Debug Keyboard Shortcuts For Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is by far the most used IDE currently, therefore knowing its functionalities to the best improves the productivity of a software developer. Debugging code is a big part of a developer’s job and being effective and efficient at it sets apart a good software developer and a normal guy. Knowing the shortcuts involved in debugging code and implementing them at the right time makes saves a lot of time. 

So, here we are going to discuss six shortcuts which are most helpful while debugging in VS-Code.

1. F9 ⮕ Toggle breakpoint 

This shortcut marks or removes a backing point in the code which is represented by a red dot in the form of that like of code. This helps in checking whether this line of code is executing properly or there are any errors.

2. F5 ⮕ Start/Continue 

This is the shortcut to initiate a debugging session or continue the session if paused.

3. Shift+F5 ⮕ Stop 

This is the shortcut to stop the debug session.

4. F11/Shift+F11 ⮕ Step into/out 

This shortcut is to step into the breakpoint or step out of it. It starts the execution or ends the execution of the current breakpoint.

5. F10 ⮕ Step over 

This shortcut is to step over a breakpoint. It simply won’t run the next breakpoint or steps out of the debug session.

6. Ctrl+K Ctrl+I ⮕ Show hover 

This shortcut shows the hover window for the part of the code on which the cursor is present currently. The window is the same which shows some additional information that appears wherever that part is hovered over by the cursor.