Count pairs from two sorted matrices with given sum

Given two sorted matrices mat1 and mat2 of size n x n of distinct elements. Given a value x. The problem is to count all pairs from both matrices whose sum is equal to x

Note: The pair has an element from each matrix. Matrices are strictly sorted which means that matrices are sorted in a way such that all elements in a row are sorted in increasing order and for row ‘i’, where 1 <= i <= n-1, first element of row ‘i’ is greater than the last element of row ‘i-1’.


Input : mat1[][] = { {1, 5, 6},
{8, 10, 11},
{15, 16, 18} }

mat2[][] = { {2, 4, 7},
{9, 10, 12},
{13, 16, 20} }
x = 21
Output : 4
The pairs are:
(1, 20), (5, 16), (8, 13) and (11, 10).

Method 1 (Naive Approach): For each element ele of mat1[][] linearly search (x – ele) in mat2[][].

// C++ implementation to count pairs from two 
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a 
// given value x
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define SIZE 10

// function to search 'val' in mat[][]
// returns true if 'val' is present
// else false
bool valuePresent(int mat[][SIZE], int n, int val)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            if (mat[i][j] == val)

                // 'val' found
                return true;

    // 'val' not found
    return false;

// function to count pairs from two sorted matrices
// whose sum is equal to a given value x
int countPairs(int mat1[][SIZE], int mat2[][SIZE],
               int n, int x)
    int count = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)

            // if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is found in mat2[][]
            if (valuePresent(mat2, n, x - mat1[i][j]))

    // required count of pairs
    return count;

// Driver program to test above
int main()
    int mat1[][SIZE] = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                         { 8, 10, 11 },
                         { 15, 16, 18 } };

    int mat2[][SIZE] = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                         { 9, 10, 12 },
                         { 13, 16, 20 } };

    int n = 3;
    int x = 21;

    cout << "Count = "
         << countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x);

    return 0;
// java implementation to count 
// pairs from twosorted matrices 
// whose sum is equal to a given value

class GFG
    int SIZE= 10;
    // function to search 'val' in mat[][]
    // returns true if 'val' is present
    // else false
    static boolean valuePresent(int mat[][], int n, 
                                            int val)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                if (mat[i][j] == val)
                    // 'val' found
                    return true;
        // 'val' not found
        return false;
    // function to count pairs from 
    // two sorted matrices whose sum
    // is equal to a given value x
    static int countPairs(int mat1[][], int mat2[][],
                                        int n, int x)
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                // if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is 
                // found in mat2[][]
                if (valuePresent(mat2, n, x - mat1[i][j]))
        // required count of pairs
        return count;

    // Driver program 
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        int mat1[][] = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                         { 8, 10, 11 },
                         { 15, 16, 18 } };

        int mat2[][] = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                         { 9, 10, 12 },
                         { 13, 16, 20 } };
        int n = 3;
        int x = 21;
        System.out.println ("Count = " +
                           countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

// This article is contributed by vt_m
//C# implementation to count 
// pairs from twosorted matrices 
// whose sum is equal to a given value
using System;

class GFG
    // int SIZE= 10;
    // function to search 'val' in mat[][]
    // returns true if 'val' is present
    // else false
    static bool valuePresent(int[,] mat, int n, 
                                        int val)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                if (mat[i, j] == val)
                    // 'val' found
                    return true;
        // 'val' not found
        return false;
    // function to count pairs from 
    // two sorted matrices whose sum
    // is equal to a given value x
    static int countPairs(int [,]mat1, int [,]mat2,
                                        int n, int x)
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                // if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is 
                // found in mat2[][]
                if (valuePresent(mat2, n, x - mat1[i,j]))
        // required count of pairs
        return count;

    // Driver program 
    public static void Main () 
        int [,]mat1 = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                        { 8, 10, 11 },
                        { 15, 16, 18 } };

        int [,]mat2 = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                        { 9, 10, 12 },
                        { 13, 16, 20 } };
        int n = 3;
        int x = 21;
        Console.WriteLine("Count = " +
                        countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

// This article is contributed by vt_m

// Javascript implementation to count
// pairs from twosorted matrices
// whose sum is equal to a given value
let SIZE = 10;
// Function to search 'val' in mat[][]
// returns true if 'val' is present
// else false
function valuePresent(mat, n, val)
    for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(let j = 0; j < n; j++)
            if (mat[i][j] == val)
                // 'val' found
                return true;
    // 'val' not found
    return false;
// Function to count pairs from
// two sorted matrices whose sum
// is equal to a given value x
function countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x)
    let count = 0;
    for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(let j = 0; j < n; j++)
            // If value (x-mat1[i][j]) is
            // found in mat2[][]
            if (valuePresent(mat2, n, x - mat1[i][j]))
    // Required count of pairs
    return count;

