Custom Tree Problem

You are given a set of links, e.g.

a ---> b
b ---> c
b ---> d
a ---> e 

Print the tree that would form when each pair of these links that has the same character as start and end point is joined together. You have to maintain fidelity w.r.t. the height of nodes, i.e. nodes at height n from root should be printed at same row or column. For set of links given above, tree printed should be –

   |   |-->c
   |   |-->d

Note that these links need not form a single tree; they could form, ahem, a forest. Consider the following links

a ---> b
a ---> g
b ---> c
c ---> d
d ---> e
c ---> f
z ---> y
y ---> x
x ---> w

The output would be following forest.

   |   |-->c
   |   |   |-->d
   |   |   |   |-->e
   |   |   |-->f

   |   |-->x
   |   |   |-->w

You can assume that given links can form a tree or forest of trees only, and there are no duplicates among links. 

Solution: The idea is to maintain two arrays, one array for tree nodes and other for trees themselves (we call this array forest). An element of the node array contains the TreeNode object that corresponds to respective character. An element of the forest array contains Tree object that corresponds to respective root of tree. It should be obvious that the crucial part is creating the forest here, once it is created, printing it out in required format is straightforward. To create the forest, following procedure is used –

Do following for each input link,
1. If start of link is not present in node array
     Create TreeNode objects for start character
     Add entries of start in both arrays. 
2. If end of link is not present in node array
     Create TreeNode objects for start character
     Add entry of end in node array.
3. If end of link is present in node array.
     If end of link is present in forest array, then remove it
     from there.
4. Add an edge (in tree) between start and end nodes of link.

It should be clear that this procedure runs in linear time in number of nodes as well as of links – it makes only one pass over the links. It also requires linear space in terms of alphabet size. Following is Java implementation of above algorithm. In the following implementation characters are assumed to be only lower case characters from ‘a’ to ‘z’.



// Java program to create a custom tree from a given set of links.
// The main class that represents tree and has main method
public class Tree {
    private TreeNode root;
    /* Returns an array of trees from links input. Links are assumed to
       be Strings of the form "<s> <e>" where <s> and <e> are starting
       and ending points for the link. The returned array is of size 26
       and has non-null values at indexes corresponding to roots of trees
       in output */
    public Tree[] buildFromLinks(String [] links) {
        // Create two arrays for nodes and forest
        TreeNode[] nodes = new TreeNode[26]; 
        Tree[] forest = new Tree[26];         
        // Process each link
        for (String link : links) {
            // Find the two ends of current link
            String[] ends = link.split(" ");
            int start = (int) (ends[0].charAt(0) - 'a'); // Start node
            int end   = (int) (ends[1].charAt(0) - 'a'); // End node
            // If start of link not seen before, add it two both arrays
            if (nodes[start] == null)
                nodes[start] = new TreeNode((char) (start + 'a'));  
                // Note that it may be removed later when this character is
                // last character of a link. For example, let we first see
                // a--->b, then c--->a.  We first add 'a' to array of trees
                // and when we see link c--->a, we remove it from trees array.
                forest[start] = new Tree(nodes[start]);
            // If end of link is not seen before, add it to the nodes array
            if (nodes[end] == null)                            
                nodes[end] = new TreeNode((char) (end + 'a'));                                
            // If end of link is seen before, remove it from forest if
            // it exists there.
            else forest[end] = null;
            // Establish Parent-Child Relationship between Start and End
            nodes[start].addChild(nodes[end], end);
        return forest;
    // Constructor
    public Tree(TreeNode root) { this.root = root;  } 
    public static void printForest(String[] links)
        Tree t = new Tree(new TreeNode('\0'));
        for (Tree t1 : t.buildFromLinks(links)) {
           if (t1 != null
    // Driver method to test
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String [] links1 = {"a b", "b c", "b d", "a e"};
        System.out.println("------------ Forest 1 ----------------");
        String [] links2 = {"a b", "a g", "b c", "c d", "d e", "c f",
                            "z y", "y x", "x w"};
        System.out.println("------------ Forest 2 ----------------");
// Class to represent a tree node
class TreeNode {   
    TreeNode []children;
    char c;
    // Adds a child 'n' to this node
    public void addChild(TreeNode n, int index) { this.children[index] = n;} 
    // Constructor
    public TreeNode(char c) { this.c = c;  this.children = new TreeNode[26];}
    // Recursive method to print indented tree rooted with this node.
    public void printTreeIdented(String indent) {       
            System.out.println(indent + "-->" + c);
            for (TreeNode child : children) {
              if (child != null
                child.printTreeIdented(indent + "   |");


