Curve Fitting using Linear and Nonlinear Regression

Curve fitting, a fundamental technique in data analysis and machine learning, plays a pivotal role in modelling relationships between variables, predicting future outcomes, and uncovering underlying patterns in data. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of linear and nonlinear regression, exploring their principles, methodologies, applications, and best practices.

Understanding Curve Fitting

An essential component of data analysis is curve fitting, which allows us to fit a curve to a dataset and determine the connection between variables. Regression analysis, both linear and nonlinear, is the main method utilized for this. Nonlinear regression fits a more complicated curve to the data, while linear regression fits a straight line. This article explores both approaches, using real-world examples and code to demonstrate the ideas and procedures.

Linear Regression

Through the process of fitting a linear equation to observable data, linear regression models the connection between two variables. The linear model’s equation is:

? = ?? + ?
  • The dependent variable is y.
  • The independent variable is x.
  • The line’s slope is denoted by m.
  • The y-intercept is denoted by c.

Nonlinear Regression

Using a nonlinear equation, nonlinear regression predicts the connection between variables. It can fit more intricate patterns than linear regression. The quadratic model is an example of a nonlinear model:

? = ??2 + ?? + ?
  • The dependent variable is y.
  • The independent variable is x.
  • The coefficients are a, b, and c.

Steps Curve Fitting using Linear and Nonlinear Regression

Step 1: Import Libraries

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

Step 2: Generate Data

For the sake of both linear and nonlinear models, let’s generate some fake data.

# Linear data
x_linear = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y_linear = 2 * x_linear + 1 + np.random.normal(0, 1, x_linear.size)

# Nonlinear data
x_nonlinear = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y_nonlinear = 2 * x_nonlinear**2 + 3 * x_nonlinear + \
    5 + np.random.normal(0, 10, x_nonlinear.size)

Step 3: Curve Fitting using Linear Regression on Linear Data

# Reshape data
x_linear_reshaped = x_linear.reshape(-1, 1)

# Create a linear regression model
linear_model = LinearRegression(), y_linear)

# Predict values
y_linear_pred = linear_model.predict(x_linear_reshaped)

# Plot results
plt.scatter(x_linear, y_linear, color='blue', label='Data')
plt.plot(x_linear, y_linear_pred, color='red', label='Fitted Line')
plt.title('Linear Regression')


The output plot for the produced linear data will display a red line that represents the fitted linear model along with a scatter plot of the data points.

Step 4:Curve Fitting using Nonlinear Regression on Nonlinear Data

def nonlinear_model(x, a, b, c):
    return a * x**2 + b * x + c

# Fit the nonlinear model
params, covariance = curve_fit(nonlinear_model, x_nonlinear, y_nonlinear)

# Predict values
y_nonlinear_pred = nonlinear_model(x_nonlinear, *params)

# Plot results
plt.scatter(x_nonlinear, y_nonlinear, color='blue', label='Data')
plt.plot(x_nonlinear, y_nonlinear_pred, color='red', label='Fitted Curve')
plt.title('Nonlinear Regression')


The output plot for the produced nonlinear data will show a red curve that represents the fitted nonlinear model with a scatter plot of the data points.

Applications of Linear and Nonlinear Regression

  1. Predictive Modeling: Linear and nonlinear regression are widely used in predictive modeling to forecast future trends, such as stock prices, sales volumes, and environmental variables.
  2. Economic Analysis: Regression analysis is employed in economics to estimate demand curves, production functions, and cost functions, aiding in market analysis and policy evaluation.
  3. Biomedical Research: Nonlinear regression is instrumental in modeling dose-response relationships, pharmacokinetic models, and enzyme kinetics in biomedical research and drug development.
  4. Engineering Design: Regression techniques are applied in engineering to model relationships between variables in design optimization, process control, and system identification.
  5. Social Sciences: Regression analysis is utilized in social sciences to examine relationships between variables in fields such as psychology, sociology, and political science.

Best Practices for Curve Fitting

  1. Data Preprocessing: Ensure data cleanliness by handling missing values, outliers, and transforming variables if necessary to meet regression assumptions.
  2. Model Selection: Choose the appropriate regression model based on the nature of the relationship between variables and the assumptions of the model.
  3. Feature Engineering: Select relevant features and consider transforming variables or creating interaction terms to capture complex relationships.
  4. Model Evaluation: Assess model performance using metrics such as coefficient of determination (R2), mean squared error (MSE), and residual analysis to gauge goodness of fit and identify potential issues.
  5. Cross-Validation: Validate model performance using techniques like k-fold cross-validation to ensure robustness and generalizability.


In data analysis, curve fitting is a crucial method for determining the connection between variables. Nonlinear regression works better for complicated patterns, whereas linear regression is appropriate for linear connections. This post explained how to use Python to run both kinds of regression, along with useful examples and understanding-enhancing graphics.