// Driver code
let mat1 = [ [ 1, 5, 6 ],
             [ 8, 10, 11 ],
             [ 15, 16, 18 ] ];

let mat2 = [ [ 2, 4, 7 ],
             [ 9, 10, 12 ],
             [ 13, 16, 20 ] ];

let n = 3;
let x = 21;

document.write("Count = " + 
               countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));
// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07  

//PHP  implementation to count pairs from two 
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a 
// given value x 
// function to search 'val' in mat[][] 
// returns true if 'val' is present 
// else false 
function valuePresent($mat, $n, $val) 
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) 
        for ($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) 
            if ($mat[$i][$j] == $val) 

                // 'val' found 
                return true; 

    // 'val' not found 
    return false; 

// function to count pairs from two sorted matrices 
// whose sum is equal to a given value x 
function countPairs($mat1, $mat2, $n, $x) 
    $count = 0; 

    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) 
        for ( $j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) 

            // if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is found in mat2[][] 
            if (valuePresent($mat2, $n, $x - $mat1[$i][$j])) 

    // required count of pairs 
    return $count; 

// Driver program to test above 
    $mat1 = array(array( 1, 5, 6 ), 
                array( 8, 10, 11 ), 
                array( 15, 16, 18 )); 

    $mat2 = array(array( 2, 4, 7 ), 
                array(9, 10, 12 ), 
                array(13, 16, 20 )); 

    $n = 3; 
    $x = 21; 

    echo "Count = ",
        countPairs($mat1, $mat2, $n, $x); 

#This code is contributed by ajit.
# Python3 implementation to count pairs
# from two sorted matrices whose sum is
# equal to a given value x 

# function to search 'val' in mat[][] 
# returns true if 'val' is present else
# false
def valuePresent(mat, n, val):

    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):

            if mat[i][j] == val:

                # 'val' found
                return True

    # 'val' not found
    return False

# function to count pairs from two sorted
# matrices whose sum is equal to a given
# value x
def countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x):

    count = 0

    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):

            # if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is found
            # in mat2[][]
            if valuePresent(mat2, n, x - mat1[i][j]):
                count += 1

    # required count of pairs
    return count

# Driver program
mat1 = [[ 1, 5, 6 ],
        [ 8, 10, 11 ],
        [ 15, 16, 18 ] ]

mat2 = [ [ 2, 4, 7 ],
         [ 9, 10, 12 ],
         [ 13, 16, 20 ] ]

n = 3
x = 21

print( "Count = "),
print(countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x))

# This code is contributed by upendra bartwal


Count = 4

Time Complexity: O(n4). 
Auxiliary Space: O(1).

Method 2 (Binary Search): As matrix is strictly sorted, use the concept of binary search technique. For each element ele of mat1[][] apply the binary search technique on the elements of the first column of mat2[][] to find the row index number of the largest element smaller than equal to (x – ele). Let it be row_no. If no such row exists then no pair can be formed with element ele. Else apply the concept of binary search technique to find the value (x – ele) in the row represented by row_no in mat2[][]. If value found then increment count.

// C++ implementation to count pairs from two
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a given
// value x
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define SIZE 10

// function returns the row index no of largest
// element smaller than equal to 'x' in first
// column of mat[][]. If no such element exists 
// then it returns -1.
int binarySearchOnRow(int mat[SIZE][SIZE],
                      int l, int h, int x)
    while (l <= h) {
        int mid = (l + h) / 2;

        // if 'x' is greater than or equal to mat[mid][0],
        // then search in mat[mid+1...h][0]
        if (mat[mid][0] <= x)
            l = mid + 1;

        // else search in mat[l...mid-1][0]
            h = mid - 1;

    // required row index number
    return h;

// function to search 'val' in mat[row][]
bool binarySearchOnCol(int mat[][SIZE], int l, int h,
                       int val, int row)
    while (l <= h) {
        int mid = (l + h) / 2;

        // 'val' found
        if (mat[row][mid] == val)
            return true;

        // search in mat[row][mid+1...h]
        else if (mat[row][mid] < val)
            l = mid + 1;

        // search in mat[row][l...mid-1]
            h = mid - 1;

    // 'val' not found
    return false;

// function to search 'val' in mat[][]
// returns true if 'val' is present
// else false
bool searchValue(int mat[][SIZE],
                 int n, int val)
    // to get the row index number of the largest element
    // smaller than equal to 'val' in mat[][]
    int row_no = binarySearchOnRow(mat, 0, n - 1, val);

    // if no such row exists, then
    // 'val' is not present
    if (row_no == -1)
        return false;

    // to search 'val' in mat[row_no][]
    return binarySearchOnCol(mat, 0, n - 1, val, row_no);