// C# program to create a custom tree
// from a given set of links.
using System;
// The main class that represents tree
// and has main method
class Tree
    public TreeNode root;
    /* Returns an array of trees from links input. 
    Links are assumed to be Strings of the form
    "<s> <e>" where <s> and <e> are starting and
    ending points for the link. The returned array is
    of size 26 and has non-null values at indexes
    corresponding to roots of trees in output */
    public Tree[] buildFromLinks(String [] links)
        // Create two arrays for nodes and forest
        TreeNode[] nodes = new TreeNode[26];
        Tree[] forest = new Tree[26];        
        // Process each link
        foreach (String link in links)
            char []sep = {' ',' '};
            // Find the two ends of current link
            String[] ends = link.Split(sep);
            int start = (int) (ends[0][0] - 'a'); // Start node
            int end = (int) (ends[1][0] - 'a'); // End node            
            // If start of link not seen before,
            // add it two both arrays
            if (nodes[start] == null)
                nodes[start] = new TreeNode((char) (start + 'a'));
                // Note that it may be removed later when
                // this character is last character of a link.
                // For example, let we first see a--->b,
                // then c--->a. We first add 'a' to array
                // of trees and when we see link c--->a,
                // we remove it from trees array.
                forest[start] = new Tree(nodes[start]);                                        
            // If end of link is not seen before,
            // add it to the nodes array
            if (nodes[end] == null)                            
                nodes[end] = new TreeNode((char) (end + 'a'));                                
            // If end of link is seen before,
            // remove it from forest if it exists there.
            else forest[end] = null;
            // Establish Parent-Child Relationship
            // between Start and End
            nodes[start].addChild(nodes[end], end);
        return forest;
    // Constructor
    public Tree(TreeNode root) { this.root = root; }
    public static void printForest(String[] links)
        Tree t = new Tree(new TreeNode('\0'));
        foreach (Tree t1 in t.buildFromLinks(links))
            if (t1 != null)
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args) {
        String [] links1 = {"a b", "b c", "b d", "a e"};
        Console.WriteLine("------------ Forest 1 ----------------");
        String [] links2 = {"a b", "a g", "b c", "c d", "d e",
                            "c f", "z y", "y x", "x w"};
        Console.WriteLine("------------ Forest 2 ----------------");
// Class to represent a tree node
public class TreeNode
    TreeNode []children;
    char c;
    // Adds a child 'n' to this node
    public void addChild(TreeNode n, int index)
        this.children[index] = n;
    // Constructor
    public TreeNode(char c)
        this.c = c; this.children = new TreeNode[26];
    // Recursive method to print indented tree
    // rooted with this node.
    public void printTreeIdented(String indent)
        Console.WriteLine(indent + "-->" + c);
        foreach (TreeNode child in children)
            if (child != null)
                child.printTreeIdented(indent + " |");
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


#Python code for the above approach
# The main class that represents tree
# and has main method
class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, c):
        self.c = c
        self.children = [None]*26
    def addChild(self, n, index):
        self.children[index] = n
    def printTreeIdented(self, indent):
        print(indent + "-->" + self.c)
        for child in self.children:
            if child:
                child.printTreeIdented(indent + "   |")
class Tree:
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
    def buildFromLinks(self, links):
        Returns an array of trees from links input. Links are assumed to
        be strings of the form "<s> <e>" where <s> and <e> are starting
        and ending points for the link. The returned array is of size 26
        and has non-null values at indexes corresponding to roots of trees
        in output
        nodes = [None]*26
        forest = [None]*26
        for link in links:
            start = ord(link[0]) - ord('a')
            end = ord(link[2]) - ord('a')
            # If start of link not seen before, add it two both arrays
            if not nodes[start]:
                nodes[start] = TreeNode(chr(start + ord('a')))
                forest[start] = Tree(nodes[start])
            # If end of link is not seen before, add it to the nodes array
            if not nodes[end]:
                nodes[end] = TreeNode(chr(end + ord('a')))
            # If end of link is seen before, remove it from forest if
            # it exists there.
                forest[end] = None
            # Establish Parent-Child Relationship between Start and End
            nodes[start].addChild(nodes[end], end)
        return forest
    def printForest(links):
        t = Tree(TreeNode('\0'))
        for t1 in t.buildFromLinks(links):
            if t1:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    links1 = ["a b", "b c", "b d", "a e"]
    print("------------ Forest 1 ----------------")
    links2 = ["a b", "a g", "b c", "c d", "d e", "c f", "z y", "y x", "x w"]
    print("------------ Forest 2 ----------------")


