Data Product Manager – Role, Responsibilities , Skills and Its Need in Product Team

The Data Product Manager is an important architect in establishing the direction of data-centric innovation in Product Management. They are essential in the design, development and optimization of data-driven solutions that satisfy customer expectations and smoothly connect with larger company objectives. In this article, we’ll learn about what is data product manager, the difference between them and traditional project managers, how they use the data, how a product manager uses the data, the need for data product managers, their roles and responsibilities, skills needed and hoe to become one.

Data Project Manager

Table of Content

  • What is a Data Product Manager?
  • What is the difference between a Data Product Manager and a Traditional Product Manager?
  • How does a Data Manager use Data?
  • How Does a Product Manager Use Data?
  • Need for Data Product Manager in a Product Management Team
  • Role and Responsibilities of Data Product Manager in Product Management
  • Skills required for Data Product Manager
  • How to Become a Data Product Manager?
  • Conclusion

What is a Data Product Manager?

The Data Product Manager, within an organization, is the person in charge of managing and developing products connected to data. These managers work together with engineers and data scientists in cross-functional teams to develop and deliver data products. They need to be skilled in business strategy, data analytics, and product management. They put the demands of users first, support data governance and quality, set up relevant performance evaluation criteria and explain the benefits of data products to a number of stakeholders.

Difference between Data Product Manager and Traditional Product Manager


Data Product Manager

Traditional Project Manager

Data Expertise

It requires a strong foundation in analytics, data technologies and data principles.

Traditional project managers may not always require in-depth knowledge of data management or analytics, even if certain projects may contain data.

Risk Management

It controls data-related risks, such as those related to data security, compliance and quality.

It controls project delivery risks such scope modifications, resource limitations and unexpected challenges.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

It works with cross-functional teams made up of business stakeholders, engineers, designers and data scientists.

It works along with a range of project stakeholders, such as clients, executives and team members.


It focuses primarily on understanding user demands, designing interfaces that are easy to use and making sure the data product satisfies user expectations.

It’s primary focus is to reach project milestones and finishing the work.

How does a Data Manager use Data?

Data managers use data to guarantee its security, quality and efficient use inside the company. A data manager uses data in different ways such as:

  • Quality assurance and data governance: Create and implement data governance guidelines to guarantee the integrity, correctness and quality of the data.
  • Information Storage: Choose the right databases and storage options for the various kinds of data.
  • Data Security: To guarantee data confidentiality, define and implement encryption technologies as well as access controls.
  • Integration of Data: Assist in bringing together data from multiple sources to produce an integrated and broad view.
  • Planning Strategically: Use data to guide company choices and strategic planning.
  • Regulation and Compliance: Make that data management procedures follow all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Instruction and Assistance for Users: Users should receive assistance and training on data management techniques and tools.

How Does a Product Manager Use Data?

Here are the following terms in which Product Managers uses Data:

  • Market Analysis: Product managers examine competing products, market trends, consumer behavior and industry developments using data.
  • User opinions and surveys: Important insights can be gained by collecting and evaluating user feedback via polls, interviews and user testing.
  • A/B Testing: Product managers make well-informed judgements on feature implementations, design modifications and overall product improvement using data from A/B tests.
  • Rates of Conversion: Product managers can gain insight into how well a product moves consumers from one stage to another (such as from trial to paying users) by analyzing conversion rates.
  • Tracking Issues and Bugs: Product managers identify and rank issues using information from customer support and bug tracking systems.
  • Competitive Evaluation: Product managers learn about pricing tactics, product differentiation and market positioning through investigating competitor data.

Why Does a Product Team Need a Data Product Manager?

Successful Product is determined by data. Data Product Managers can reduce the work load of Product team for individual contributors. this may lead to centralize the data sets and insights, and breaking down silos between teams. “Data is the core of Product Development”. Organizations can develop and refine features and products by assigning a data product manager specialist to oversee product data management. Dat Product Managers can also unlock opportunities for long-term success.