// function to count pairs from two sorted matrices
// whose sum is equal to a given value x
int countPairs(int mat1[][SIZE], int mat2[][SIZE],
               int n, int x)
    int count = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            // if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is found in mat2[][]
            if (searchValue(mat2, n, x - mat1[i][j]))

    // required count of pairs
    return count;

// Driver program to test above
int main()
    int mat1[][SIZE] = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                         { 8, 10, 11 },
                         { 15, 16, 18 } };

    int mat2[][SIZE] = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                         { 9, 10, 12 },
                         { 13, 16, 20 } };

    int n = 3;
    int x = 21;

    cout << "Count = "
         << countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x);

    return 0;
// Java implementation to count 
// pairs from two sorted matrices 
// whose sum is equal to a given
// value x

class GFG {
    int SIZE= 10;

    // function returns the row index no of largest
    // element smaller than equal to 'x' in first
    // column of mat[][]. If no such element exists 
    // then it returns -1.
    static int binarySearchOnRow(int mat[][], int l,
                                       int h, int x)
        while (l <= h)
            int mid = (l + h) / 2;
            // if 'x' is greater than or 
            // equal to mat[mid][0], then 
            // search in mat[mid+1...h][0]
            if (mat[mid][0] <= x)
                l = mid + 1;
            // else search in mat[l...mid-1][0]
                h = mid - 1;
        // required row index number
        return h;
    // function to search 'val' in mat[row][]
    static boolean binarySearchOnCol(int mat[][], int l, int h,
                                             int val, int row)
        while (l <= h)
            int mid = (l + h) / 2;
            // 'val' found
            if (mat[row][mid] == val)
                return true;
            // search in mat[row][mid+1...h]
            else if (mat[row][mid] < val)
                l = mid + 1;
            // search in mat[row][l...mid-1]
                h = mid - 1;
        // 'val' not found
        return false;
    // function to search 'val' in mat[][]
    // returns true if 'val' is present
    // else false
    static boolean searchValue(int mat[][],
                               int n, int val)
        // to get the row index number 
        // of the largest element smaller 
        // than equal to 'val' in mat[][]
        int row_no = binarySearchOnRow(mat, 0, n - 1, val);
        // if no such row exists, then
        // 'val' is not present
        if (row_no == -1)
            return false;
        // to search 'val' in mat[row_no][]
        return binarySearchOnCol(mat, 0, n - 1, val, row_no);
    // function to count pairs from 
    // two sorted matrices whose sum 
    // is equal to a given value x
    static int countPairs(int mat1[][], int mat2[][],
                                        int n, int x)
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                // if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is found in mat2[][]
                if (searchValue(mat2, n, x - mat1[i][j]))
        // required count of pairs
        return count;
    // Driver program 
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        int mat1[][] = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                         { 8, 10, 11 },
                         { 15, 16, 18 } };

        int mat2[][] = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                         { 9, 10, 12 },
                         { 13, 16, 20 } };
        int n = 3;
        int x = 21;
        System.out.println ( "Count = "  +
                           countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

// This code is contributed by vt_m
// C# implementation to count 
// pairs from two sorted matrices 
// whose sum is equal to a given
// value x
using System;

class GFG 
    //int SIZE= 10;

    // function returns the row index no of largest
    // element smaller than equal to 'x' in first
    // column of mat[][]. If no such element exists 
    // then it returns -1.
    static int binarySearchOnRow(int [,]mat, int l,
                                    int h, int x)
        while (l <= h)
            int mid = (l + h) / 2;
            // if 'x' is greater than or 
            // equal to mat[mid][0], then 
            // search in mat[mid+1...h][0]
            if (mat[mid,0] <= x)
                l = mid + 1;
            // else search in mat[l...mid-1][0]
                h = mid - 1;
        // required row index number
        return h;
    // function to search 'val' in mat[row][]
    static bool binarySearchOnCol(int [,]mat, int l, int h,
                                            int val, int row)
        while (l <= h)
            int mid = (l + h) / 2;
            // 'val' found
            if (mat[row,mid] == val)
                return true;
            // search in mat[row][mid+1...h]
            else if (mat[row,mid] < val)
                l = mid + 1;
            // search in mat[row][l...mid-1]
                h = mid - 1;
        // 'val' not found
        return false;
    // function to search 'val' in mat[][]
    // returns true if 'val' is present
    // else false
    static bool searchValue(int [,]mat,
                            int n, int val)
        // to get the row index number 
        // of the largest element smaller 
        // than equal to 'val' in mat[][]
        int row_no = binarySearchOnRow(mat, 0, n - 1, val);
        // if no such row exists, then
        // 'val' is not present
        if (row_no == -1)
            return false;
        // to search 'val' in mat[row_no][]
        return binarySearchOnCol(mat, 0, n - 1, val, row_no);
    // function to count pairs from 
    // two sorted matrices whose sum 
    // is equal to a given value x
    static int countPairs(int [,]mat1, int [,]mat2,
                                        int n, int x)
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                // if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is found in mat2[][]
                if (searchValue(mat2, n, x - mat1[i,j]))
        // required count of pairs
        return count;
    // Driver program 
    public static void Main () 
        int [,]mat1 = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                        { 8, 10, 11 },
                        { 15, 16, 18 } };

        int [,]mat2 = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                        { 9, 10, 12 },
                        { 13, 16, 20 } };
        int n = 3;
        int x = 21;
        Console.WriteLine ( "Count = " +
                        countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

