Decode the Secret Heist Code

Berlin and Professor are on a secret heist mission, They have a secret code that’s the code which will signal Berlin to enter the building and initiate the heist. The plan is that the professor will write a word of random characters on his board. If removing characters from the word will give the secret code then it’s time for Berlin to shine (initiate the heist) but remember If one character is removed then it’s all existences in the word will be removed.

As Berlin is short temper he can initiate the mission if he is unable to decode the word, that’s why the professor needs your help to write a code that will take a word, the word written on the board, and the code, the secret code for the signal and return “Yes” if it’s time to initiate the mission or “No” if he still needs to wait.


Input: word = “bhbalcbdkqgegr”, code = “hacker”
Output: Yes
Explanation: If we remove all existence of b, l, d, q, and g .we will get our code “hacker”

Input: word = “acheranobylkl”, code = “chernobyl
Output: No
Explanation: If we remove all existence of a and k, we will get “chernobyll” which has an extra “l” at the end which cannot be removed, as removing that will remove all existence of “l”.

Naive Approach: The basic way to solve the problem is as follows:

The idea is to iterate through the string “word” and whenever we get a character that is also present in the “code” we will add it to the “decoded” string. After the iteration, if the decoded string comes exactly the same as the code then we will return “Yes” otherwise “No”.

Below is the implementation of the above idea.


// C++ code for the above approach:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Function to decode the word based
// on the provided code
string decoding(string word, string code)
    string decoded = "";
    // Iterate through each character
    // in the word
    for (char i : word) {
        // Check if the character is
        // present in the code
        if (code.find(i) != string::npos) {
            // Add the character to
            // the decoded string
            decoded += i;
    // Check if the decoded string is
    // equal to the code
    if (decoded == code) {
        // Return "YES" if the decoded string
        // matches the code
        return "YES";
    else {
        // Return "NO" if the decoded string
        // does not match the code
        return "NO";
// Drivers code
int main()
    // Input word and code
    string word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr";
    string code = "hacker";
    // Call the decoding function
    // and print the result
    cout << decoding(word, code) << endl;
    return 0;


// Java code for the above approach:
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Input word and code
        String word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr";
        String code = "hacker";
        // Call the decoding function
        // and print the result
        System.out.println(decoding(word, code));
    // Function to decode the word based
    // on the provided code
    public static String decoding(String word, String code)
        String decoded = "";
        // Iterate through each character
        // in the word
        for (char i : word.toCharArray()) {
            // Check if the character is
            // present in the code
            if (code.indexOf(i) != -1) {
                // Add the character to
                // the decoded string
                decoded += i;
        // Check if the decoded string is
        // equal to the code
        if (decoded.equals(code)) {
            // Return "YES" if the decoded string
            // matches the code
            return "YES";
        else {
            // Return "NO" if the decoded string
            // does not match the code
            return "NO";
// This code is contributed by Sakshi


# Python3 implementation of above approach
def decoding(word, code):
      #Initialize an empty string to store the decoded characters
    decoded = "" 
    #iteration the word string
    for i in word:
           # Check if the character is present in the given secreat code
        if i in code:
              # Add the character to the decoded string
            decoded +=
    # Check if the decoded string is equal to the given code
    if decoded == code:
      #yes if both are same
        return "YES"
      #no if both are not same
        return "NO"
# Driver Code
word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr"
code = "hacker"
#Call the decoding function and print the result
print(decoding(word, code))
# This code is contributed by the Author


// C# implementation
using System;
public class GFG {
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Input word and code
        string word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr";
        string code = "hacker";
        // Call the decoding function
        // and print the result
        Console.WriteLine(decoding(word, code));
    // Function to decode the word based
    // on the provided code
    public static string decoding(string word, string code)
        string decoded = "";
        // Iterate through each character
        // in the word
        foreach(char i in word.ToCharArray())
            // Check if the character is
            // present in the code
            if (code.IndexOf(i) != -1) {
                // Add the character to
                // the decoded string
                decoded += i;
        // Check if the decoded string is
        // equal to the code
        if (decoded.Equals(code)) {
            // Return "YES" if the decoded string
            // matches the code
            return "YES";
        else {
            // Return "NO" if the decoded string
            // does not match the code
            return "NO";
// This code is contributed by Sakshi


// Function to decode the word based
// on the provided code
function decoding(word, code) {
    let decoded = "";
    // Iterate through each character
    // in the word
    for (let i of word) {
        // Check if the character is
        // present in the code
        if (code.includes(i)) {
            // Add the character to
            // the decoded string
            decoded += i;
    // Check if the decoded string is
    // equal to the code
    if (decoded === code) {
        // Return "YES" if the decoded string
        // matches the code
        return "YES";
    else {
        // Return "NO" if the decoded string
        // does not match the code
        return "NO";
// Input word and code
let word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr";
let code = "hacker";
// Call the decoding function
// and print the result
console.log(decoding(word, code));



Time Complexity: O(N),
Auxiliary Space: O(N), where N is the length of the word string.

Efficient Approach: To solve the problem using Two Pointers follow the below idea:

In place of storing the value that matches the “code,” we will use a second pointer which will be shifted as we iterate through the “word” string until we reach the end of “word” or “code”.

