Danske IT Associate Software Engineering Interview Experience | On Campus (Internship + Full Time)

Danske IT visited our campus in Aug 2020 and the entire placement process was online.

Round 1 (1st Online Test): The test was conducted on the HirePro Platform. The test had two sections. The first one consisted of 2 Coding questions and Technical MCQs (Data Structures and Algorithms, DBMS, OS, OOP).

  1. The first coding question can be done through DP. It required the implementation of Maximum path sum in matrix
  2. The second coding question was from arrays. It was an easy level question.

The second section had 8 MCQ questions of mostly OOP. There were two language options were Java and C#.

Round 2 (2nd Online Test): It consisted of 50 (MCQ – Single Correct) questions. Time Duration was 12 mins. Test Mode – Online with Proctoring.

The test had questions of aptitude, both verbal and nonverbal. Questions were very easy. Don’t think too much about the number of questions that need to be done in such a short test duration. Just try to keep the flow going and mark the answers and try not to spend too much time on a question. I tried to treat it more like a game than a test.

The test serves the purpose of seeing the candidate’s ability to react to a test that has a short duration and has numerous questions, the candidate’s speed, and sharpness.

Round 3 (1st Technical Interview): The round was conducted on the HirePro platform. There were two interviewers.

Coding involved writing from scratch and then running the code and showing the final output in the code pair.

Then, I was asked questions related to one of the projects that I have done. I was asked to design the database, as in, the tables that I have used in my project, and what kind changes be reflected in the database if certain functionalities are run through it. The interviewer gave me some functionalities and asked me to explain how my database will handle those functionalities. I was asked some more questions related to DBMS.

Then, I was asked to write SQL Queries. The queries were easy.

Write clean code and try to dry run it before running and finally showing them the output. Feel free to clarify the question, if not understood well for the first time.

Round 4 (2nd Technical Interview): The interviewer asked me to tell me about the technologies that I have experience working on or I have used in my projects and the domains that I have worked in.

He then asked me which one did I found most interesting.

I was asked how I would explain Node.js to a layman and why is it popular. I have used Node.js in one of my projects. I answered by first explaining how the web works, in terms of what happens if we enter a URL and how the web pages are rendered. Then I explained about Node.js. I also mentioned the MVC Model. Then, I was asked, out of the technologies that I have worked on, which one did I found the most challenging.

Know your projects well and also know, at least, the basics of the technology stack that you have used in your projects. Be confident while answering the questions.

Round 5 (Psychometric Test and HR Round):

Psychometric Test: It consisted of 14 Questions. No test duration, but it was advised to do it 15-20 minutes. It does not take longer than that.

Each question had 4 statements. It was required to rate each statement on a scale of 1(least like me) to 5(most like me). For example, if the statement is “You like to present your ideas in a team”, then one needs to answer based on how close this statement is to one’s personality. Then, apart from rating each statement, it was also required to rate the one – the most like me and one – the least like me statements, out of those 4 statements.

HR Round: The first question was how the day has been for me. I think the interviewer had gone through my CV in detail. Apart from some common HR Questions, I was asked questions about my projects and the work I have done in my college clubs and student project team, and questions related to working in a team and working on projects under a professor’s guidance.

I was asked about how I prepared for the interviews, and whether I tried to connect to others through coding platforms to discuss coding questions or not. What are the coding platforms I used for preparation and whether I had been selected for company interviews before?

I was also asked about how I managed my lockdown period and how were my days like during this period.

I was asked about my achievements, extracurricular activities that I have participated in, and what I want to do in the future, as in, the long-term goals and about future study plans, if any.

Tips: Be Yourself. Be honest and don’t try to fake. At the same time, it’s equally important to realize to not answer anything emotionally, if you know the answer is in a Yes or No, then just say it, with, probably, a couple of lines justifying it, if required.

All the interviewers gave me the opportunity to introduce myself, at the beginning of the rounds and also, ask questions if I had any. The process was quite comfortable.

I was offered the job (Internship and Full Time) and I accepted it.

Pieces of advice for the readers

  1. Practicing is the key to clearing Online Tests. Use GFG to the best possible you can. It has helped me a lot. Try Competitive Coding at Interview Bit, LeetCode, and HackerRank to get used to solving questions within the time constraints.
  2. Look for help if you need it while preparation, be it from your friends, seniors, or through discussion forums on the internet.
  3. Be calm and confident. Don’t panic at any time during the process. Try to answer the questions smartly. Interviewers do not know the hard work that you have put in. They have got only 45-60 minutes to judge you, so present yourself well.
  4. Understand the questions well and try your best to answer them. Don’t give up and don’t try to jump to any answer immediately. Try to maneuver through your solution, and at least, convey your approach to the interviewer if you are stuck somewhere. Try your approach and later on go for optimized implementation of code, if needed.
  5. Revise the core subjects DBMS, OS, OOP, CN well. Try to know the basics of all. You may refer to popular YouTube Channels for quick revision.
  6. Know your CV well.
  7. The interviewer might ask you to tell about yourself or the projects you have done in college. Take it as an opportunity and answer it along the lines of things that you know or have done in college.
  8. Dress properly.
  9. As the process was online, try to make sure that you do not have internet connectivity issues before the tests and interviews.
  10. Don’t forget to enjoy the process as one does not sit for interviews every day.

Wish you all the luck for your future endeavors!