Creating objects in JavaScript

A JavaScript object is a data structure containing properties and methods. Objects can be created using object literals, constructors, or classes. Properties are defined with key-value pairs, and methods are functions defined within the object, enabling encapsulation and organization of data and behavior.

These are the following 4 ways:

Table of Content

  • Creating object with a constructor
  • Using object literals
  • Creating object with Object.create() method
  • Using es6 classes

Creating object with a constructor

One of the easiest ways to instantiate an object is in JavaScript. Constructor is nothing but a function and with the help of a new keyword, the constructor function allows to creation of multiple objects of the same flavor as shown below: 

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained approach.

// Simple function
function vehicle(name, maker, engine) { = name;
    this.maker = maker;
    this.engine = engine;
// New keyword to create an object
let car = new vehicle('GT', 'BMW', '1998cc');
// Property accessors


Explanation: A class in OOPs have two major components, certain parameters and few member functions. In this method we declare a function similar to a class, there are three parameters, name, maker and engine ( the this keyword is used to differentiate the name,maker,engine of the class to the name,maker,engine of the arguments that are being supplied.). We then simple create an object obj of the vehicle, initialize it and call it’s method.  

Using object literals

Literals are smaller and simpler ways to define objects. We simply define the property and values inside curly braces as shown below.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained approach.

// Creating js objects with object literal
let car = {
    name: 'GT',
    maker: 'BMW',
    engine: '1998cc'
// Property accessor
console.log(; //dot notation
console.log(car['maker']); //bracket notation


In the above code, we created a simple object named car with the help of object literal,having properties like name,maker,engine.Then we make use of the property accessor methods(Dot notation,Bracket notation) to console.log the values. Now let’s see how we can add more properties to an already defined object: 

let car = {
    name: 'GT',
    maker: 'BMW',
    engine: '1998cc'
// Adding property to the object
car.brakesType = 'All Disc';

{ name: 'GT', maker: 'BMW', engine: '1998cc', brakesType: 'All Disc' }

 Methods can also be part of the object while creation or can be added later like properties as shown below: 

// Adding methods to the car object
let car = {
    name : 'GT',
    maker : 'BMW',
    engine : '1998cc',
    start : function(){
        console.log('Starting the engine...');
// Adding method stop() later to the object
car.stop = function() {
    console.log('Applying Brake...');  

Starting the engine...
Applying Brake...

Explanation: In the above code start method was added to the car object and later called by the car.start() and also the stop method was added too after the object was already declared.  

Creating object with Object.create() method

The Object.create() method creates a new object, using an existing object as the prototype of the newly created object.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained approach.

const coder = {
    isStudying : false,
    printIntroduction : function(){
        console.log(`My name is ${}. Am I studying?: ${this.isStudying}`);
const me = Object.create(coder); = 'Mukul';
me.isStudying = true;

My name is Mukul. Am I studying?: true

Using es6 classes

ES6 supports class concept like any other Statically typed or object oriented language. So, object can be created out of a class in javascript as well.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained approach.

// Using es6 classes
class Vehicle {
  constructor(name, maker, engine) { = name;
    this.maker =  maker;
    this.engine = engine;

let car1 = new Vehicle('GT', 'BMW', '1998cc');

console.log(;  //GT
