Coviam Interview Experience for Software Developer (Off Campus)

Interviewed in 2020.

Online Test (Test Duration was 1 hour):

The online test had Aptitude, Verbal & logical Reasoning, Java 8 features & computer science fundamentals MCQs.

50 questions were to be solved in 1 hour.

Round 1: (Technical PI On Skype)

The interviewer seemed to be a junior software developer. First she asked me about the projects that i had done during my college & in my internships after that she asked me about the various concepts of Java like what is an annotation? what is thread pooling? & oops concepts along with some java 8 features. After that i was given two coding questions which were very simple & were implementation level questions from hackerrank. First question was related to stacks & the other one related to hashing. After that i was asked to write the SQL queries involving joins & finding maximum salaries. After that she also asked me questions about the difference between the C++ & Java & also the difference between int & Integer in Java and various other concepts of Java. Then i was asked two puzzles: first one was the famous burning two wire to calculate 45 minutes puzzle from w3wiki & the other one was not a standard one but was a decent puzzle after which my interview hot over. The interviewer was quite impressed with my projects.

This Round went on for about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Round 2: (Technical PI2 On Skype)

The interviewer was a senior developer. First he asked me about my projects that i had done during my college & in my internships. The discussion about the projects was done for a long time & after that i was given a question which was similar to the Activity selection problem. After that question i was asked to determine the output of the java code snippets mainly interviewer wanted to know about my conceptual knowledge in Java & asked me questions about the difference between the Equals & == in Java he also asked me about the difference between the Heap memory & Stack memory in Java & various other questions related to Java. Again this interviewer was also really impressed by the project that i did in the internship.

This Round went on for about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Round 3: (Technical PI3 On Skype)

This round was taken by the Senior Director of the company.

First i was told to introduce myself & then i was asked questions on the software engineering principles along with my methods of writing code & a brief discussion about my projects. After that i was given a question to insert & delete the element from the heap which i had to code. After that i was also asked about the difference between the various sorting algorithms & the concept of External Sorting in disks. I was also asked the famous 25 horses puzzle.

This round took around 1 hour 20 mins.

All The Best!