C++ Program to Rotate digits of a given number by K

Given two integers N and K, the task is to rotate the digits of N by K. If K is a positive integer, left rotate its digits. Otherwise, right rotate its digits.


Input: N = 12345, K = 2
Output: 34512 
Left rotating N(= 12345) by K(= 2) modifies N to 34512. 
Therefore, the required output is 34512

Input: N = 12345, K = -3
Output: 34512 
Right rotating N(= 12345) by K( = -3) modifies N to 34512. 
Therefore, the required output is 34512

Approach: Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Initialize a variable, say X, to store the count of digits in N.
  • Update K = (K + X) % X to reduce it to a case of left rotation.
  • Remove the first K digits of N and append all the removed digits to the right of the digits of N.
  • Finally, print the value of N.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the count of
// digits in N
int numberOfDigit(int N)
    // Stores count of
    // digits in N
    int digit = 0;
    // Calculate the count
    // of digits in N
    while (N > 0) {
        // Update digit
        // Update N
        N /= 10;
    return digit;
// Function to rotate the digits of N by K
void rotateNumberByK(int N, int K)
    // Stores count of digits in N
    int X = numberOfDigit(N);
    // Update K so that only need to
    // handle left rotation
    K = ((K % X) + X) % X;
    // Stores first K digits of N
    int left_no = N / (int)(pow(10, X - K));
    // Remove first K digits of N
    N = N % (int)(pow(10, X - K));
    // Stores count of digits in left_no
    int left_digit = numberOfDigit(left_no);
    // Append left_no to the right of
    // digits of N
    N = (N * (int)(pow(10, left_digit))) + left_no;
    cout << N;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 12345, K = 7;
    // Function Call
    rotateNumberByK(N, K);
    return 0;
// The code is contributed by Dharanendra L V




Time Complexity: O(log10N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Please refer complete article on Rotate digits of a given number by K for more details!