Crossword Puzzle Of The Week #5 (for Operating System)

In this issue of Crossword Puzzle of the week, we will dive into the topics of Operating Systems. The solution to the crossword puzzle is provided at the end.

Crossword Puzzle Of The Week #5 (for Concepts of Operating System)



1. Part of the operating system which is responsible for file management.
2. A _____ is a running program that serves as the foundation for all computation.
3. The _____ time is the total time that a process requires for its overall execution.
4. The executable file which gets created.
5. Within a program, a _____ is a separate execution path


6. what refers to the ability of users to interact with a computer system.
7. _____ algorithm is a Greedy algorithm where the page to be replaced is least recently used
8. _____ works like a typical request queue where data, instructions and processes from multiple sources are accumulated for execution later on.
9. In _____ scheduling, the process with the lowest burst time, among the list of available processes in the ready queue, is going to be scheduled next.
10. _____ is a process of swapping a process temporarily to a secondary memory from the main memory which is fast than compared to secondary memory.

Solution for Crossword Puzzle #5:

Crossword Puzzle Of The Week #5 (for Concepts of Operating System)