// Class to represent a node in the tree
class TreeNode {
    constructor(c) {
        // The character stored at this node
        this.c = c;
        // An array of 26 nodes to represent children of this node
        this.children = new Array(26).fill(null);
    // Method to add a child node to this node
    addChild(n, index) {
        this.children[index] = n;
    // Method to print the tree with indentation
    printTreeIdented(indent) {
        document.write(indent + "-->" + this.c);
        for (const child of this.children) {
            if (child) {
                child.printTreeIdented(indent + "   |");
// Class to represent a tree
class Tree {
    constructor(root) {
        // The root node of this tree
        this.root = root;
    // Method to build trees from the given links
    buildFromLinks(links) {
        // An array to store all nodes in the tree
        let nodes = new Array(26).fill(null);
        // An array to store trees in the forest
        let forest = new Array(26).fill(null);
        // Iterating over all links to build the trees
        for (const link of links) {
            // Calculating the starting and ending points of the link
            let start = link.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
            let end = link.charCodeAt(2) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
            // If start of the link is not seen before, add it to both arrays
            if (!nodes[start]) {
                nodes[start] = new TreeNode(String.fromCharCode(start + 'a'.charCodeAt(0)));
                forest[start] = new Tree(nodes[start]);
            // If end of the link is not seen before, add it to the nodes array
            if (!nodes[end]) {
                nodes[end] = new TreeNode(String.fromCharCode(end + 'a'.charCodeAt(0)));
            // If end of the link is seen before, remove it from the forest array if it exists there
            else {
                forest[end] = null;
            // Establish Parent-Child Relationship between Start and End
            nodes[start].addChild(nodes[end], end);
        return forest;
    // Method to print the forest of trees
    static printForest(links) {
        let t = new Tree(new TreeNode('\0'));
        // Building the forest of trees from the given links
        let forest = t.buildFromLinks(links);
        // Iterating over all trees in the forest and printing them
        for (const t1 of forest) {
            if (t1) {
let links1 = ["a b", "b c", "b d", "a e"];
document.write("------------ Forest 1 ----------------"+"<br>");
let links2 = ["a b", "a g", "b c", "c d", "d e", "c f", "z y", "y x", "x w"];
document.write("------------ Forest 2 ----------------"+"<br>");


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Class to represent a tree node
class TreeNode {
    vector<TreeNode*> children; // vector of child nodes
    char c; // node's value
    // Constructor
    TreeNode(char c) { this->c = c; }
    // Adds a child 'n' to this node
    void addChild(TreeNode* n)
    // Recursive method to print indented tree rooted with
    // this node.
    void printTreeIndented(string indent)
        cout << indent << "-->" << c << endl;
        for (auto child : children) {
            if (child != nullptr) {
                child->printTreeIndented(indent + "   |");
// The main class that represents a forest and has main
// method
class Tree {
    TreeNode* root;
    // Constructor
    Tree(TreeNode* root) { this->root = root; }
    TreeNode* getRoot() { return root; }
    /* Returns an array of trees from links input. Links are
       assumed to be Strings of the form "<s> <e>" where <s>
       and <e> are starting and ending points for the link.
       The returned array is of size 26 and has non-null
       values at indexes corresponding to roots of trees
       in output */
    vector<Tree*> buildFromLinks(vector<string> links)
        TreeNode* nodes[26]
            = { nullptr }; // array of tree nodes
        vector<Tree*> forest(
            26, nullptr); // vector of tree roots
        // Process each link
        for (auto link : links) {
            // Find the two ends of current link
            char start = link[0]; // Start node
            char end = link[2]; // End node
            // If start of link not seen before, add it to
            // both arrays
            if (nodes[start - 'a'] == nullptr) {
                nodes[start - 'a'] = new TreeNode(start);
                forest[start - 'a']
                    = new Tree(nodes[start - 'a']);
            // If end of link is not seen before, add it to
            // the nodes array
            if (nodes[end - 'a'] == nullptr) {
                nodes[end - 'a'] = new TreeNode(end);
            // If end of link is seen before, remove it from
            // forest if it exists there.
            else {
                forest[end - 'a'] = nullptr;
            // Establish Parent-Child Relationship between
            // Start and End
            nodes[start - 'a']->addChild(nodes[end - 'a']);
        return forest;
// Function to print a forest
void printForest(std::vector<std::string> links)
    Tree t(new TreeNode('\0'));
    for (Tree* t1 : t.buildFromLinks(links)) {
        if (t1 != nullptr) {
            std::cout << std::endl;
int main()
    vector<string> links1 = { "a b", "b c", "b d", "a e" };
    cout << "------------ Forest 1 ----------------"
         << endl;
    vector<string> links2
        = { "a b", "a g", "b c", "c d", "d e",
            "c f", "z y", "y x", "x w" };
    cout << "------------ Forest 2 ----------------"
         << endl;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by divyansh2212


------------ Forest 1 ----------------
   |   |-->c
   |   |-->d

------------ Forest 2 ----------------
   |   |-->c
   |   |   |-->d
   |   |   |   |-->e
   |   |   |-->f

   |   |-->x
   |   |   |-->w

Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of links in the input array.

Auxiliary Space: O(n)

Exercise: In the above implementation, endpoints of input links are assumed to be from set of only 26 characters. Extend the implementation where endpoints are strings of any length.