Convert Binary fraction to Decimal

Given an string of binary number n. Convert binary fractional n into it’s decimal equivalent.


Input: n = 110.101
Output: 6.625

Input: n = 101.1101
Output: 5.8125
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Following are the steps of converting binary fractional to decimal.

A) Convert the integral part of binary to decimal equivalent

  1. Multiply each digit separately from left side of radix point till the first digit by 20, 21, 22,… respectively.
  2. Add all the result coming from step 1.
  3. Equivalent integral decimal number would be the result obtained in step 2.

B) Convert the fractional part of binary to decimal equivalent

  1. Divide each digit from right side of radix point till the end by 21, 22, 23, … respectively.
  2. Add all the result coming from step 1.
  3. Equivalent fractional decimal number would be the result obtained in step 2.

C) Add both integral and fractional part of decimal number.

Let's take an example for n = 110.101

Step 1: Conversion of 110 to decimal
=> 1102 = (1*22) + (1*21) + (0*20)
=> 1102 = 4 + 2 + 0
=> 1102 = 6
So equivalent decimal of binary integral is 6.

Step 2: Conversion of .101 to decimal
=> 0.1012 = (1*1/2) + (0*1/22) + (1*1/23)
=> 0.1012 = 1*0.5 + 0*0.25 + 1*0.125
=> 0.1012 = 0.625
So equivalent decimal of binary fractional is 0.625

Step 3: Add result of step 1 and 2.
=> 6 + 0.625 = 6.625



// C++ program to demonstrate above steps of
// binary fractional to decimal conversion
using namespace std;
// Function to convert binary fractional to
// decimal
double binaryToDecimal(string binary, int len)
    // Fetch the radix point
    size_t point = binary.find('.');
    // Update point if not found
    if (point == string::npos)
        point = len;
    double intDecimal = 0, fracDecimal = 0, twos = 1;
    // Convert integral part of binary to decimal
    // equivalent
    for (int i = point-1; i>=0; --i)
        // Subtract '0' to convert character
        // into integer
        intDecimal += (binary[i] - '0') * twos;
        twos *= 2;
    // Convert fractional part of binary to
    // decimal equivalent
    twos = 2;
    for (int i = point+1; i < len; ++i)
        fracDecimal += (binary[i] - '0') / twos;
        twos *= 2.0;
    // Add both integral and fractional part
    return intDecimal + fracDecimal;
// Driver code
int main()
    string n = "110.101";
    cout << binaryToDecimal(n, n.length()) << "\n";
    n = "101.1101";
    cout << binaryToDecimal(n, n.length());
    return 0;


// Java program to demonstrate above steps of
// binary fractional to decimal conversion
class GFG{
// Function to convert binary fractional to
// decimal
static double binaryToDecimal(String binary,
                              int len)
    // Fetch the radix point
    int point = binary.indexOf('.');
    // Update point if not found
    if (point == -1)
        point = len;
    double intDecimal = 0
           fracDecimal = 0,
           twos = 1;
    // Convert integral part of binary to decimal
    // equivalent
    for(int i = point - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        intDecimal += (binary.charAt(i) - '0') * twos;
        twos *= 2;
    // Convert fractional part of binary to
    // decimal equivalent
    twos = 2;
    for(int i = point + 1; i < len; i++)
        fracDecimal += (binary.charAt(i) - '0') / twos;
        twos *= 2.0;
    // Add both integral and fractional part
    return intDecimal + fracDecimal;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String n = "110.101";
        binaryToDecimal(n, n.length()));
    n = "101.1101";
        binaryToDecimal(n, n.length()));
// This code is contributed by dheeraj_2801


# Python3 program to demonstrate above steps 
# of binary fractional to decimal conversion 
# Function to convert binary fractional  
# to decimal 
def binaryToDecimal(binary, length) :
    # Fetch the radix point 
    point = binary.find('.')
    # Update point if not found 
    if (point == -1) :
        point = length 
    intDecimal = 0
    fracDecimal = 0
    twos = 1
    # Convert integral part of binary 
    # to decimal equivalent 
    for i in range(point-1, -1, -1) : 
        # Subtract '0' to convert 
        # character into integer 
        intDecimal += ((ord(binary[i]) - 
                        ord('0')) * twos) 
        twos *= 2
    # Convert fractional part of binary 
    # to decimal equivalent 
    twos = 2
    for i in range(point + 1, length):
        fracDecimal += ((ord(binary[i]) -
                         ord('0')) / twos); 
        twos *= 2.0
    # Add both integral and fractional part 
    ans = intDecimal + fracDecimal
    return ans
# Driver code : 
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    n = "110.101"
    print(binaryToDecimal(n, len(n)))
    n = "101.1101"
    print(binaryToDecimal(n, len(n)))
# This code is contributed 
# by aishwarya.27


// C# program to demonstrate above steps of 
// binary fractional to decimal conversion 
using System; 
class GFG{ 
// Function to convert binary fractional to 
// decimal 
static double binaryToDecimal(string binary, 
                              int len) 
    // Fetch the radix point 
    int point = binary.IndexOf('.'); 
    // Update point if not found 
    if (point == -1) 
        point = len; 
    double intDecimal = 0,  
           fracDecimal = 0, 
           twos = 1; 
    // Convert integral part of binary to decimal 
    // equivalent 
    for(int i = point - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
        intDecimal += (binary[i] - '0') * twos; 
        twos *= 2; 
    // Convert fractional part of binary to 
    // decimal equivalent 
    twos = 2; 
    for(int i = point + 1; i < len; i++) 
        fracDecimal += (binary[i] - '0') / twos; 
        twos *= 2.0; 
    // Add both integral and fractional part 
    return intDecimal + fracDecimal; 
// Driver Code 
public static void Main(string[] args) 
    string n = "110.101"
        binaryToDecimal(n, n.Length) + "\n"); 
    n = "101.1101"
        binaryToDecimal(n, n.Length)); 
// This code is contributed by rutvik_56


      // JavaScript program to demonstrate above steps of
      // binary fractional to decimal conversion
      // Function to convert binary fractional to
      // decimal
      function binaryToDecimal(binary, len) {
        // Fetch the radix point
        var point = binary.indexOf(".");
        // Update point if not found
        if (point === -1) point = len;
        var intDecimal = 0,
          fracDecimal = 0,
          twos = 1;
        // Convert integral part of binary to decimal
        // equivalent
        for (var i = point - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          intDecimal += (binary[i] - "0") * twos;
          twos *= 2;
        // Convert fractional part of binary to
        // decimal equivalent
        twos = 2;
        for (var i = point + 1; i < len; i++) {
          fracDecimal += (binary[i] - "0") / twos;
          twos *= 2.0;
        // Add both integral and fractional part
        return intDecimal + fracDecimal;
      // Driver Code
      var n = "110.101";
      document.write(binaryToDecimal(n, n.length) + "<br>");
      n = "101.1101";
      document.write(binaryToDecimal(n, n.length));



Time complexity: O(len(n)) 
Auxiliary space: O(len(n)) 

Where len is the total digits contain in binary number of n.