// This code is contributed by vt_m

// Javascript implementation to count 
// pairs from two sorted matrices 
// whose sum is equal to a given
// value x
//int SIZE= 10;
// function returns the row index no of largest
// element smaller than equal to 'x' in first
// column of mat[][]. If no such element exists 
// then it returns -1.
function binarySearchOnRow(mat, l, h, x)
    while (l <= h)
        var mid = parseInt((l + h) / 2);

        // if 'x' is greater than or 
        // equal to mat[mid][0], then 
        // search in mat[mid+1...h][0]
        if (mat[mid][0] <= x)
            l = mid + 1;

        // else search in mat[l...mid-1][0]
            h = mid - 1;

    // required row index number
    return h;

// function to search 'val' in mat[row][]
function binarySearchOnCol(mat, l, h, val, row)
    while (l <= h)
        var mid = parseInt((l + h) / 2);

        // 'val' found
        if (mat[row][mid] == val)
            return true;

        // search in mat[row][mid+1...h]
        else if (mat[row][mid] < val)
            l = mid + 1;

        // search in mat[row][l...mid-1]
            h = mid - 1;

    // 'val' not found
    return false;

// function to search 'val' in mat[][]
// returns true if 'val' is present
// else false
function searchValue(mat, n, val)
    // to get the row index number 
    // of the largest element smaller 
    // than equal to 'val' in mat[][]
    var row_no = binarySearchOnRow(mat, 0, n - 1, val);

    // if no such row exists, then
    // 'val' is not present
    if (row_no == -1)
        return false;

    // to search 'val' in mat[row_no][]
    return binarySearchOnCol(mat, 0, n - 1, val, row_no);

// function to count pairs from 
// two sorted matrices whose sum 
// is equal to a given value x
function countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x)
    var count = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (var j = 0; j < n; j++)
            // if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is found in mat2[][]
            if (searchValue(mat2, n, x - mat1[i][j]))
    // required count of pairs
    return count;

// Driver program 
var mat1 = [ [ 1, 5, 6 ],
                [ 8, 10, 11 ],
                [ 15, 16, 18 ] ];
var mat2 = [ [ 2, 4, 7 ],
                [ 9, 10, 12 ],
                [ 13, 16, 20 ] ];
var n = 3;
var x = 21;
document.write( "Count = " +
                countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

// PHP implementation to count pairs 
// from two sorted matrices whose sum 
// is equal to a given value x

// function returns the row index no. 
// of largest element smaller than 
// equal to 'x' in first column of 
// mat[][]. If no such element exists 
// then it returns -1.
function binarySearchOnRow($mat, $l,
                             $h, $x)
    while ($l <= $h)
        $mid = ($l + $h) / 2;

        // if 'x' is greater than or 
        // equal to mat[mid][0], then
        // search in mat[mid+1...h][0]
        if ($mat[$mid][0] <= $x)
            $l = $mid + 1;

        // else search in mat[l...mid-1][0]
            $h = $mid - 1;

    // required row index number
    return $h;

// function to search 'val' in mat[row][]
function binarySearchOnCol($mat, $l, $h,
                           $val, $row)
    while ($l <= $h)
        $mid = ($l + $h) / 2;

        // 'val' found
        if ($mat[$row][$mid] == $val)
            return true;

        // search in mat[row][mid+1...h]
        else if ($mat[$row][$mid] < $val)
            $l = $mid + 1;

        // search in mat[row][l...mid-1]
            $h = $mid - 1;

    // 'val' not found
    return false;

// function to search 'val' in mat[][]
// returns true if 'val' is present
// else false
function searchValue($mat,$n, $val)
    // to get the row index number of the
    // largest element smaller than equal 
    // to 'val' in mat[][]
    $row_no = binarySearchOnRow($mat, 0, 
                                $n - 1, $val);

    // if no such row exists, then
    // 'val' is not present
    if ($row_no == -1)
        return false;

    // to search 'val' in mat[row_no][]
    return binarySearchOnCol($mat, 0, $n - 1, 
                             $val, $row_no);

