C++ unordered_multiset

The unordered_multiset in C++ STL is an unordered associative container that works similarly to an unordered_set. The only difference is that we can store multiple copies of the same key in this container.

It is also implemented using a hash table so the time complexity of the operations is O(1) on average which can go up to linear time O(n) in the worst case. Internally when an existing value is inserted, the data structure increases its count which is associated with each value. A count of each value is stored in unordered_multiset, it takes more space than unordered_set (if all values are distinct).

Due to hashing of elements, it has no particular order of storing the elements so all element can come in any order but duplicate element comes together.


std::unordered_multiset<data_type> name;

For Example:


// C++ program to demonstrate various function
// of unordered_multiset
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// making typedef for short declaration
typedef unordered_multiset<int>::iterator umit;
// Utility function to print unordered_multiset
void printUset(unordered_multiset<int> ums)
    //  begin() returns iterator to first element of set
    umit it = ums.begin();
    for (; it != ums.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    cout << endl;
//  Driver program to check all function
int main()
    //  empty initialization
    unordered_multiset<int> ums1;
    //  Initialization by intializer list
    unordered_multiset<int> ums2(
        { 1, 3, 1, 7, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6 });
    //  Initialization by assignment
    ums1 = { 2, 7, 2, 5, 0, 3, 7, 5 };
    //  empty() function return true if set is empty
    // otherwise false
    if (ums1.empty())
        cout << "unordered multiset 1 is empty\n";
        cout << "unordered multiset 1 is not empty\n";
    //  size() function returns total number of elements
    // in data structure
    cout << "The size of unordered multiset 2 is : "
         << ums2.size() << endl;
    int val = 3;
    // find function returns iterator to first position
    // of  val, if exist otherwise it returns iterator
    // to end
    if (ums1.find(val) != ums1.end())
        cout << "unordered multiset 1 contains " << val
             << endl;
        cout << "unordered multiset 1 does not contains "
             << val << endl;
    //  count function returns total number of occurrence in
    //  set
    val = 5;
    int cnt = ums1.count(val);
    cout << val << " appears " << cnt
         << " times in unordered multiset 1 \n";
    val = 9;
    //  if count return >0 value then element exist
    //  otherwise not
    if (ums1.count(val))
        cout << "unordered multiset 1 contains " << val
             << endl;
        cout << "unordered multiset 1 does not contains "
             << val << endl;
    val = 1;
    // equal_range returns a pair, where first is iterator
    // to first position of val and second it iterator to
    // last position to val
    pair<umit, umit> erange_it = ums2.equal_range(val);
    if (erange_it.first != erange_it.second)
        cout << val
             << " appeared atleast once in "
                "unoredered_multiset \n";
    // erase function deletes all instances of val
    // clear function deletes all entries from set
    if (ums1.empty())
        cout << "unordered multiset 1 is empty\n";
        cout << "unordered multiset 1 is not empty\n";


unordered multiset 1 is not empty
The size of unordered multiset 2 is : 9
3 0 5 5 7 7 2 2 
3 0 5 5 7 7 7 2 2 
unordered multiset 1 contains 3
5 appears 2 times in unordered multiset 1 
unordered multiset 1 does not contains 9
1 appeared atleast once in unoredered_multiset 
6 4 2 7 3 3 1 1 1 
6 4 2 7 3 3 
unordered multiset 1 is empty

unordered_set vs unordered_multiset

As we can see most of the operations work similarly to that of unordered_set but some things are different such as: 

  • equal_range(Val) function returns a pair of types where the first iterator points to the first position of Val and the second points to the last position of Val in the data structure. While erase(Val) function deletes all its instances from the data structure.
    For example, if some value v has occurred t times in unordered_multiset and when erase is called, v is deleted completely which is not an expected behavior many times.
  • We can delete only one copy of some value by using the find function and the iterator version of erasing, as the find function returns the iterator to the first position of found value we can pass this iterator to erase instead of the actual value to delete only one copy. The following program demonstrates how this happens:


//  C++ program to delete one copy from unordered set
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//  making typedef for short declaration
typedef unordered_multiset<int>::iterator umit;
//  Utility function to print unordered_multiset
void printUset(unordered_multiset<int> ums)
    // begin() returns iterator to first element of
    // set
    umit it = ums.begin();
    for (; it != ums.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    cout << endl;
//  function to delete one copy of val from set
void erase_one_entry(unordered_multiset<int>& ums,
                    int val)
    //  find returns iterator to first position
    umit it = ums.find(val);
    //  if element is there then erasing that
    if (it != ums.end())
//  Driver program to check above function
int main()
    //  initializing multiset by initializer list
    unordered_multiset<int> ums ({1, 3, 1, 7, 2, 3,
                                 4, 1, 6});
    int val = 1;
    erase_one_entry(ums, val);


6 4 2 7 3 3 1 1 1 
6 4 2 7 3 3 1 1 

Methods of std::unordered_multiset

Function Name Function Description
insert() Inserts new elements in the unordered_multiset. This increases the container size.
begin() Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the container or the first element in one of its buckets.
end() Returns an iterator pointing to the position immediately after the last element in the container or to the position immediately after the last element in one of its buckets.
empty() It returns true if the unordered_multiset container is empty. Otherwise, it returns false.
find() Returns an iterator that points to the position which has the element val.
cbegin() Returns a constant iterator pointing to the first element in the container or the first element in one of its buckets.
cend() Returns a constant iterator pointing to the position immediately after the last element in the container or immediately after the last element in one of its buckets.
equal_range() Returns the range in which all the elements are equal to a given value.
emplace() Inserts a new element in the unordered_multiset container.
clear() Clears the contents of the unordered_multiset container.
count() Returns the count of elements in the unordered_multiset container which is equal to a given value.
size() The size() method of unordered_multiset is used to count the number of elements of unordered_set it is called with.
max_size The max_size() of unordered_multiset takes the maximum number of elements that the unordered_multiset container is able to hold.
swap() Swaps the contents of two unordered_multiset containers.
erase() Used to remove either a single element or, all elements with a definite value or, a range of elements ranging from the start(inclusive) to the end(exclusive).
bucket() Returns the bucket number in which a given element is. Bucket size varies from 0 to bucket_count-1.
bucket_size() Returns the number of elements in the bucket that has the element val.
reserve() The reverse() function of unordered_multiset sets the number of buckets in the container (bucket_count) to the most appropriate to contain at least n elements.
max_bucket_count() Returns the maximum number of buckets that the unordered multiset container can have.
load_factor() Returns the current load factor in the unordered_multiset container.
max_load_factor() Returns the maximum load factor of the unordered_multiset container.
bucket_count() Returns the total number of buckets in the unordered_multiset container.
hash_function() This hash function is a unary function that takes a single argument only and returns a unique value of type size_t based on it.
rehash() Sets the number of buckets in the container to N or more.
key_eq() Returns a boolean value according to the comparison.
emplace_hint() Inserts a new element in the unordered_multiset container.
get_allocator This function gets the stored allocator object and returns the allocator object used to construct the container.
operator =  The ‘=’ is an operator in C++ STL that copies (or moves) an unordered_multiset to another unordered_multiset and unordered_multiset::operator= is the corresponding operator function.