DarkSide – Information Gathering & Social Engineering Tool in Kali Linux

DarkSide is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub. This tool is free means you can download and use this tool free of cost. DarkSide is used for reconnaissance. Darkside is used for information gathering of the target. This tool is used to perform social engineering attacks. DarkSide tool is written in python language you must have python language installed into your kali Linux in order to use this tool. This tool comes with the awesome user interface. DarkSide tool comes with an awesome user interface. This tool not only used for information gathering and social engineering attacks, but it also provides different options. When the tool runs, it runs in the browser it shows different options such as hacker news, cryptocurrency ratings etc. DarkSide also contains the latest exploits. You can download that exploits and can use at free of cost. This tool is easy to use comes with lots of features of reconnaissance. 

Darkside Tool

Features of Darkside Tool:

  • Darkside tool can be used to perform social engineering attacks on target.
  • Darkside tool contains hacking videos and tutorials you can watch and can perform experiments.
  • Dark side shows the latest hacker news or hacking news.
  • Darkside exploits can be used for exploitation.
  • Darkside shows you the latest price of digital currencies such as bitcoin.
  • Darkside shows you the actual and current values of cryptocurrencies.
  • Darkside is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub.
  • Darkside is written in a Python programming language.

Uses of Darkside Tool:

  • Darkside tool is used for reconnaissance.
  • Darkside tool is used for information gathering.
  • Darkside tool is used to perform social engineering attacks.
  • Darkside tool is used to find ports of the target.
  • Darkside tool is used to get the target information such as operating system information.
  • Darkside performs scanning using nmap.
  • Darkside’s exploits can be used for exploitation.
  • Darkside tool can be used to Bypass Cloud Flare.
  • Darkside tool can be used as IP location Finder.
  • Darkside tool can be used for DNS Lookup.
  • Darkside tool can be used for port scanning.


Step 1. Open your kali linux terminal and move to the desktop using the following command.

cd Desktop

Step 2. Now you are on the desktop of your kali Linux here you have to create a new directory in which you have to install the DarkSide tool. To create new directory use the following command.

mkdir darkside

Step 3. You have created a new directory. Now move to this directory using the following command.

cd darkside

Step 4. Now you are in darkside directory. Here you have to install the tool means you have to clone the tool from GitHub using the following command. To clone the darkside tool from GitHub uses the following command.

git clone https://github.com/Ultrasecurity/DarkSide

Step 5. You have cloned the tool successfully. Now to list out the contents of the tool use the following command.


Step 6. You can see a new directory has been generated with the cloning of the tool. Now you have to move in this directory using the following command.

cd DarkSide

Step 7. Now you are in the directory that has been created at the time cloning of the tool.  To list out the contents of the directory using the following command.


Step 8. You can see install.sh file here this is the installation file that you have to install. Use the following command to install the tool in your system.

bash install.sh

Step 9. All the packages have been downloaded and the tool itself has been downloaded and installed in the directory. Now you have to install the dependencies of the tool. Use the following command to install the dependencies.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 10. All the requirements has been downloaded for the tool. Now you have to download Neofetch. Neofetch is a command-line system information tool that displays information about your operating system. We need to install it using the following command.

apt install neofetch

Step 12.  All is set up, and now we need to execute the following command to boot this tool. Once it boots completely it will give us the location where the tool is hosted. Open the highlighted URL on your browser.

Step 13.  Use the above-highlighted link copy this link and paste it in your browser URL bar.

This webpage has been opened by the DarkSide tool. This webpage contains various hackers’ information such as information gathering, exploits, social engineering attacks vectors now let’s see some examples to use the tool.


Example 1: Perform port scanning and information gathering using Darkside tool.

Step 1. Go to the information gathering tab and select port scan.

You can see how DarkSide has worked and found open and closed ports of the target website. In this example we have scanned the website scanme.org and the results are 21 FTP is closed and 22 ssh is opened this is how you can also scan any website and get information about the target.

Example 2: Perform social engineering attack and get details of target victim.

Step 1. Go to the social engineering tab bar on the webpage.

Step 2. Send this link to the victim.