How to Create AWS S3 Bucket using CLI ?

Amazon S3 is a Simple Storage Service in AWS that stores files of different types like Photos, Audio, and videos, as objects, providing more scalability and security. It allows users to store and retrieve any amount of data at any point in time from anywhere on the web. It facilitates features such as extremely high availability, security, and simple connections to other AWS Services. In this article, we will see how to create s3 buckets using AWS CLI


Creating S3 Bucket Using CLI

The AWS S3 command is part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and serves as a tool for interacting with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). The AWS s3 mb command creates a new bucket in Amazon S3. It’s a straightforward way to initiate the creation of a storage container within AWS. mb stands for make bucket The bucket name should be globally unique

aws s3 mb s3://<bucket-name> [–options]

Step 1: In this example, we will create a S3 bucket named gfg-example with a default region. Before command execution

s3 buckets before command execution

aws s3 mb s3://gfg-example

Step 2: The above command will create a s3 bucket with default region

S3 bucket creation

s3 buckets after command execution

Step 3: In this example we are creating a s3 bucket with specific region using AWS CLI.

The –region flag in the aws s3 mb command allows us to specify the region of the S3 bucket. By using this flag, we can ensure that the s3 bucket is belongs to specific AWS region. Here I am creating a bucket in the Mumbai (ap-south-1) region.

aws s3 s3://gfg-example2 –region ap-south-1

s3 bucket with specific region

s3 bucket

Uploading or Downloading Objects from S3 Bucket using AWS CLI Commands

The aws s3 cp command can be used for both uploading files to S3 bucket and downloading files from S3 bucket.

aws s3 cp <source> <target> [options]

  • source:
    • For uploading files to s3 bucket this option set to local path that you want to upload to s3.
    • For downloading files from s3 bucket this set to S3 URN.
  • target:
    • For uploading files to s3 bucket this set to URN of S3 bucket.
    • For downloading the files from s3 bucket this is set to local path where you want to save the downloaded file.
  • options: These are optional parameters to modify the original behavior of the command. Here are some commonly used optionsal parameters
    • –recursive: If <source> or <target> is a directory then this parameter will recursively upload/downloads the files.
    • –acl: This parameter specifies the access control list for object
    • –sse: Specifies the server-side encryption method for the uploaded object.

Upload The Objects In S3

Step 1: In this example we are uploading the all the files present in directory to s3 bucket(gfg-example)

Objects in s3 before uploading

aws s3 cp <directory-name> s3://gfg-example --recursive

Command execution

Objects in s3 after uploading

Download the Objects from S3

Step 1: In this example we just download the one file from above s3 bucket.

aws s3 cp s3://gfg-example/ C:\Users\ravis\Desktop

Step 2: The above command downloads the from gfg-example bucket to local Desktop.

Downloading file

The aws s3 rb command is used to delete s3 bucket and aws s3 rm is used to delete the objects from s3 bucket.

aws s3 rb <S3 URN>

The aws s3 rb deletes the s3 bucket if and only if bucket is empty

aws s3 em <S3 URN>

We can delete all the objects from s3 using –recursive option parameter.

Deleting S3 bucket using S3 cmd

Step 1: Deleting the one object from s3 bucket(gfg-example)

aws s3 rm s3://gfg-example/

Step 2: The above command will delete object named with


Step 3: In this example first we try to delete the s3 bucket which is empty(gfg-example) then we will empty the bucket and then delete the s3 bucket(gfg-example)

aws s3 rb s3://gfg-example

Step 4: If the bucket is empty then above cmb directly delete bucket without any error. other wise it will give BucketNotEmptyError

aws s3 rm s3://gfg-example --recursive  #first delete all the objects present in given bucket
aws s3 rb s3://gfg-example #delete the bucket

Delete Example

Creating S3 Bucket with low level S3 API Command

The s3api is a command that allows users to interact with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) through the AWS CLI. With s3api, users can perform advanced operations on S3 buckets and objects such are configure bucket policies, set access control lists (ACLs), manage versioning, configure lifecycle policies, and more.

Creating bucket

aws s3api create-bucket –bucket <bucket-name> –region <region-name>

  • create-bucket: This subcommand initiates the process of creating a new S3 bucket.
  • –bucket: This option is used to specify the name of the bucket you want to create.
  • –region: This option allows you to specify the AWS region where you want to create the bucket

Step 1: The command will create a s3 bucket with name gfg-eample3 in Europe (Ireland) region

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket gfg-example3 --region eu-west-1

Step 2: Attaching life cycle policy to bucket

aws s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration –bucket <bucket-name> –lifecycle-configuration file://<lifecycle-config-file.json>

  • put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration: This is the subcommand used to set the lifecycle configuration for the specified bucket.
  • –bucket: This option specifies the name of the S3 bucket. s3 bucket should be present in s3.
  • –lifecycle-configuration: This option specifies the lifecycle configuration for the bucket.
  • First we will create json file which contains the life cycle rules for s3 bucket. Refer the document to know how to write life cycle policy for s3 bucket.
  • Then we will attach the Life cycle poliy to gfg-example3 bucket
aws s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration --bucket gfg-example3 --lifecycle-configuration file://C:/Users/ravis/Desktop/life-cycle-policy.json

Life cycle policy

Life cycle attachment

Applying The ACL Property Of S3

Step 1: We can use the put-bucket-acl of s3api for specifying the ACL property of s3 bucket.

aws s3api put-bucket-acl –bucket <bucket-name> –acl <acl>

  • put-bucket-acl: This is the command used to set the access control list for the specified bucket.
  • –bucket: This option specifies the name of the S3 bucket
  • –acl: This option specifies the desired access control list for the bucket. The <acl> parameter can be set to one of the following values:
    • private: Bucket and objects are accessible only to the bucket owner.
    • public-read: Bucket is accessible to anyone, but object access is still controlled by individual object ACLs.
    • public-read-write: Bucket and objects are accessible to anyone. Use with caution.
aws s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket gfg-example3 --acl private

ACL policy

Step 2: Carefully review the bucket policies and IAM Policies in order to execute the commands properly.

Create AWS S3 Bucket Using CLI – FAQ’s

What is the use of an AWS S3 Bucket?

To store large amount of data can access the data when ever you required.

Which AWS S3 Command is used to list the all the Buckets in S3?

The aws s3 ls command or aws s3 api list-buckets commands used to list the all the buckets in s3.

What is the purpose of AWS S3 mb Command

The aws s3 mb command is used to create new bucket in s3