C++ Error – Does not name a type

In C++, one of the most common errors that programmers encounter is the “does not name a type” error. The error usually occurs when the programmer writes a piece of code in which the compiler is not able to recognize the type or definition for it.

In this article, we are going to explore the “does not name a type” error in C++ in detail, including the causes of the error, and some coded examples which can trigger the error along with its solutions.

Causes of the Error

The root causes of this error are the syntactical mistakes that happen due to the use of incorrect syntax. This error can occur when the programmer uses an undefined class member, undeclared class pointer, and incorrectly defined variables. Here are some reasons in detail as to why this error can occur:

  1. C++ uses header files to define classes, structs, and different data types. You can encounter the error if you do not include header files while writing the program. The compiler will not recognize the associated types and generate the “does not name a type” error.
  2. Syntax errors in your code can easily generate this error as the compiler will misinterpret the intended type names. Let’s have a detailed look at some of the reasons which can trigger this error.

Some of the more common causes of the given error are as follows:

1. Using a datatype that has not been defined yet

A class or struct must be defined before it is used in C++. If the user tries to use the undefined data type “Day” to declare the data member, then the compiler will generate the stated error.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// first class using the class declared after itself as data
// member
class MyClass {
    Day Morning;


/tmp/PIU8LcSCJx.cpp:8:5: error: 'Day' does not name a type
    8 |     Day Morning;
      |     ^~~

In the above code, the compiler will generate the error because we have used the “Day” class which is not defined.

2. Circular dependencies between classes

When the definitions of 2 classes depend on each other and one of them is not defined then it can lead to circular dependency between them which can generate the “does not name a type error”. A coded example of the error would be:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class ClassA {
    ClassB obj;
class ClassB {
    ClassA obj;
int main() {
    return 0;


/tmp/PIU8LcSCJx.cpp:6:5: error: 'ClassB' does not name a type; did you mean 'ClassA'?
   6 |     ClassB obj;
     |     ^~~~~~
     |     ClassA

In the above code, ClassB depends on ClassA which is not defined completely, and thus, the compiler will produce an error of “does not name a type” for you.

3. Wrong initialization of variables 

A variable declaration should be done inside a function or else you are sure to get an error. For example, we create a struct and then declare two variables inside them and do not initialize them. Later in the code, we initialize the same variables outside the function body. The compiler will generate a “variable does not name a type error”. Let’s look at the code to understand what we are trying to say.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct games{
    int Football;
    int Cricket;
    int VolleyBall;
games activeGames;
int main() {
    return 0;


/tmp/PIU8LcSCJx.cpp:11:1: error: 'activeGames' does not name a type
   11 | activeGames.Football=5;
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
/tmp/PIU8LcSCJx.cpp:12:1: error: 'activeGames' does not name a type
   12 | activeGames.Cricket=11;
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
/tmp/PIU8LcSCJx.cpp:13:1: error: 'activeGames' does not name a type
   13 | activeGames.VolleyBall=6;
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~

4. Not following the Syntax

Overall, all the causes are cases when there is a mistake in the syntax of the program. Writing incorrect syntaxes like misplacing semicolons, curly brackets, and function calls before the main() function. The user can also face this error if he does not have a basic understanding of the difference between various operators and uses incorrect datatypes.

The C++ error can be solved if the user is careful with the class definitions, define the variables properly, and adhere to the syntax of the language. Let’s look at the detailed solutions for this particular type of error.

Solutions of the “does not name a type” Error in C

We should take care of the following points to avoid the “does not name a type error” in C.

1. Defining the Datatype before using it

As we have seen, if you do not define a class or a struct and then later try to use it, the compiler will throw the “does not name a type error”. It is better to define the datatype you are using in the program.

2. Removing Circular Dependency between Classes

In the circular dependency case, we should use the forward declaration of the classes. This will help in avoiding the error by telling the compiler that the class with the given name has its definition present somewhere in the program.

3. Defining Variables while declaring Them

You should define the variables while declaring them as it is considered a good coding practice and prevents these types of errors. Let’s look at the correct code to solve this issue.

4. Following the Syntax Correctly

It is the ultimate solution to the problem which removes the root of this error. The user should double-check the syntax and ensure the following points while checking their code:

  • All the statements end with a semicolon.
  • Ensure that all the code stays within the curly braces.
  • Removing function calls before the main() function.
  • Specifying correct datatypes for the variables.


The “does not name a type” error in C++ usually pops up when the compiler is unable to understand your program. The problem could be a variable or a function and can be caused by a variety of factors, such as missing header files, typos in writing variables, or circular dependencies between classes. It is very important to carefully review the code and check for any missing include statements. The error can be solved by understanding the root causes of the “does not name a type” error.