Count K-Length Substrings With No Repeated Characters

Given a string S and an integer k, the task is to return the number of substrings in S of length k with no repeated characters.


Input: S = “havefunonleetcode”, k = 5
Output: 6
Explanation: There are 6 substrings they are: ‘havef’,’avefu’,’vefun’,’efuno’,’etcod’,’tcode’.

Input: S = “home”, k = 5
Output: 0
Explanation: Notice k can be larger than the length of S. In this case, it is not possible to find any substring.


We iterate over the input, expanding and contracting our window.

  • Whenever the window has a repeating character, contract the window until there are no repeating characters.
  • If length of window equals K, add 1 to count of good windows and then contract the window.
    • This works because since we checked and got rid of repeating characters in step 1, our window of length K must NOT have any repeating characters.
    • We contract our window in this step because we don’t want a window that has a length GREATER than K.

Below points we also have to keep in mind:

  • Keep track of our window bounds with left and right.
  • Use a frequency dictionary to keep track of how many times we’ve seen a character.
  • Remember to access frequency dictionary freq[S[right]] and not just freq[right]
  • Check if right – left + 1 == K because we’ve added right to our frequency dictionary but we haven’t actually incremented right yet

Steps-by-step approach:

  • Initialize variables:
    • Create an unordered_map to store the frequency of each character in the current window.
    • Initialize result to 0, which will store the number of substrings of length K with no repeating characters.
    • Initialize left and right pointers to 0, which will represent the current window.
  • Slide the window:
    • Iterate through the string S using the right pointer.
    • For each character S[right], increment its frequency in the freq map.
    • Remove duplicates:
  • While the frequency of the current character S[right] is greater than 1 (i.e., there is a duplicate):
    • Decrement the frequency of the leftmost character S[left] in the freq map.
    • Increment the left pointer to move the left side of the window.
  • Count good windows:
    • If the size of the current window (right – left + 1) is equal to K, it means we have found a substring of length K with no repeating characters.
    • Increment the result.
    • Decrement the frequency of the leftmost character S[left] in the freq map and increment the left pointer to slide the window.
  • Increment the right pointer:
    • Increment the right pointer to move the right side of the window.
  • Return the final result.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to count substrings of length K with no
// repeating characters
int numKLenSubstrNoRepeats(const string& S, int K)
    if (K > S.size()) {
        return 0; // K cannot be larger than string length

    // Use unordered_map to store character frequencies
    unordered_map<char, int> freq;
    int count_of_good_lenK_windows = 0;
    int left = 0, right = 0;

    while (right < S.size()) {
        // Add character to frequency map

        // tep 1: Slide window until no duplicates**
        while (freq[S[right]] > 1) {
            // Remove character from left side of window

        //  Step 2: Count good windows**
        if (right - left + 1 == K) {

            // Move left window and adjust frequency


    return count_of_good_lenK_windows;

int main()
    string S = "havefunonleetcode";
    int K = 5;

    int count = numKLenSubstrNoRepeats(S, K);
    cout << "Number of substrings of length " << K
         << " with no repeating characters: " << count
         << endl;

    return 0;
import java.util.HashMap;

public class Main {
    // Function to count substrings of length K with no
    // repeating characters
    public static int numKLenSubstrNoRepeats(String S,
                                             int K)
        if (K > S.length()) {
            return 0; // K cannot be larger than string
                      // length

        // Use HashMap to store character frequencies
        HashMap<Character, Integer> freq = new HashMap<>();
        int count_of_good_lenK_windows = 0;
        int left = 0, right = 0;

        while (right < S.length()) {
            // Add character to frequency map
                     freq.getOrDefault(S.charAt(right), 0)
                         + 1);

            // Step 1: Slide window until no duplicates
            while (freq.get(S.charAt(right)) > 1) {
                // Remove character from left side of window
                         freq.get(S.charAt(left)) - 1);

            // Step 2: Count good windows
            if (right - left + 1 == K) {

                // Move left window and adjust frequency
                         freq.get(S.charAt(left)) - 1);


        return count_of_good_lenK_windows;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        String S = "havefunonleetcode";
        int K = 5;

        int count = numKLenSubstrNoRepeats(S, K);
            "Number of substrings of length " + K
            + " with no repeating characters: " + count);

// This code is contributed by Shivam Gupta
from collections import defaultdict

# Function to count substrings of length K with no repeating characters
def numKLenSubstrNoRepeats(S, K):
    if K > len(S):
        return 0  # K cannot be larger than string length

    # Use defaultdict to store character frequencies
    freq = defaultdict(int)
    count_of_good_lenK_windows = 0
    left = 0
    right = 0

    while right < len(S):
        # Add character to frequency map
        freq[S[right]] += 1

        # Step 1: Slide window until no duplicates
        while freq[S[right]] > 1:
            # Remove character from left side of window
            freq[S[left]] -= 1
            left += 1

        # Step 2: Count good windows
        if right - left + 1 == K:
            count_of_good_lenK_windows += 1

            # Move left window and adjust frequency
            freq[S[left]] -= 1
            left += 1

        right += 1

    return count_of_good_lenK_windows

# Driver code
S = "havefunonleetcode"
K = 5

count = numKLenSubstrNoRepeats(S, K)
print(f"Number of substrings of length {K} with no repeating characters: {count}")
// Function to count substrings of length K with no repeating characters
function numKLenSubstrNoRepeats(S, K) {
    if (K > S.length) {
        return 0; // K cannot be larger than string length

    // Use a Map to store character frequencies
    const freq = new Map();
    let count_of_good_lenK_windows = 0;
    let left = 0, right = 0;

    while (right < S.length) {
        // Add character to frequency map
        const rightChar = S[right];
        freq.set(rightChar, (freq.get(rightChar) || 0) + 1);

        // Step 1: Slide window until no duplicates
        while (freq.get(rightChar) > 1) {
            // Remove character from left side of window
            const leftChar = S[left];
            freq.set(leftChar, freq.get(leftChar) - 1);

        // Step 2: Count good windows
        if (right - left + 1 === K) {

            // Move left window and adjust frequency
            const leftChar = S[left];
            freq.set(leftChar, freq.get(leftChar) - 1);


    return count_of_good_lenK_windows;

// Example usage
const S = "havefunonleetcode";
const K = 5;

const count = numKLenSubstrNoRepeats(S, K);
console.log(`Number of substrings of length ${K} with no repeating characters: ${count}`);
// This code is contributed by Yash Agarwal

Number of substrings of length 5 with no repeating characters: 6

Time Complexity: O(n * K)
Auxiliary Space: O(min(n, K))