// function to count pairs from two 
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal 
// to a given value x
function countPairs($mat1, $mat2, $n, $x)
    $count = 0;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
        for ($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++)
            // if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is
            // found in mat2[][]
            if (searchValue($mat2, $n, 
                            $x - $mat1[$i][$j]))

    // required count of pairs
    return $count;

// Driver Code
$mat1 = array(array(1, 5, 6 ),
              array(8, 10, 11 ),
              array(15, 16, 18 ));

$mat2 = array(array(2, 4, 7 ),
              array(9, 10, 12 ),
              array(13, 16, 20 ));

$n = 3;
$x = 21;

echo "Count = ",
      countPairs($mat1, $mat2,
                 $n, $x);
// This code is contributed by ajit.
# Python 3 implementation to count pairs 
# from two sorted matrices whose sum is 
# equal to a given value x

SIZE = 10

# function returns the row index no of 
# largest element smaller than equal 
# to 'x' in first column of mat[][]. 
# If no such element exists then it returns -1.
def binarySearchOnRow(mat, l, h, x):
    while (l <= h):
        mid = int((l + h) / 2)

        # if 'x' is greater than or equal 
        # to mat[mid][0], then search in 
        # mat[mid+1...h][0]
        if (mat[mid][0] <= x):
            l = mid + 1

        # else search in mat[l...mid-1][0]
            h = mid - 1

    # required row index number
    return h

# function to search 'val' in mat[row][]
def binarySearchOnCol(mat, l, h, val, row):
    while (l <= h):
        mid = int((l + h) / 2)

        # 'val' found
        if (mat[row][mid] == val):
            return True

        # search in mat[row][mid+1...h]
        elif (mat[row][mid] < val):
            l = mid + 1

        # search in mat[row][l...mid-1]
            h = mid - 1

    # 'val' not found
    return False

# function to search 'val' in mat[][]
# returns true if 'val' is present
# else false
def searchValue(mat, n, val):
    # to get the row index number of the 
    # largest element smaller than equal 
    # to 'val' in mat[][]
    row_no = binarySearchOnRow(mat, 0, n - 1, val)

    # if no such row exists, then
    # 'val' is not present
    if (row_no == -1):
        return False

    # to search 'val' in mat[row_no][]
    return binarySearchOnCol(mat, 0, n - 1,
                               val, row_no)

# function to count pairs from two sorted matrices
# whose sum is equal to a given value x
def countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x):
    count = 0

    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            # if value (x-mat1[i][j]) is 
            # found in mat2[][]
            if (searchValue(mat2, n, x - mat1[i][j])):
                count += 1

    # required count of pairs
    return count

# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    mat1 = [[1, 5, 6],
            [8, 10,11],
            [15, 16, 18]]

    mat2 = [[2, 4, 7],
            [9, 10, 12],
            [13, 16, 20]]

    n = 3
    x = 21

    print("Count =", countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x))
# This code is contributed by
# Shashank_Sharma


Count = 4

Time Complexity: (n2log2n). 
Auxiliary Space: O(1).

Method 3 (Hashing): Create a hash table and insert all the elements of mat2[][] in it. Now for each element ele of mat1[][] find (x – ele) in the hash table. 

// C++ implementation to count pairs from two
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a 
// given value x
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define SIZE 10

// function to count pairs from two sorted matrices
// whose sum is equal to a given value x
int countPairs(int mat1[][SIZE], int mat2[][SIZE],
               int n, int x)
    int count = 0;

    // unordered_set 'us' implemented as hash table
    unordered_set<int> us;

    // insert all the elements of mat2[][] in 'us'
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)

    // for each element of mat1[][]
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)

            // if (x-mat1[i][j]) is in 'us'
            if (us.find(x - mat1[i][j]) != us.end())

    // required count of pairs
    return count;

// Driver program to test above
int main()
    int mat1[][SIZE] = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                         { 8, 10, 11 },
                         { 15, 16, 18 } };

    int mat2[][SIZE] = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                         { 9, 10, 12 },
                         { 13, 16, 20 } };

    int n = 3;
    int x = 21;

    cout << "Count = "
         << countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x);

    return 0;
import java.util.*;

// Java implementation to count pairs from two 
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a 
// given value x 
class GFG 

    // Java 
    static int SIZE = 10;

    // function to count pairs from two sorted matrices 
    // whose sum is equal to a given value x 
    static int countPairs(int mat1[][], int mat2[][],
                                        int n, int x) 
        int count = 0;

        // unordered_set 'us' implemented as hash table 
        HashSet<Integer> us = new HashSet<>();

        // insert all the elements of mat2[][] in 'us' 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)

        // for each element of mat1[][] 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) // if (x-mat1[i][j]) is in 'us' 
                if (us.contains(x - mat1[i][j])) 

        // required count of pairs 
        return count;