Role and Responsibilities of Data Product Manager in Product Management

Here are the following roles and responsibilities of Data Product Manager:

  • Product Planning: They create and express a well-defined product strategy that is in line with the general goals of the company. Additionally, they define their goals for data products while taking the competitive environment, consumer wants and market trends into account.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration: They work together with data scientists, engineers, designers and business stakeholders in cross-functional teams. To make sure the product fulfils their needs, they recognize and order the desires from various stakeholders.
  • Market Analysis: They carry out market research to keep up with developments in the sector, new technological advancements and competitors. They also look for ways to innovate and enhance data products.
  • Planning a Roadmap: Creating and sharing a product roadmap that is in line with the overall strategy for the product. Additionally, they rank features and improvements according to technical feasibility, business impact and user input.
  • KPIs and metrics: To evaluate the performance and efficiency of data products, they define metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). Data product managers also track and analyze product performance and make data-driven decisions for enhancements.
  • Designing  and User Experience (UX): In order to produce user-friendly interfaces and experiences, they work in combination with UX designers, making sure that the data product fulfils user needs and offers a satisfying user experience.
  • Product Development: They manage the entire lifecycle of a product, from idea to launch and convert company demands into technical specifications and collaborate closely with technical teams.

Skills required for Data Product Manager

Here are the following skills required for Data Product Manager:

  • Technical Skill: Knowledge of data tools and technology, such as business intelligence platforms, data warehousing and databases.
  • Proficiency in Communication: Good communication that translates difficult ideas into language that both technical and non-technical stakeholders can understand.
  • Strategic Thinking: The ability to plan ahead and create a distinct vision for data products that are in line with long-term company objectives.
  • Concept of User Experience (UX): Knowledge of UX principles and the capacity to collaborate with designers to produce interfaces that are easy to use.
  • Market Analysis: The capacity to generate product innovation through trend analysis, customer needs analysis and market research.
  • Skills of Analysis: Strong analytical abilities to understand data, spot trends and come to intelligent decisions that will help data products get better as time passes.
  • Flexibility: The capacity to adjust to changing market conditions, technological advancements and business priorities.
  • Customer-First Perspective: An emphasis on identifying and satisfying end customer’s demands while integrating user input into product creation.
  • Skills in Negotiation: Proficiency in negotiation techniques to effectively handle competing priorities and coordinate stakeholders over product choices.
  • Continuous Learning: A dedication to remaining up to date on market developments, new technology and industry standards for product development and data management.
  • Leadership: The ability to lead and inspire cross-functional teams to achieve shared goals and objectives.

How to Become a Data Product Manager?

  • Background in Education: Acquire the necessary educational background, usually in information technology, business analytics, computer science, data science or a similar profession.
  • Develop your technical abilities: Develop technical expertise in database systems, data administration and data analysis.
  • Develop Your Business knowledge: Gain a solid understanding of the goals, tactics and principles of business.
  • Develop Your Project Management Capabilities: Data product managers manage cross-functional teams and make sure that products are delivered on schedule. Thus, think about earning project management credentials, such the Agile or PMP (Project Management Professional) designations.
  • Learn About Data Governance: To guarantee data security, compliance and quality, educate yourself on data governance techniques and principles.
  • Creating a network: Make connections with experts working in product management and data-related professions by networking inside the sector. Participate in industry events, participate in online forums and establish professional connections on sites such as LinkedIn.
  • Construct a Portfolio: Present your abilities and background with a portfolio that focuses on your accomplishments, projects and the contributions you’ve made to data-related positions.
  • Apply for Manager Positions in Data Products: Start applying for jobs as a data product manager, making use of your training, technical expertise and real-world experience.
  • Get ready for the interview: Prepare yourself for interviews that evaluate your technical proficiency, analytical thinking and knowledge of data product management. Display your skills in team leadership, efficient communication and coordinating data products with company goals.

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In the digital age, an organization’s ability to innovate and succeed depends heavily on the work of a data product manager. Data Product Managers’ abilities and perspectives will be crucial in assisting companies in achieving their goals of excellent product development and efficient use of data as technology advances and the value of data increases.

Frequently Asked Questions on Data Product Manager – FAQ’s

What does a data product manager do?

Understanding the demands of data consumers, such as data analysts, and then creating and managing the data product to satisfy those needs are the responsibilities of a data product manager.

What is the difference between data manager and data product manager?

The Data Product Manager makes sure that data-driven products satisfy the needs of the company and its clients, while the Data Manager is principally in charge of overseeing and maintaining the databases within an organization.

Is data product management a good career?

Because more and more divisions inside businesses rely on data, the need for data is rising exponentially. The role of a Data Product Manager will look like a regular product manager in the future.