Below is the implementation of the above idea.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string decoding(string word, string code) {
    int word_index = 0; // Index for iterating through the word
    int code_index = 0; // Index for iterating through the code
    // Iterate until we reach the end of either the word or the code
    while (word_index < word.length() && code_index < code.length()) {
        // If the current characters in word and code match, move both pointers forward
        if (word[word_index] == code[code_index]) {
        } else {
            // If the characters don't match, move only the word pointer forward
    // Check if we have reached the end of the word
    if (word_index == word.length()) {
        // Check if we have reached the end of the code
        if (code_index == code.length()) {
            // Return "YES" if all characters in the word are found in the code
            return "YES";
        } else {
            // Return "NO" if the code has additional characters
            return "NO";
    } else {
        // If we are not at the end of the word, iterate through the remaining characters in the word
        while (word_index < word.length()) {
            // If any character in the word is found in the code, return "NO"
            if (code.find(word[word_index]) != string::npos) {
                return "NO";
        // Return "YES" if no character in the word is found in the code
        // after we get the code string in the first while loop
        return "YES";
// Driver Code
int main() {
    string word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr";
    string code = "hacker";
    cout << decoding(word, code) << endl;
    return 0;


public class GFG {
    public static String decoding(String word, String code) {
        int wordIndex = 0// Index for iterating through the word
        int codeIndex = 0// Index for iterating through the code
        // Iterate until we reach the end of either the word or the code
        while (wordIndex < word.length() && codeIndex < code.length()) {
            // If the current characters in word and code match, move both pointers forward
            if (word.charAt(wordIndex) == code.charAt(codeIndex)) {
            } else {
                // If the characters don't match, move only the word pointer forward
        // Check if we have reached the end of the word
        if (wordIndex == word.length()) {
            // Check if we have reached the end of the code
            if (codeIndex == code.length()) {
                // Return "YES" if all characters in the word are found in the code
                return "YES";
            } else {
                // Return "NO" if the code has additional characters
                return "NO";
        } else {
            // If we are not at the end of the word, iterate through the remaining characters in the word
            while (wordIndex < word.length()) {
                // If any character in the word is found in the code, return "NO"
                if (code.contains(String.valueOf(word.charAt(wordIndex)))) {
                    return "NO";
            // Return "YES" if no character in the word is found in the code
            // after we get the code string in the first while loop
            return "YES";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr";
        String code = "hacker";
        System.out.println(decoding(word, code));


def decoding(word, code):
    word_index = 0  # Index for iterating through the word
    code_index = 0  # Index for iterating through the code
    # Iterate until we reach the end of either the word or the code
    while word_index < len(word) and code_index < len(code):
        # If the current characters in word and code match, move both pointers forward
        if word[word_index] == code[code_index]:
            word_index += 1
            code_index += 1
            # If the characters don't match, move only the word pointer forward
            word_index += 1
    # Check if we have reached the end of the word
    if word_index == len(word):
        # Check if we have reached the end of the code
        if code_index == len(code):
            # Return "YES" if all characters in the word are found in the code
            return "YES"
            # Return "NO" if the code has additional characters
            return "NO"
        # If we are not at the end of the word, iterate through the remaining characters in the word
        while word_index < len(word):
            # If any character in the word is found in the code, return "NO"
            if word[word_index] in code:
                return "NO"
            word_index += 1
        # Return "YES" if no character in the word is found in the code
        # after we get the code string in the first while loop
        return "YES"
# Driver Code
word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr"
code = "hacker"
print(decoding(word, code))


using System;
class Program
    static string Decoding(string word, string code)
        int wordIndex = 0; // Index for iterating through the word
        int codeIndex = 0; // Index for iterating through the code
        // Iterate until we reach the end of either the word or the code
        while (wordIndex < word.Length && codeIndex < code.Length)
            // If the current characters in word and code match, move both pointers forward
            if (word[wordIndex] == code[codeIndex])
                // If the characters don't match, move only the word pointer forward
        // Check if we have reached the end of the word
        if (wordIndex == word.Length)
            // Check if we have reached the end of the code
            if (codeIndex == code.Length)
                // Return "YES" if all characters in the word are found in the code
                return "YES";
                // Return "NO" if the code has additional characters
                return "NO";
            // If we are not at the end of the word, iterate through the remaining characters in the word
            while (wordIndex < word.Length)
                // If any character in the word is found in the code, return "NO"
                if (code.Contains(word[wordIndex].ToString()))
                    return "NO";
            // Return "YES" if no character in the word is found in the code
            // after we get the code string in the first while loop
            return "YES";
    static void Main()
        string word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr";
        string code = "hacker";
        Console.WriteLine(Decoding(word, code));
        // Keep the console window open


function decoding(word, code) {
  let wordIndex = 0;  // Index for iterating through the word
  let codeIndex = 0;  // Index for iterating through the code
  // Iterate until we reach the end of either the word or the code
  while (wordIndex < word.length && codeIndex < code.length) {
    // If the current characters in word and code match, move both pointers forward
    if (word[wordIndex] === code[codeIndex]) {
    } else {
      // If the characters don't match, move only the word pointer forward
  // Check if we have reached the end of the word
  if (wordIndex === word.length) {
    // Check if we have reached the end of the code
    if (codeIndex === code.length) {
      // Return "YES" if all characters in the word are found in the code
      return "YES";
    } else {
      // Return "NO" if the code has additional characters
      return "NO";
  } else {
    // If we are not at the end of the word, iterate through the remaining characters in the word
    while (wordIndex < word.length) {
      // If any character in the word is found in the code, return "NO"
      if (code.includes(word[wordIndex])) {
        return "NO";
    // Return "YES" if no character in the word is found in the code
    // after we get the code string in the first while loop
    return "YES";
// Driver Code
const word = "bhbalcbdkqgegr";
const code = "hacker";
console.log(decoding(word, code));



Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the word string.
Auxiliary Space: O(1).