DC Voltage Drop Formula

The decrease in electromotive force all along the route of a current that flows in an electrical system is referred to as a voltage drop. In addition, each point in the network can be given a voltage that is proportionate to its electrical elevation. To put it another way, the voltage drop is the arithmetical discrepancy between a greater and a lower voltage.

Furthermore, the power given to a part in circuitry is equal to the power drop between the terminals of that component times the current flowing through it.


V = IR


  • I denotes the current flowing through the circuitry
  • R denotes the resistance

Sample Problems

Problem 1. A current of 10 A flows through a wire of resistance 7 Ω. Find the DC voltage drop.


Given: I = 10 A and R = 7 Ω

Since, V = IR

= 10 x 7

= 70 V

Problem 2. A current of 99 A flows through a wire of resistance 0.5 Ω. Find the DC voltage drop.


Given: I = 99 A and R = 0.5 Ω

Since, V = IR

= 99 x 0.5

= 49.5 V

Problem 3. A current of 10 A flows through a wire and the drop is 50 V. Find the resistance.


Given: I = 50 A and V = 2 V

Since, V = IR

⇒ R = V/I

= 50/10

R = 5 Ω

Problem 4. How many amperes of current flows through a circuit whose resistance is 7 Ω and drop is 49 V.


Given: R = 7 Ω and V = 49 V

Since, V = IR

⇒ I = V/R

= 49/7

I = 7 A

Problem 5. A current of 44 A flows through a wire of resistance 2 Ω. Find the DC voltage drop.


Given: I = 44 A and R = 2 Ω

Since, V = IR

= 44 x 2

= 88 V