    // Driver code 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int mat1[][] = {{1, 5, 6},
                        {8, 10, 11},
                        {15, 16, 18}};

        int mat2[][] = {{2, 4, 7},
                        {9, 10, 12},
                        {13, 16, 20}};

        int n = 3;
        int x = 21;

        System.out.println("Count = "
                + countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */
// C# implementation to count pairs from two 
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a 
// given value x 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class GFG 

    // C#
    static int SIZE = 10;

    // function to count pairs from two sorted matrices 
    // whose sum is equal to a given value x 
    static int countPairs(int [,]mat1, int [,]mat2,
                                        int n, int x) 
        int count = 0;

        // unordered_set 'us' implemented as hash table 
        HashSet<int> us = new HashSet<int>();

        // insert all the elements of mat2[,] in 'us' 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)

        // for each element of mat1[,] 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) // if (x-mat1[i,j]) is in 'us' 
                if (us.Contains(x - mat1[i,j])) 

        // required count of pairs 
        return count;

    // Driver code 
    public static void Main(String[] args) 
        int [,]mat1 = {{1, 5, 6},
                        {8, 10, 11},
                        {15, 16, 18}};

        int [,]mat2 = {{2, 4, 7},
                        {9, 10, 12},
                        {13, 16, 20}};

        int n = 3;
        int x = 21;

        Console.WriteLine("Count = "
                + countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

// This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar

// Javascript implementation to count pairs from two
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a 
// given value x

var SIZE = 10;

// function to count pairs from two sorted matrices
// whose sum is equal to a given value x
function countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x)
    var count = 0;

    // unordered_set 'us' implemented as hash table
    var us = new Set();

    // insert all the elements of mat2[][] in 'us'
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (var j = 0; j < n; j++)

    // for each element of mat1[][]
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (var j = 0; j < n; j++)

            // if (x-mat1[i][j]) is in 'us'
            if (us.has(x - mat1[i][j]))

    // required count of pairs
    return count;

// Driver program to test above
var mat1 = [ [ 1, 5, 6 ],
                     [ 8, 10, 11 ],
                     [ 15, 16, 18 ] ];
var mat2 = [ [ 2, 4, 7 ],
                     [ 9, 10, 12 ],
                     [ 13, 16, 20 ] ];
var n = 3;
var x = 21;
document.write( "Count = "
      + countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

# Python implementation to count pairs from two
# sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a 
# given value x
SIZE = 10

# function to count pairs from two sorted matrices
# whose sum is equal to a given value x
def countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x):
    count = 0
    # unordered_set 'us' implemented as hash table
    us = set()
    # insert all the elements of mat2[][] in 'us'
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
    # for each element of mat1[][]
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            # if (x-mat1[i][j]) is in 'us'
            if (x - mat1[i][j]) in us:
                count += 1
    # required count of pairs
    return count

# Driver code
mat1 = [[1, 5, 6],[8, 10, 11],[ 15, 16, 18]]

mat2 = [[2, 4, 7],[9, 10, 12],[ 13, 16, 20]]

n = 3
x = 21

print("Count =",countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x))

# This code is contributed by shubhamsingh10


Count = 4

Time complexity: O(n2). 
Auxiliary Space: O(n2).

Method 4 (Efficient Approach): From the top leftmost element traverse mat1[][] in forward direction (i.e., from the topmost row up to last, each row is being traversed from left to right) and from the bottom rightmost element traverse mat2[][] in backward direction (i.e, from the bottom row up to first, each row is being traversed from right to left). For each element e1 of mat1[][] and e2 of mat2[][] encountered, calculate val = (e1 + e2). If val == x, increment count. Else if val is less than x, move to next element of mat1[][] in forward direction. Else move to next element of mat2[][] in backward direction. Continue this process until either of the two matrices gets completely traversed. 

// C++ implementation to count pairs from two 
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a
// given value x
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define SIZE 10

// function to count pairs from two sorted matrices
// whose sum is equal to a given value x
int countPairs(int mat1[][SIZE], int mat2[][SIZE],
                                    int n, int x)
    // 'r1' and 'c1' for pointing current element
    // of mat1[][]
    // 'r2' and 'c2' for pointing current element
    // of mat2[][]
    int r1 = 0, c1 = 0;
    int r2 = n - 1, c2 = n - 1;

    // while there are more elements
    // in both the matrices
    int count = 0;
    while ((r1 < n) && (r2 >= 0)) {
        int val = mat1[r1][c1] + mat2[r2][c2];

        // if true
        if (val == x) {

            // increment 'count'

            // move mat1[][] column 'c1' to right
            // move mat2[][] column 'c2' to left

        // if true, move mat1[][] column 'c1' to right
        else if (val < x)

