Credit : Function, Types, Need, Characteristics, Examples & Advantages

What is Credit?

Credit in finance is the act of borrowing money or getting access to goods & services with a promise to pay you back in the future. It plays an essential role in economic activity by facilitating transactions & and allowing people & companies to make investment decisions that they may not otherwise be able to make. When you get a loan from a lender, they lend you money. You agree to pay back the loan amount plus interest within a certain period. Credit can be in the form of a credit card, a loan, a mortgage, or a trade credit. It is the financial instrument that helps people and businesses manage cash flow, reduce financial volatility, and invest in new opportunities.

Credit is an essential financial instrument that enables economic activity by providing people & businesses with access to money for a wide range of purposes. When you apply for credit you enter into a loan agreement with a lender where you agree to pay back the loan amount plus interest over a certain period. Credit management has a positive impact on your cash flow, financial security & ability to take advantage of new investment opportunities.

Your credit score is based on your credit history, your income, and your level of debt, which affects your ability to get credit & credit terms you are offered. By using credit wisely, you can improve your credit score, allowing you to borrow more money & pay lower rates.

Table of Content

  • How does Credit Function?
  • Variety of Credit
  • Why do You Need Credit ?
  • Credit in Financial Accounting
  • Characteristics of Credit System
  • Examples Credit
  • Advantages of Credit
  • Disadvantages of Credit
  • Credit Vs Debit in Accounting
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does Credit Function?

1. Financial System: Credit is a financial system that allows people & businesses to borrow money for a variety of purposes. Typically a lender gives a borrower a sum of money the option to purchase up to a certain amount. It is an agreement where you agree to pay back the money you borrowed over a set period.

2. Based on Trust: Credit works based on a relationship of trust between the creditor & the debtor. Lenders evaluate the creditworthiness of people & companies before granting credit. This assessment takes into account things like credit score, income, current job status & outstanding debt. A good credit score which means you have a good history of repaying your debts, improves your credit score & makes it simpler for you to get bigger loans with better terms.

3. Can be Used by Borrowers: Extended credit can be used by borrowers to purchase items, pay bills, make investments & satisfy other financial obligations. Common forms of credit include credit cards, personal loans, mortgages & business lines of credit.

4. Repayment: Repayment is one of the most important steps in the credit lifecycle. Borrowers must pay back the amount borrowed by the terms & conditions specified in the loan agreement. If you don’t pay on time you will face penalties, charges & damage to your credit report making it harder to get credit in the long run. On the other hand, making repayments on time improves your credit score making it easier for you to get credit on better terms.

5. Encourages Investment: Not only does credit facilitate transactions for individuals & businesses but it also has a significant impact on the wider economy by encouraging spending & investing. However, it is important to use credit wisely if you want to avoid debt traps & stay on top of your finances. You need to understand the terms of your credit agreement & manage your repayments wisely.

Variety of Credit

1. Credit Cards : Credit cards let you buy whatever you want up to a certain credit limit. You can pay back the loan in full every month you can carry a balance & pay interest.

2. Personal Loans : A personal loan is an unsecured loan that you can use for a variety of reasons. For ex. you can use a personal loan to consolidate your debts, pay off your home loan & pay off an unexpected expense. They usually have a set interest rate & repayment schedule.

3. Mortgages : A mortgage is a long term loan used to purchase a home. They are backed by real estate & borrowers make repayments over a long period of time usually 15 to 30 years.

4. Student Loans : Student loans help finance education expenses. They may also have more flexible repayment plans & lower interest rates. Some government sponsored loans offer income driven repayment plans.

5. Store Credit : Store credit is a type of credit offered by retailers to promote customer loyalty. It enables customers to make credit purchases on a store to store basis often with exclusive offers.

Why do You Need Credit ?

There are many reasons why credit is so important & it plays an important role in both personal & business life. First it allows people to buy big things like houses & cars without paying the whole price up front. This allows you to spread payments over a longer period of time, making them more affordable & making it easier to plan ahead. Credit cards are easy to use allowing you to make immediate purchases & pay online. In addition credit provides a financial cushion in the event of an emergency allowing you to cover unexpected costs. Credit is one of the most important financial instruments in the business world. It is used by businesses to control cash flow, finance growth & manage economic cycles. Credit is often used by businesses to finance their operations buy inventory & cover revenue shortfalls.

Furthermore the presence of credit boosts the economy by stimulating spending & investment resulting in overall economic growth. In addition having a good credit score sets you up for success in the future. A good credit score allows you to get better terms & lower rates on loans & financial products. Whether you are looking for personal cash flow want to grow your business credit is a must have that helps people & businesses reach their goals & manage the ever changing financial landscape.

Credit in Financial Accounting

Credit is a key concept in financial accounting. It refers to the right hand side of a two way accounting system. This is where the money comes from & where the liabilities are reduced. When a transaction takes place one account gets debited & another account gets credited to balance the accounting equation.

