C++ sizeof Operator

The sizeof operator is a unary compile-time operator used to determine the size of variables, data types, and constants in bytes at compile time. It can also determine the size of classes, structures, and unions.


sizeof (data type)


sizeof (expression)

Example 1: Number of bytes taken by different data types.

Below is the C++ program to implement sizeof operator to determine the number of bytes taken by different data types:


// C++ program to implement sizeof
// to determine the number of bytes
// taken by different data types
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main() 
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by char is " <<
           sizeof(char) << endl;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by int is " << 
           sizeof(int) << endl;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by float is " <<
           sizeof(float) << endl;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by double is " <<
           sizeof(double) << endl;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by long is " << 
           sizeof(long) << endl;


No of Bytes taken up by char is 1
No of Bytes taken up by int is 4
No of Bytes taken up by float is 4
No of Bytes taken up by double is 8
No of Bytes taken up by long is 8

Example 2: Number of bytes taken by variables of different data types.

Below is the C++ program to implement sizeof to determine the number of bytes taken by variables of different data types:


// C++ program to implement sizeof
// to determine the number of bytes 
// taken by variables of different
// data types
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main() 
  int a;
  float b;
  char g;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by a is " <<
           sizeof(a) << endl;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by b is " << 
           sizeof(b) << endl;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by g is " << 
           sizeof(g) << endl;
  return 0;


No of Bytes taken up by a is 4
No of Bytes taken up by b is 4
No of Bytes taken up by g is 1

Example 3: Number of bytes taken by an expression.

Below is the C++ program to implement sizeof to determine the number of bytes taken by an expression:


// C++ program to implement sizeof 
// to determine the number of bytes 
// taken by an expression:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main() 
  int a = 5;
  long x = 9;
  double p = 10.2;
  float g = 2.5;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by (a+g) is " <<
           sizeof(a + g) << endl;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by (a+x) is " << 
           sizeof(a + x) << endl;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by (a+p) is " << 
           sizeof(a + p) << endl;
  cout << "No of Bytes taken up by (x+p) is " << 
           sizeof(x + p) << endl;
  return 0;


No of Bytes taken up by (a+g) is 4
No of Bytes taken up by (a+x) is 8
No of Bytes taken up by (a+p) is 8
No of Bytes taken up by (x+p) is 8

Example 4: Find the size of an array using sizeof().

Below is the C++ program to implement sizeof to determine the size of an array:


// C++ program to implement sizeof 
// to determine the size of an array
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main() 
  int x[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
  int length = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
  cout << "Length of the array is " <<
           length << endl;
  return 0;


Length of the array is 8

Example 5: Find the size of class.

Below is the C++ program to implement sizeof to find the size of the class:


// C++ program to implement sizeof 
// to find the size of the class
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class GFG
  int x;  
// Driver code
int main()  
  GFG g;  
  cout << "Size of class gfg is in bytes  : " <<
           sizeof(g) << endl;  
  return 0;  


Size of class gfg is in bytes  : 4

Example 6: Find the size of pointers.

Below is the C++ program to implement sizeof to find the size of pointers:


// C++ program to implement sizeof 
// to find the size of pointers
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main()  
  int *a = new int(10);
  char *g = new char('g');
  double *d = new double(7.5);
  cout << "size of pointer a is " << 
           sizeof(a) << endl;
  cout << "size of pointer *a is " <<
           sizeof(*a) << endl;
  cout << "size of pointer g is " << 
           sizeof(g) << endl;
  cout << "size of pointer *g is " << 
           sizeof(*g) << endl;
  cout << "size of pointer d is " << 
           sizeof(d) << endl;
  cout << "size of pointer *d is " << 
           sizeof(*d) << endl;
  return 0;  


size of pointer a is 8
size of pointer *a is 4
size of pointer g is 8
size of pointer *g is 1
size of pointer d is 8
size of pointer *d is 8

Example 7: Nesting of sizeof() operator.

Below is the C++ program to show the nesting of sizeof operator:


// C++ program to show the 
// nesting of sizeof operator
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main() 
  int x;
  double y;
  cout << "Nesting of sizeof operator is implemented " << 
          "as sizeof(x*sizeof(y)) :" << 
           sizeof(x * sizeof(y)) << endl;
  return 0;


Nesting of sizeof operator is implemented as sizeof(x*sizeof(y)) :8

Example 8: Find the size of the structure.

Below is the C++ program to implement the sizeof operator to find the size of the structure:


// C++ program to implement the 
// sizeof operator to find the 
// size of structure
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct gfg
  int z;
  float d;
  char s[20];
// Driver code
int main() 
  cout << "size of structure is " << 
           sizeof(g) << endl;
  return 0;


size of structure is 28

Example 9: Find the size of the union.

Below is the C++ program to implement the sizeof operator to find the size of the union: 


// C++ program to implement the 
// sizeof operator to find the 
// size of the union
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
union gfg
  int z;
  double d;
// Driver code
int main() 
  cout << "size of union is " <<
           sizeof(g) << endl;
  return 0;


size of union is 8