Converting WhatsApp chat data into a Word Cloud using Python

Let us see how to create a word cloud using a WhatsApp chat file.

Convert the WhatsApp chat file from .txt format to .csv file. This can be done using Pandas. Create a DataFrame which read the .txt file. The .txt file had no columns like it is in an .csv file.

Then, split the data into columns by separating them and giving each column a name. The first line of the dataset in the chat file consists of encryption details which is not required here. Then, name the remaining 2 parts as Date and Convo, both parts of which are separated by a comma i.e. “,”.


df = df.drop(0)
df.columns = ['Date', 'Convo']

Now, separate the Convo data set into columns “Time” and “Content”, both of which are separated by a hyphen i.e. “-“. The data in Convo column is made into a data frame Chat.


Chat = df["Convo"].str.split("-", n = 1
                             expand = True)
df['Time'] = Chat[0]
df['Content'] = Chat[1]

The Content column is created into another data set Chat1, to divide it further into 2 columns, ”User” and “Message”, both of which are separated by a colon i.e. “:”.


Chat1 = df["Content"].str.split(":", n = 1
                                expand = True)
df['User'] = Chat1[0]
df['Message'] = Chat1[1]

Now, dropping the Convo column and converting the Message column into lower case. All column media omitted cells and deleted messages are replaced by the string “Media Shared” and “DeletedMsg”.


df = df.drop(columns = ['Convo'])
df[['Message'] = df['Message'].str.lower()
df['Message'] = df['Message'].str.replace('<media omitted>'
                                          'Media Shared')
df['Message'] = df['Message'].str.replace('this message was deleted'

Finally, the data frame is converted to a .csv file named “new_csv.csv”.


df.to_csv("new_csv.csv", index = False)


Now we have to make a word cloud from this CSV file. For this, we need word cloud and matplotlib.plyplot  packages. Use the new_csv.csv file to read data from it and create a data frame. Create a set of Stopwords and a variable to store all data generated from the WordCloud function. Extracte the data from the Message column containing all the chat texts and converted it into lowercased string.


# importing the modules
import matplotlib.plyplot as mpl
from worcloud import WordCloud,STOPWORDS
# reading the csv file as a DataFrame
df1 = pd.read_csv("new_csv.csv")
# defining the stop words
stopwords = set(STOPWORDS)
# making the word cloud
wordcloud = WordCloud(stopwords = stopwords, 
                      min_font_size = 10,
                      background_color = 'white'
                      width = 800,
                      height = 800,
                      color_func = random_color_func).generate(words)

Here, function “random_color_func” which is used to render random orangish colors to the words. This is done by changing the values in the hsl (hue, saturation, luminance) values.


def random_color_func(word = None
                      font_size = None
                      position = None,  
                      orientation = None
                      font_path = None
                      random_state = None):
    h = int(360.0 * 21.0 / 255.0)
    s = int(100.0 * 255.0 / 255.0)
    l = int(100.0 * float(random_state.randint(60, 120)) / 255.0)

Then use mpl to plot and visualize the words in wordcloud variable.


mpl.figure(figsize = (8, 8), facecolor = None)
mpl.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation = "bilinear")
mpl.tight_layout(pad = 0)

The complete code is below:


import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.plyplot as mpl
from worcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
df = pd.read_csv(r"WhatsAppChat.txt"
                 header = None
                 error_bad_lines = False
                 encoding = 'utf8')
df = df.drop(0)
df.columns = ['Date', 'Convo']
Chat = df["Convo"].str.split("-", n = 1
                             expand = True)
df['Time'] = Chat[0]
df['Content'] = Chat[1]
Chat1 = df["Content"].str.split(": ", n = 1
df['User'] = Chat1[0]
df['Message'] = Chat1[1]
df = df.drop(columns = ['Convo'])
df['Message'] = df['Message'].str.lower()
df['Message'] = df['Message'].str.replace('< media omitted >', 'Media Shared')
df['Message'] = df['Message'].str.replace('this message was deleted', 'DeletedMsg')
df.to_csv("new_csv.csv", index = False)
def random_color_func(word = None
                      font_size = None
                      position = None,  
                      orientation = None
                      font_path = None
                      random_state = None):
    h = int(360.0 * 21.0 / 255.0)
    s = int(100.0 * 255.0 / 255.0)
    l = int(100.0 * float(random_state.randint(60, 120)) / 255.0)
df1 = pd.read_csv("new_csv.csv")
stopwords = set(STOPWORDS)
words = ''.join(df1.Message.astype(str)).lower()
wordcloud = WordCloud(stopwords = stopwords, 
                      min_font_size = 10
                      background_color = 'white'
                      width = 800
                      height = 800
                      color_func = random_color_func).generate(words)
mpl.figure(figsize = (8, 8), facecolor = None)
mpl.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation = "bilinear")
mpl.tight_layout(pad = 0)