        // else move mat2[][] column 'c2' to left

        // if 'c1' crosses right boundary
        if (c1 == n) {

            // reset 'c1'
            c1 = 0;

            // increment row 'r1'

        // if 'c2' crosses left boundary
        if (c2 == -1) {

            // reset 'c2'
            c2 = n - 1;

            // decrement row 'r2'

    // required count of pairs
    return count;

// Driver program to test above
int main()
    int mat1[][SIZE] = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                         { 8, 10, 11 },
                         { 15, 16, 18 } };

    int mat2[][SIZE] = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                         { 9, 10, 12 },
                         { 13, 16, 20 } };

    int n = 3;
    int x = 21;

    cout << "Count = "
         << countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x);

    return 0;
// java implementation to count 
// pairs from two  sorted 
// matrices whose sum is 
// equal to agiven value x

class GFG 
    int SIZE = 10;
    // function to count pairs from 
    // two sorted matrices whose sum 
    // is equal to a given value x
    static int countPairs(int mat1[][], int mat2[][],
                                        int n, int x)
        // 'r1' and 'c1' for pointing current 
        // element of mat1[][]
        // 'r2' and 'c2' for pointing current 
        // element of mat2[][]
        int r1 = 0, c1 = 0;
        int r2 = n - 1, c2 = n - 1;
        // while there are more elements
        // in both the matrices
        int count = 0;
        while ((r1 < n) && (r2 >= 0)) 
            int val = mat1[r1][c1] + mat2[r2][c2];
            // if true
            if (val == x) {
                // increment 'count'
                // move mat1[][] column 'c1' to right
                // move mat2[][] column 'c2' to left
            // if true, move mat1[][] 
            // column 'c1' to right
            else if (val < x)
            // else move mat2[][] column
            // 'c2' to left
            // if 'c1' crosses right boundary
            if (c1 == n) {
                // reset 'c1'
                c1 = 0;
                // increment row 'r1'
            // if 'c2' crosses left boundary
            if (c2 == -1) {
                // reset 'c2'
                c2 = n - 1;
                // decrement row 'r2'
        // required count of pairs
        return count;
    // Driver code 
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        int mat1[][] = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                         { 8, 10, 11 },
                         { 15, 16, 18 } };

        int mat2[][] = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                         { 9, 10, 12 },
                         { 13, 16, 20 } };
        int n = 3;
        int x = 21;
        System.out.println ( "Count = " + 
                            countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

// This article is contributed by vt_m
// C# implementation to count pairs
// from two sorted matrices whose 
// sum is equal to a given value x
using System;

class GFG {

    // function to count pairs from 
    // two sorted matrices whose sum 
    // is equal to a given value x
    static int countPairs(int [,]mat1,
            int [,]mat2, int n, int x)
        // 'r1' and 'c1' for pointing
        // current element of mat1[][]
        // 'r2' and 'c2' for pointing
        // current element of mat2[][]
        int r1 = 0, c1 = 0;
        int r2 = n - 1, c2 = n - 1;
        // while there are more elements
        // in both the matrices
        int count = 0;
        while ((r1 < n) && (r2 >= 0)) 
            int val = mat1[r1,c1] 
                          + mat2[r2,c2];
            // if true
            if (val == x) {
                // increment 'count'
                // move mat1[][] column 
                // 'c1' to right
                // move mat2[][] column 
                // 'c2' to left
            // if true, move mat1[][] 
            // column 'c1' to right
            else if (val < x)
            // else move mat2[][] column
            // 'c2' to left
            // if 'c1' crosses right
            // boundary
            if (c1 == n) {
                // reset 'c1'
                c1 = 0;
                // increment row 'r1'
            // if 'c2' crosses left
            // boundary
            if (c2 == -1) {
                // reset 'c2'
                c2 = n - 1;
                // decrement row 'r2'
        // required count of pairs
        return count;
    // Driver code 
    public static void Main () 
        int [,]mat1 = { { 1, 5, 6 },
                        { 8, 10, 11 },
                        { 15, 16, 18 } };

        int [,]mat2 = { { 2, 4, 7 },
                        { 9, 10, 12 },
                        { 13, 16, 20 } };
        int n = 3;
        int x = 21;
        Console.Write ( "Count = " + 
            countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));