Credit is used to report a decrease in assets, an increase in liabilities & an increase in equity. Debt & credits are important concepts that need to be understood in order to maintain proper & balanced financial reporting in line with GAAP. In financial accounting credits are used to indicate where money is coming from or going. They include losses on assets on liabilities & equity.

When a transaction takes place one account is credited while another account is debited. This indicates the movement of funds or assets within the financial system. This two step process is essential for monitoring financial operations & keeping the asset to liabilities to equity ratio balanced.

Debt & credit dynamics are important to understand. Credits are used to report a variety of financial events such as asset losses, change in liabilities & changes in equity. This meticulous accounting process helps organizations evaluate their financial position, comply with regulations make strategic business decisions on the basis of a sound & transparent financial basis. Having a good understanding of these topics allows accountants & financial experts to provide relevant & reliable financial data to interested parties.

Characteristics of Credit System

1. Trust Based System : Credit is a relationship between a lender & a borrower & creditworthiness is determined by factors such as credit history & income.

2. Diverse Forms : Manage through credit cards, loans, mortgages & other financial products to meet different financial needs & circumstances.

3. Repayment Option : Borrowers make a commitment to pay back the amount borrowed, promote financial responsibility & maintain a good credit score.

4. Double Entry Accounting : In the context of financial accounting credits play a vital role in the double entry accounting system ensuring that records are recorded correctly & in accordance with accounting standards.

5. Interest & Fees : Credit often comes with interest & fees. Interest is what lenders charge you for using your money. Borrowers need to know what credit costs. The interest rate & fees may differ depending on the type of loan & the creditworthiness of the borrower.

6. Credit Limits : Many types of credit including credit cards & line of credit have pre set limits. These limits are the maximum amount a borrower can borrow. Keeping track of & managing these limits is essential for responsible credit utilization & prevents over indebtedness.

Examples Credit

1. Auto Loan : An auto installment loan is a type of loan that is used to finance the purchase of an automobile. The loan is backed by the vehicle & the borrower makes repayments over a set period of time.

2. Home Equity Line of Credit : A home equity line of credit is a type of revolving loan that uses home equity as collateral. Like a credit card homeowners can draw on their home equity at any time.

3. Payday Loan : A payday loan is a short term loan with a high interest rate that you pay back on your next payday. The downside of payday loans is that they often come with hefty interest rates & can spiral you into debt if you don’t manage it properly.

Advantages of Credit

1. Financial Flexibility: Credit gives you the freedom to buy things & pay for them especially in times of need or when you don’t have the money right away.

2. Building Credit History: Using credit responsibly enables you to create & improve your credit score which in turn affects your future borrowing rates & terms.

3. Investement Opportunities: It allows people and businesses to take advantage of investment opportunities like buying a house, starting a company & going to school without having to pay the full amount upfront.

4. Economic Stimulus: It boosts economic growth by boosting spending & investment creating a virtuous cycle of economic growth & job creation.

5. Cash Flow Management: Credit helps with cash flow management for individuals & businesses enabling strategic planning & addressing financial requirements without relying solely on cash reserves.

Disadvantages of Credit

1. Accural of Interest: If you don’t pay on time you will pay high interest rates which means you will owe more money.

2. Negative Impact on Credit Score: Paying late or taking on too much debt can damage your credit score impacting your ability to borrow in the future.

3. Debt Trap Risk: However this easy access to credit can also lead to overspending putting you in a vicious cycle of debt with rising interest rates.

4. Penalty: If you make late payments & exceed your credit limit you may be charged interest & fees which add to the total cost of your loan.

5. Limited Flexibility in Financial Planning: Using a lot of credit can restrict your ability to plan your finances, as a lot of your income may be tied up in debt payments, limiting your ability to save money invest in other areas of your life.

Credit Vs Debit in Accounting




Effect on accounts

Increases liability & equity

Decreases assests & equity


Represents the sources of funds

Represents the uses of funds

Accounting recorded

In accounting recorded on right side

In accounting recorded on left sideE

Normal balance

It has on the credit side

It has on the debit side

Decrease in libalities

Credits are used when libalities decrease

Debits are used when libalities increase

Decrease in equity

Credits are used when equity decrease

Debits are used when equity increase


Ex. Loans, Credit loans etc.

Ex. Cash withdrawls, expenses etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Credit ?


Credit is a number that measures your creditworthiness based on things like your payment history, how often you use your credit & the length of your credit history.

2. How does a credit card work ?


A credit card lets you buy up to a certain amount & you have to pay back the borrowed amount by the due date.

3. Why is credit important for businesses ?


Credit facilitates cash flow management, growth initiatives & economic cycles by providing liquidity for operations & growth.

4. How can I improve my credit score ?


Increase your credit score by paying on time, lowering your credit card debt & keeping a mix of different credit accounts.

5. What is difference between secured & unsecured loan ?


Secured loans require collateral whereas unsecured loans don’t but secured loans usually have lower rates but if you don’t pay back the loan you risk losing your collateral.