Count of possible hexagonal walks

We are given an infinite two dimensional plane made of hexagons connected together. We can visualize this plane as a honeycomb. Element X is present on one of the cells / hexagon. 
We are given N steps, the task is to calculate number of such hexagonal paths possible in which element X has to perform a walk of N steps and return back to the original hexagon, where 


Input : 1
Output : Number of walks possible is/are 0
Explanation :
0 because using just one step we can move to
any of the adjacent cells but we cannot trace 
back to the original hexagon.

Input : 2
Output : Number of walks possible is/are 6

Input : 4
Output : Number of walks possible is/are 90 

Approach :

  • A hexagonal walk can be defined as walking through adjacent hexagons and returning to the original cell. We know the fact that a hexagon contains six sides i.e. a hexagon is surrounded by six hexagons. Now, we have to count number of ways we take N steps and come back to the original hexagon.
  • Now, let us suppose the original hexagon (where element X was initially present) to be the origin. We need all possible ways we can take (N-k) steps such that we have some steps which would trace back to our original hexagon. We can visualize this hexagon and it’s related coordinate system from the picture below. 

  • Now, let’s assume, our element X was present at 0:0 of the given picture. Thus, we can travel in six possible directions from a hexagon. Now, using the directions above we memorize all possible movements such that we trace back to the original 0:0 index. For memorizing we use a 3D array and we preprocess our answer for a given number of steps and then query accordingly.

Below is the implementation of above approach : 


// C++ implementation of counting
// number of possible hexagonal walks
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int depth = 16;
int ways[16][16][16];
int stepNum;
void preprocess(int list[])
    // We initialize our origin with 1
    ways[0][8][8] = 1;
    // For each N = 1 to 14, we traverse in all possible
    // direction. Using this 3D array we calculate the
    // number of ways at each step and the total ways
    // for a given step shall be found at
    // ways[step number][8][8] because all the steps
    // after that will be used to trace back to the
    // original point index 0:0 according to the image.
    for (int N = 1; N <= 14; N++)
        for (int i = 1; i <= depth; i++)
            for (int j = 1; j <= depth; j++)
                ways[N][i][j] = ways[N - 1][i][j + 1]
                                + ways[N - 1][i][j - 1]
                                + ways[N - 1][i + 1][j]
                                + ways[N - 1][i - 1][j]
                                + ways[N - 1][i + 1][j - 1]
                                + ways[N - 1][i - 1][j + 1];
        // This array stores the number of ways
        // possible for a given step
        list[N] = ways[N][8][8];
// Driver function
int main()
    int list[15];
   // Preprocessing all possible ways
    int steps = 4;
    cout << "Number of walks possible is/are "
         << list[steps] << endl;
    return 0;



// Java implementation of counting
// number of possible hexagonal walks
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    static int depth = 14;
    static int ways[][][] = new int[16][16][16];
    static int stepNum;
    static void preprocess(int list[])
        // We initialize our origin with 1
        ways[0][8][8] = 1;
        // For each N = 1 to 14, we traverse in
        // all possible direction. Using this 3D
        // array we calculate the number of ways
        // at each step and the total ways for a
        // given step shall be found at ways[step
        // number][8][8] because all the steps
        // after that will be used to trace back
        // to the original point index 0:0
        // according to the image.
        for (int N = 1; N <= 14; N++)
            for (int i = 1; i < depth; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j < depth; j++)
                    ways[N][i][j] =
                            ways[N - 1][i][j + 1]
                          + ways[N - 1][i][j - 1]
                          + ways[N - 1][i + 1][j]
                          + ways[N - 1][i - 1][j]
                      + ways[N - 1][i + 1][j - 1]
                     + ways[N - 1][i - 1][j + 1];
            // This array stores the number of
            // ways possible for a given step
            list[N] = ways[N][8][8];
    /* Driver program to test above function */
    public static void main(String[] args)
         int list[] = new int[15];
           // Preprocessing all possible ways
            int steps = 4;
            System.out.println( "Number of walks"
                           + " possible is/are "+
                                   list[steps] );