// This code is contributed by 
// nitin mittal
// Javascript implementation to count
// pairs from two  sorted
// matrices whose sum is
// equal to agiven value x
let SIZE = 10;
// Function to count pairs from
// two sorted matrices whose sum
// is equal to a given value x
function countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x)
    // 'r1' and 'c1' for pointing current
    // element of mat1[][]
    // 'r2' and 'c2' for pointing current
    // element of mat2[][]
    let r1 = 0, c1 = 0;
    let r2 = n - 1, c2 = n - 1;
    // While there are more elements
    // in both the matrices
    let count = 0;
    while ((r1 < n) && (r2 >= 0))
        let val = mat1[r1][c1] + mat2[r2][c2];
        // If true
        if (val == x)
            // Increment 'count'
            // Move mat1[][] column 'c1' to right
            // move mat2[][] column 'c2' to left
        // If true, move mat1[][]
        // column 'c1' to right
        else if (val < x)
        // Else move mat2[][] column
        // 'c2' to left
        // If 'c1' crosses right boundary
        if (c1 == n) 
            // Reset 'c1'
            c1 = 0;
            // Increment row 'r1'
        // If 'c2' crosses left boundary
        if (c2 == -1)
            // Reset 'c2'
            c2 = n - 1;
            // Decrement row 'r2'
    // Required count of pairs
    return count;

// Driver Code
let mat1 = [ [ 1, 5, 6 ],
             [ 8, 10, 11 ],
             [ 15, 16, 18 ] ];

let mat2 = [ [ 2, 4, 7 ],
             [ 9, 10, 12 ],
             [ 13, 16, 20 ] ];

let n = 3;
let x = 21;

document.write("Count = " +
           countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x));
// This code is contributed by mukesh07 
// PHP implementation to count pairs  
// from two sorted matrices whose sum 
// is equal to a given value x

// function to count pairs from two 
// sorted matrices whose sum is equal 
// to a given value x
function countPairs(&$mat1, &$mat2, $n, $x)
    // 'r1' and 'c1' for pointing 
    // current element of mat1[][]
    // 'r2' and 'c2' for pointing 
    // current element of mat2[][]
    $r1 = 0;
    $c1 = 0;
    $r2 = $n - 1;
    $c2 = $n - 1;

    // while there are more elements
    // in both the matrices
    $count = 0;
    while (($r1 < $n) && ($r2 >= 0)) 
        $val = $mat1[$r1][$c1] + 

        // if true
        if ($val == $x) 

            // increment 'count'

            // move mat1[][] column 'c1' to right
            // move mat2[][] column 'c2' to left

        // if true, move mat1[][] 
        // column 'c1' to right
        else if ($val < $x)

        // else move mat2[][] column
        // 'c2' to left

        // if 'c1' crosses right boundary
        if ($c1 == $n)

            // reset 'c1'
            $c1 = 0;

            // increment row 'r1'

        // if 'c2' crosses left boundary
        if ($c2 == -1)

            // reset 'c2'
            $c2 = $n - 1;

            // decrement row 'r2'

    // required count of pairs
    return $count;

// Driver Code
$mat1 = array(array(1, 5, 6 ),
              array(8, 10, 11 ),
              array(15, 16, 18 ));

$mat2 = array(array(2, 4, 7),
               array(9, 10, 12),
              array(13, 16, 20 ));

$n = 3;
$x = 21;

echo ("Count = ");
echo countPairs($mat1, $mat2, $n, $x);

// This code is contributed 
// by Shivi_Aggarwal
# Python implementation to count pairs from two 
# sorted matrices whose sum is equal to a
# given value x

SIZE = 10

# function to count pairs from two sorted matrices
# whose sum is equal to a given value x
def countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x):
    # 'r1' and 'c1' for pointing current element
    # of mat1[][]
    # 'r2' and 'c2' for pointing current element
    # of mat2[][]
    r1 = 0
    c1 = 0
    r2 = n - 1
    c2 = n - 1
    # while there are more elements
    # in both the matrices
    count = 0
    while ((r1 < n) and (r2 >= 0)):
        val = mat1[r1][c1] + mat2[r2][c2]
        # if true
        if (val == x):
            # increment 'count'
            count += 1
            # move mat1[][] column 'c1' to right
            # move mat2[][] column 'c2' to left
            c1 += 1
            c2 -= 1
        # if true, move mat1[][] column 'c1' to right
        elif (val < x):
            c1 += 1
        # else move mat2[][] column 'c2' to left
            c2 -= 1
        # if 'c1' crosses right boundary
        if (c1 == n):
            # reset 'c1'
            c1 = 0
            # increment row 'r1'
            r1 += 1
        # if 'c2' crosses left boundary
        if (c2 == -1):
            # reset 'c2'
            c2 = n - 1
            # decrement row 'r2'
            r2 -= 1
    # required count of pairs
    return count

# Driver program to test above
mat1 = [ [1, 5, 6] ,[8, 10, 11 ],[15, 16, 18 ]]

mat2 = [[2, 4, 7],[ 9, 10, 12],[13, 16, 20]]

n = 3
x = 21

print("Count =",countPairs(mat1, mat2, n, x))

# This code is contributed by shubhamsingh10


Count = 4

Time Complexity: O(n2). 
Auxiliary Space: O(1).