployment of software.  

Why do organizations go for continuous testing?

  • It would take a lot of time and manpower to test the software whenever a new feature is added to the software.
  • But organizations want more efficient and easier solutions. That’s why organizations adopt a new approach “continuous testing” which delivers faster and seamless development of software and also releases high-quality software in a short period.
  • With continuous testing, code is automatically tested as soon as it’s integrated into the previous set of codes.

How does continuous testing work?

  • By conducting automated tests right from the early stages of release.
  • By testing often.
  • And by testing everywhere. i.e. in different environments and devices.

Role of Automation in Continuous Testing

Yes. Just imagine doing all the tests frequently as soon as a set of code is released by developers to be tested manually. It’s almost impossible and if it’s possible then it would cost much more than spent on automation.  

Continuous testing is possible only because of test automation and it is essential for CI and CD. Test automation is a tool that helps test the performance and functionality of code. So continuous testing and automation is undoubtedly an efficient and effective combo.  

Benefits of Implementing Continuous Testing

  • More frequent releases and delivery of software.
  • Risks are potentially reduced by performing testing from the early stages of development.
  • Lower costs by identifying bugs at the initial stages, which saves the time and cost of changing later on.
  • Higher product quality because of frequent testing.
  • Easy implementation.
  • The testing process may be made simpler, faster, and more dependable with the help of solutions that facilitate continuous testing.
  • accelerate delivery to production and release more quickly.

Challenges of Continuous Testing

  • Code integration: Developers that don’t integrate their code often (recommended many times per day) lead to defect problems with redundant coding efforts and incompatible code.
  • Update testing strategy: Continuous testing can’t attain its full potential if just conventional testing techniques are used, and if test data management is not explicitly specified.
  • Test environments: Ensure that your test environments are compatible with your source repository to enable smooth testing of the most recent code.
  • Environments in use during production: To guarantee that every aspect was thoroughly tested, make sure your production environments mirror the test environment.