Count number of vector values in range with R

In this article, we will see how to count the number of vector values present in the given range in R. To achieve this functionality we can follow the following approach.


  • Create vector
  • Set range
  • Iterate through the vector
  • Check for elements that are within the range
  • Add them
  • Display sum

Implementation using this approach is given below.

Example 1:


# declaring a integer point vector
vec <- c(1,12,3,14,-1,-3)
# specifying the range to check the element in
min_range = -2
max_range = 8
# computing the size of the vector
size = length(vec)
# declaring sum =0 as the count of elements in range
sum = 0
# looping over the vector elements
for(i in 1:size)
  # check if elements lies in the range provided
  if(vec[i]>=min_range && vec[i]<=max_range)
  # incrementing count of sum if condition satisfied
  sum =sum+1
print ("Sum of elements in range : ")
print (sum)


[1] “Sum of elements in range : “

[1] 3

Example 2:


# declaring a integer point vector
vec <- c(1,12,3,14,-1,-3,0.1)
# specifying the range to check the element in
min_range = -2
max_range = 8
print ("Sum of elements in specified range : ")
# and operator check if the element is less than
# max range and greater than min range
sum(vec>min_range & vec<max_range)


[1] “Sum of elements in specified range : “

[1] 4

However, if any of the elements of the vector is NA, then sum() method returns NA as the output. It can be ignored by specifying na.rm=TRUE.

Example 3:


# declaring a integer point vector
vec <- c(1,12,3,14,NA,-3,0.1)
# specifying the range to check the element in
min_range = -2
max_range = 8
print ("Sum of elements in specified range without ignoring NA: ")
# and operator check if the element is less than
# max range and greater than min range
sum(vec>min_range & vec<max_range)
print ("Sum of elements in specified range ignoring NA: ")
sum(vec>min_range & vec<max_range,na.rm=TRUE)


[1] “Sum of elements in specified range without ignoring NA: “

[1] NA

[1] “Sum of elements in specified range ignoring NA: “

[1] 3