Credit Suisse Internship Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Registration Process: The interested students from Computer Science and Information Technology Branch were asked to submit their details for the Credit Suisse Technical Analyst Intern position (Summer 2022). After all the students submitted their details, the students who had secured more than 8.0 CGPA in their semesters were allowed to sit for the coding round. About 110 students were shortlisted to give the coding round.

Round 1(Coding Round): 

  • The coding test took place in the HackerEarth platform on 16th of November. There were a total of 5 questions which consisted of 2 MCQ’s and 3 Programming Questions. The MCQ’s were of 6 marks each and the 3 Programming questions were of 100-50-50 marks. So the total was of 212 marks. 1 and an half hour was assigned to us to complete all the questions.
  •  There was no negative marking.  The MCQ’s were mostly from the Computer Fundamental and Databases. The Programming questions were medium to hard level. The 100 marks question was a hard question that might require you to use some advanced data structures.
  •  The other 2 questions were of medium level. You had to pass all the test cases(15) to get full marks, or else it was partially accepted.
  • Results were declared on 22nd November. A total of 29 students were shortlisted. We were informed that the interviews of the shortlisted candidates will be on 24th November from 10am onwards.

Round 2(Technical Interview Round):

  • There were two interviewers. They first gave their Introductions and then asked us to introduce ourselves. Be well prepared for this answer beforehand as this is a very common question and the way you start off your interview would also have a good impact.
  • After introduction, my Interviewer took a look at my resume and asked me if I am good with Data Structures and Algorithms. I said yes and then they asked me a few questions on DSA. Some of them were:
  •  What is a Stack, What is a Queue,  Difference between Stack and Queue, What is a Linked List, How would you reverse a linked list using a single pointer, What are heaps. Min Heap, Max Heap, Heapify Methods.
  • Then they shifted towards SQL and Database system concepts,  SQL – Tables, List, Tuples, Different types of Joins, Database System – If someone is trying to send you ₹ 500. It was debited from his account but it was not credit to your account. What is the reason for this and what will happen next.
  • There were also a few Situational questions like:
  • Suppose you have been assigned a project which you have absolutely no clue about. Your team members are all seniors to you and are well versed with the tech stacks to be used for the project. What would you do in this situation?
  • Describe a situation where you made a sudden initiative to change something in a project/work, which was beneficial for your team.
  • There was also a few discussions about one of my projects. We got into a discussion regarding project’s implementation and how the decisions were made, and what technology was used.
  • The interview lasted about 20-25 mins.
  • This was mostly it for the technical interview and it concluded there.
  • A total of about 12 students were selected for the HR Round.

Round 3(HR Round):

  • First, the HR introduced himself. Then he asked me to interview myself and tell a bit about my family.
  • Then he asked me about one of my internships and how was my experience working there.
  • After that he asked me a few Situational questions like:-  
  • Describe a situation some necessary actions were required to be taken and you took the leadership role for fulfilling the task.
  • Tell me about a situation where you took on some challenging task which was not in your comfort zone, still you managed to do it.
  • Then he asked me why I wanted to work after graduating and why not do my Master’s immediately after.
  • That was mostly it. He asked me if I had any questions for him. I asked him about what projects we would be working on.
  • Finally he just discussed the stipend amount and the locations of the internships, and if I had all the relevant documents or not.
  • The results were declared on the same day in the late evening and I was happy that I was selected for the Technical Analyst role. Total 8 students were selected.