Cursors in PL/SQL

A Cursor in PL/SQL is a pointer to a context area that stores the result set of a query.

PL/SQL Cursors

The cursor is used to retrieve data one row at a time from the results set, unlike other SQL commands that operate on all rows at once.

Cursors update table records in a singleton or row-by-row manner.

The Data that is stored in the Cursor is called the Active Data Set. Oracle DBMS has another predefined area in the main memory Set, within which the cursors are opened. Hence the size of the cursor is limited by the size of this pre-defined area.

Cursor Actions

Key actions involved in working with cursors in PL/SQL are:

  1. Declare Cursor: A cursor is declared by defining the SQL statement that returns a result set.
  2. Open: A Cursor is opened and populated by executing the SQL statement defined by the cursor.
  3. Fetch: When the cursor is opened, rows can be fetched from the cursor one by one or in a block to perform data manipulation.
  4. Close: After data manipulation, close the cursor explicitly.
  5. Deallocate: Finally, delete the cursor definition and release all the system resources associated with the cursor.

Types of Cursors in PL/SQL

Cursors are classified depending on the circumstances in which they are opened.

  • Implicit Cursor: If the Oracle engine opened a cursor for its internal processing it is known as an Implicit Cursor. It is created “automatically” for the user by Oracle when a query is executed and is simpler to code.
  • Explicit Cursor: A Cursor can also be opened for processing data through a PL/SQL block, on demand. Such a user-defined cursor is known as an Explicit Cursor.

Explicit cursor

An explicit cursor is defined in the declaration section of the PL/SQL Block. It is created on a SELECT Statement which returns more than one row.

Syntax for creating cursor

CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement;


  • cursor_name: A suitable name for the cursor.
  • select_statement: A select query which returns multiple rows

How to use Explicit Cursor?

There are four steps in using an Explicit Cursor.

  1. DECLARE the cursor in the Declaration section.
  2. OPEN the cursor in the Execution Section.
  3. FETCH the data from the cursor into PL/SQL variables or records in the Execution Section.
  4. CLOSE the cursor in the Execution Section before you end the PL/SQL Block.


General Syntax of using an explicit cursor in PL/SQL is:

CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement;
OPEN cursor_name;
FETCH cursor_name INTO variables OR records;

process the records;
CLOSE cursor_name;