# Python 3 implementation of counting
# number of possible hexagonal walks
depth = 16
ways = [[[0 for i in range(17)]
            for i in range(17)]
            for i in range(17)]
def preprocess(list, steps):
    # We initialize our origin with 1
    ways[0][8][8] = 1
    # For each N = 1 to 14, we traverse in
    # all possible direction. Using this 3D
    # array we calculate the number of ways
    # at each step and the total ways for a
    # given step shall be found at ways[step
    # number][8][8] because all the steps after
    # that will be used to trace back to the
    # original point index 0:0 according to the image.
    for N in range(1, 16, 1):
        for i in range(1, depth, 1):
            for j in range(1, depth, 1):
                ways[N][i][j] = (ways[N - 1][i][j + 1] +
                                 ways[N - 1][i][j - 1] +
                                 ways[N - 1][i + 1][j] +
                                 ways[N - 1][i - 1][j] +
                                 ways[N - 1][i + 1][j - 1] +
                                 ways[N - 1][i - 1][j + 1])
        # This array stores the number of ways
        # possible for a given step
        list[N] = ways[N][8][8]
    print("Number of walks possible is/are",
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    list = [0 for i in range(16)]
    steps = 4
    # Preprocessing all possible ways
    preprocess(list, steps)
# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar



// C# implementation of counting
// number of possible hexagonal walks
using System;
class GFG {
    static int depth = 14;
    static int [, ,]ways = new int[16,16,16];
    // static int stepNum;
    static void preprocess(int []list)
        // We initialize our origin with 1
        ways[0,8,8] = 1;
        // For each N = 1 to 14, we traverse in
        // all possible direction. Using this 3D
        // array we calculate the number of ways
        // at each step and the total ways for a
        // given step shall be found at ways[step
        // number][8][8] because all the steps
        // after that will be used to trace back
        // to the original point index 0:0
        // according to the image.
        for (int N = 1; N <= 14; N++)
            for (int i = 1; i < depth; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j < depth; j++)
                    ways[N,i,j] =
                            ways[N - 1,i,j + 1]
                        + ways[N - 1,i,j - 1]
                        + ways[N - 1,i + 1,j]
                        + ways[N - 1,i - 1,j]
                    + ways[N - 1,i + 1,j - 1]
                    + ways[N - 1,i - 1,j + 1];
            // This array stores the number of
            // ways possible for a given step
            list[N] = ways[N,8,8];
    /* Driver program to test above function */
    public static void Main()
        int []list = new int[15];
            // Preprocessing all possible ways
            int steps = 4;
            Console.WriteLine( "Number of walks"
                        + " possible is/are "+
                                list[steps] );
// This code is contributed by anuj_67.



    // Javascript implementation of counting
    // number of possible hexagonal walks
    let depth = 14;
    let ways = new Array(16);
    for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      ways[i] = new Array(16);
      for (let j = 0; j < 16; j++)
        ways[i][j] = new Array(16);
          for (let k = 0; k < 16; k++)
            ways[i][j][k] = 0;
    let stepNum;
    function preprocess(list)
        // We initialize our origin with 1
        ways[0][8][8] = 1;
        // For each N = 1 to 14, we traverse in
        // all possible direction. Using this 3D
        // array we calculate the number of ways
        // at each step and the total ways for a
        // given step shall be found at ways[step
        // number][8][8] because all the steps
        // after that will be used to trace back
        // to the original point index 0:0
        // according to the image.
        for (let N = 1; N <= 14; N++)
            for (let i = 1; i < depth; i++)
                for (let j = 1; j < depth; j++)
                    ways[N][i][j] =
                            ways[N - 1][i][j + 1]
                          + ways[N - 1][i][j - 1]
                          + ways[N - 1][i + 1][j]
                          + ways[N - 1][i - 1][j]
                      + ways[N - 1][i + 1][j - 1]
                     + ways[N - 1][i - 1][j + 1];
            // This array stores the number of
            // ways possible for a given step
            list[N] = ways[N][8][8];
    let list = new Array(15);
    // Preprocessing all possible ways
    let steps = 4;
    document.write( "Number of walks"
                       + " possible is/are "+
                       list[steps] );


Number of walks possible is/are 90

The time complexity of the above code is and the space complexity is also similar due to the 3D array used.