How to Create RSS Feeds for Google Search Results?

If you are an individual who works on the Reports Generated by Google Search & wants to get frequent updates on any Google Search Keyword, then you have to switch to the RSS Feeds of Google Search Result.

When there will be a new result added, the Google Search RSS Feed will let you know. This article is intended to discuss the steps to Create RSS Feeds for Google Search Results.

What is RSS Feed for Google Search?

The Really Simple Syndication or RSS is the Web Format that helps to generate reports by analyzing any kind of webpage, blog, content, etc. If you’re interested in any particular topic, then the RSS Feed on Google can be used. From Google News to Google Articles everything can be followed by Creating RSS Feed on the topic.

Now, if you are interested to know a particular Google Search Keyword, then you have to Get an RSS Feed of Google Search Results. Once, you create the RSS Feed for a Particular Google Search Keyword, you will get regular updates on it. Whenever Google adds a new Search Result with that Google Keyword, you will be notified.

Why Create an RSS Feed for Google Search Results?

Now, before discussing the Steps to Develop RSS Feed for Google Search Results, it is time to discuss the reasons why most individuals go for the Google Search RSS Feed Data. However, the Creation of RSS Feed for any certain Google Keyword also depends upon some particular occupations only.

  • Specific Topic Update: Once, you create the RSS Feed of Google Search Result, you will be updated constantly with topics whenever new data is added to Google.
  • Monitor the Trends: As you will get regular updates on any topic, you will find out the proper trend that is going on. This will help you to assume the trend of the future as well in the topic.
  • Automatic Research: If you have created the RSS Feed of Google Search, the generated RSS File will itself be a proper research paper of different articles.

How to Create RSS Feeds for Google Search Results?

To Receive RSS Feed for Google Search Results, browse the Official Webpage of Google Alerts. In the Search Box, you have to put the Google Search Keyword for RSS Feed. Now, you will get a set of following options. At last, click on the Create Alert Button.

  • How Often: You will find a few options there. Like Every Day, In A Week, As It Happens, etc. As you are going for the RSS Feed, it will be disabled in the As It Happens option.
  • Source: Now, it will ask for the source that you are asking for. Whether you are looking for some Blogs Contents or Videos, you have to mention. Otherwise, go ahead with the Automatic Option.
  • Language: In this case, you have to select the Language on which you want to analyze the Google Search Result.
  • Region: As per your country, you can select the Region. Also, you might go for the Worldwide Search as well.
  • How Many: In this case, you can filter the result of appearance. You might choose all the results or some top results in Google Search.
  • Deliver To: In the Deliver To option, you have to Select the RSS Feed option.

What are the Alternatives to Create RSS Feeds for Google Search Results?

The Google Alert is the best way to Create RSS Feed for Google Search Results. However, if you want to explore any other Alternatives to Google Search Result RSS Feed, then the following third-party platforms can be used. You will find both applications as well as Online RSS Generators on these. They are one of the best RSS Feed Generators.

  • RSS App: The RSS App is the leading & most useful application used by many individuals. You will find the Online RSS Generators as well as the application that can be installed on the device.
  • FetchRSS: The FetchRSS is another important application used for the Generation of RSS Feed. You need to only put the URL there to get the RSS Feed for that. Also, in the application, the Customization Options are available.
  • FreeBin: FreeBin is a good platform that can be used for the RSS Feed Generation of Articles which is more similar to the Google Search Result Feed. You can also install the application here.


From the above discussion, we can conclude that Generating RSS Feed from Google Search Results is not at all a complicated task. You can simply get an RSS Feed for Certain Google Search Keywords using the Google Alert Page. However, if you want, you can generate the Google RSS Feed from third-party applications as well.

How to Create RSS Feeds for Google Search Results – FAQs

How to Create RSS Feeds for Google Search Results?

To Create the RSS Feed from Google Search Result, the following steps need to be properly executed.

  1. Browse to the Google Alert Page.
  2. Enter the Google Search Keyword.
  3. Make the Deliver To as the RSS Feed.
  4. Click on the Create Alert button.

What is the purpose of RSS Feed in Google Search?

The RSS Feed is used to stay updated on any particular topic. For the Google Search Engine, it can be also used. If you create the RSS Feed for Google Search, you will stay updated on the particular topic. Whenever there is any new topic added to it, you will let to know.

What is the file format created from RSS Feeds for Google Search Results?

Once you have created the RSS Feeds for Google Search Result, you will get the XML File to download. You can open the XML File where all the Google Search Results will be available along with the particular URL to open.