Create non-hierarchical columns with Pandas Group by module

In this article, we are going to see a couple of methods to create non-hierarchical columns when applying the groupby module. 

We are using the Fortune 500 companies dataset to demonstrate the problem and solution. We have to grab a copy from website.

For each “Sector” and “Industry” Find the total, average employees, and the minimum, maximum revenue change.

Let’s see an example with implementation:

Step 1: Let us begin by importing pandas and the data set with the company “Rank” as the index. 


import pandas as pd
# load the dataset
df = pd.read_csv(
# print the columns


Step 2: There are quite a number of columns that are of no interest to us in the dataset like Headquarters location, Address,…  I will be dropping them from the data set.


# remove unwanted columns
remove_columns =['Website','Hqaddr','Hqzip', 'Hqtel',
                 'Ceo','Ceo-title', 'Address', 'Ticker',
                 'Prftchange', 'Assets', 'Totshequity']
df = df.drop(columns= remove_columns,axis = 1)


Method 1:

In this method, we will be using to_flat_index method to output non-hierarchical columns. Let me, first group, the columns to identify the data for below. For each “Sector” and “Industry” Find the total, average employees, and the minimum, maximum revenue change.  The syntax for the groupby and aggregation is as follows

Syntax: df.groupby([‘grouping column1′,’ grouping column2”]).agg({ ‘aggregate column1’ :[‘aggregate function1′,’aggregate function2’] })

Now as per the requirement let us map the column names from the data set to the syntax.

  • Grouping columns – ‘Sector’, ‘Industry’
  • Aggregate columns – ‘Employees’, ‘Revchange’
  • Aggregate functions – ‘sum’, ‘mean’, ‘min’ ”max3.   Getting the results by applying the above syntax.



df_result = (df
           .agg({'Employees':['sum', 'mean'],
# printing top 15 rows


Looking at the results, we have 6 hierarchical columns i.e. sum and mean for Employees (highlighted in yellow) and min, max columns for Revchange. We can convert the hierarchical columns to non-hierarchical columns using the .to_flat_index method which was introduced in the pandas 0.24 version. 


df_result.columns = ['_'.join(cols).lower()
                     for cols in df_result.columns.to_flat_index()]



Once the function is applied successfully all the columns are not flattened with the column name appended with the aggregate functions.

Full implementation:


 Program: For each "Sector" and "Industry" Find the total, average employees, and the minimum, maximum revenue change. 
import pandas as pd
 Function: Convert hierarchical columns to non-hierarchical columns
   params: dataframe with hierarchical columns
  return : dataframe with non-hierarchical columns
def return_non_hierarchical(df):
    df.columns = ['_'.join(x) for x in df.columns.to_flat_index()]
    return df
# load the dataset with rank as index
df = pd.read_csv(
    "", index_col="Rank")
# remove unwanted columns
remove_columns = ['Website', 'Hqaddr', 'Hqzip', 'Hqtel', 'Ceo',
                  'Ceo-title', 'Address', 'Ticker', 'Prftchange',
                  'Assets', 'Totshequity']
df = df.drop(columns=remove_columns, axis=1)
# Identify the data as per the requirement
df_result = (df
             .groupby(['Sector', 'Industry'])
             .agg({'Employees': ['sum', 'mean'],
                   'Revchange': ['min', 'max']})
# print the data



Method 2:

Pandas have introduced named aggregation objects to create non-hierarchical columns. I will use the same requirement mentioned above and apply it to Named aggregation. 

The syntax for this groupby method is as follows:

df.groupby([‘grouping column1′,’ grouping column2”]).agg({ ‘Named column’ = NamedAgg(column=’aggregate column’, aggfunc=’aggregate function’))



 Program: For each "Sector" and "Industry" Find the total, average employees, and the minimum, maximum revenue change. 
import pandas as pd
# load the dataset with rank as index
df = pd.read_csv(
    "", index_col="Rank")
# remove unwanted columns
remove_columns = ['Website', 'Hqaddr', 'Hqzip', 'Hqtel', 'Ceo',
                  'Ceo-title', 'Address', 'Ticker', 'Prftchange',
                  'Assets', 'Totshequity']
df = df.drop(columns=remove_columns, axis=1)
# Identify the data as per the requirement
df_result = (df
             .groupby(['Sector', 'Industry'])
             .agg(Employees_sum=pd.NamedAgg(column='Employees', aggfunc='sum'),
                      column='Employees', aggfunc='mean'),
                      column='Revchange', aggfunc='min'),
                  Revchange_maximum=pd.NamedAgg(column='Revchange', aggfunc='max'))
# print the data
