Contribution to Society by Civil Services

The Indian Civil Services is an organization that acts as the backbone of the country’s administrative machinery. The strength of this organization lies in its strict adherence to values and principles, professionalism, integrity, and dedication, which are among some of the many factors that make it commendable. The entire network of the Indian Civil Services spans all the 32 states of India and 3 Union Territories. These states can be divided into 7 major geographical regions called ‘circles’, namely- Northern, Eastern, Western, Southern, Central, North-Eastern, and Andaman & Nicobar Circle.

What is Civil Services?

The civil service is a professional body that carries out the administrative work of government. It is made up of career bureaucrats who are hired based on their qualifications and performance. In general, employees of the civil service can be classified into three categories: senior managers, professionals, and clerical workers. In modern times, many people have gone through formal study to get degrees for these jobs.

Importance of Civil Service in India:

  • The Indian civil services were first established by the British East India Company in 1858 to take more control over India. 
  • The civil services were first established by Warren Hastings, but Lord Cornwallis modernized and restructured them. Thus, Cornwallis is referred to be the “Father of the Civil Service in India.”
  • After India’s independence from British rule in 1947, the civil service was retained by the new Indian government. 
  • The civil service plays an important role in contributing to society by providing efficient and effective administration of government policies and programs. 
  • The civil service also acts as a check on corruption and provides a career path for talented young Indians who want to serve their country. 
  • A high-ranking civil servant can reach out to many people with just one phone call or email. For example, the chief secretary of Delhi runs a department that employs more than 300,000 people. 
  • Civil servants often supervise other departments within ministries and ensure that they are meeting their objectives.
  • The civil service is a professional body that carries out administrative work on behalf of the government.
  • They play an important role in ensuring that government policy is implemented and that services are delivered effectively. 
  • They also play a vital role in providing impartial advice to ministers and ensuring that laws are interpreted and applied correctly.
  • The civil service contributes significantly to society by ensuring that the government runs smoothly and efficiently. 
  • It assists ministers with decisions, provides them with information, and helps them make informed choices.
  • It also ensures that policies are carried out successfully and makes sure government money is well spent.

Need for Civil Services:

In every society, there are certain functions that need to be performed for that society to run smoothly. These functions are typically performed by civil servants. Some examples of these functions include maintaining law and order, collecting taxes, providing social services, and infrastructure development. The civil service performs many different tasks to serve the public good. Civil servants can often perform several different roles depending on the specific situation or circumstance at hand. For example, if a natural disaster occurs, civil servants may serve as emergency responders by trying to save lives and property or assisting with evacuation efforts.

Functions of Civil Services:

  • The civil service is responsible for carrying out the laws and policies of the government. 
  • They also provide services to the public and oversee many different areas of government.
  • Civil servants work in a variety of fields, such as education, health care, transportation, and environmental protection.
  • They also help to develop new laws and regulations. 
  • In addition, civil servants often play a role in emergency management and disaster relief. One example is the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA coordinates with other organizations to prepare for disasters that may occur and helps citizens recover from them when they do happen.
  • Other functions include regulation enforcement, safety oversight, intelligence gathering, and providing services like social security or national security benefits.

Constitutional Provisions Related to Civil Services:

The civil services in India are classified into two – All India Services and Central Services. The Indian Constitution provides for a dual polity, namely, the Union Government and State Governments. There is a clear demarcation of powers and functions between the two levels of government. The Central Civil Services (CCS) are under the direct control of the Union Government while the State Civil Services (SCS) are under the control of the individual State Governments. Both these services play a significant role in governance.

According to Articles 53 and 154, the President or Governor may exercise his or her executive authority personally or via officers who report to him. Part XIV of the Constitution governs these officers, who make up the permanent civil service.

The Government of India (Transaction of Business) Rules describe how the officials are expected to assist the President or Governor in carrying out their executive duties.

Problems Affecting Civil Services Today:

  • One of the most pressing issues is a lack of funding. This has led to a decrease in the number of employees, which in turn has led to an increase in workloads. 
  • Additionally, there has been a decrease in the quality of training and development programs. This has led to a decrease in morale and an increase in turnover rates. 
  • Finally, there has been an increase in political interference in civil services. This has led to a decline in impartiality and efficiency.

Major criticisms of Indian Civil Services:

  • Indian civil services have been criticized for being corrupt, inefficient, and lacking in accountability. 
  • Additionally, it has been argued that an Indian civil service is a tool of political patronage and that its members are more concerned with furthering their careers than serving the public good. 
  • Some argue that the very existence of the Indian civil service is a hindrance to economic development, as it stifles entrepreneurship and innovation.

Example of Social Work By Indian Civil Service:

Indian civil servants play a vital role in society by providing social services. They help the poor and needy by providing them with essential goods and services, and also help in the development of infrastructure. By doing so, they contribute to the overall well-being of society. 
Civil servants are involved in many programs like ‘Aajeevika’ which is aimed at empowering people from vulnerable sections of society by ensuring their livelihoods. The schemes such as Indira Awaas Yojana and Jawahar Rozgar Yojana were launched for eradicating poverty from rural areas.

Benefits of Civil Services to Society:

  1. Civil servants help to keep society functioning smoothly and efficiently.
  2. They play an important role in ensuring that laws are enforced and that people have the necessary support and services.
  3. Civil servants also help to protect the most vulnerable members of society, such as children and the elderly.
  4. They work tirelessly to make sure that everyone has access to basic needs like food, shelter, and healthcare.

The Role of Civil Services in Contributing to Society:

A civil service is a group of government employees who work in various executive branch agencies. The primary role of the civil service is to support the government in carrying out its policies. In addition, they help to develop and implement policies that improve the lives of citizens, and they also provide essential services that protect the public. Civil servants are an important part of any society, and they play a vital role in ensuring that the government runs smoothly.

Duties and Responsibilities of Civil Services:

  • The duties and responsibilities of civil servants are many and varied but can be broadly divided into three main categories: policy formulation, implementation and administration, and service delivery. 
  • Policy formulation involves providing advice and support to ministers on the development of new policy initiatives.
  • Implementation and administration involve putting government policy into effect and delivering public services.
  • Service delivery encompasses everything from manning emergency services to processing benefits claims. 

Civil servants must be impartial and work within the confines of the law, serving the public to the best of their ability. They often hold sensitive positions such as judges or police officers. Their task is critical for any functioning society, as they are relied on to maintain peace and protect the citizens from external threats like natural disasters or wars. In addition, without the help of civil servants, societies would not function smoothly because it would be impossible to implement new laws or keep track of who has completed which forms are necessary for some other service. A system would need a large number of civil servants to run efficiently and these employees are vital to the development and maintenance of any civilized country.

Way forward:

The way forward to the criticism of civil services is to address the root causes of the problems and to work on improving the system from within. The first step is to acknowledge that there are problems and that they need to be fixed. The second step is to identify the root causes of the problems. The third step is to come up with solutions to address the root causes. The fourth step is to implement the solutions. And finally, the fifth step is to monitor and evaluate the results of the solutions.

In terms of public service, officers have received training to handle every kind of challenge. Instead of acting as controllers, they will have to act as facilitators, and instead of being providers, they will have to act as enablers. They must equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and ability to take on new difficulties.