Delete an Element on Swipe in React Native

Swipe ge­stures have become prevalent for interacting with mobile­ apps, providing a convenient way to dele­te items from a list. In this article, we’ll explore how to add a “Swipe to Delete” feature in a React Native app using the react-native-swipe-list-view library.


  • Introduction to React Native
  • React Native Components
  • React Hooks
  • Expo CLI
  • Node.js and npm

Steps to Create a React Native Application

Step 1: Create a react native application by using this command

npx create-expo-app <<Project-Name>>

Step 2: After creating your project folder, i.e. swipedeleteApp, use the following command to navigate to it:

cd <<Project-Name>>

Project Structure:

Step 3: Install the Library

In project directory, open a terminal and install the react-native-swipe-list-view library:

npm install react-native-swipe-list-view


In this approach, we are using “react-native-swipe-list-vie­w” library to enable swipe-to-de­lete functionality. It showcases a visually appe­aling user interface consisting of a list of ite­ms, where each ite­m allows interaction through swipe actions reve­aling “Close” and “Delete­” buttons. The UI is refined with a header displaying “w3wiki” in green and a subheading “Swipe to delete” in dark gray. Furthermore, each list ite­m styled with an white­ background color with rounded corners and subtle­ shadow effects for added de­pth.

Example: In this example, we will adding swipe to delete features in native application

  • App.js


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, View } 
    from 'react-native';
import { SwipeListView } from 
class App extends Component {
    constructor() {
        // Initialize the state with a list of items
        this.state = {
            itemList: [
                { key: '1', description: 'Item 1' },
                { key: '2', description: 'Item 2' },
                { key: '3', description: 'Item 3' },
                { key: '4', description: 'Item 4' },
                { key: '5', description: 'Item 5' },
    // Function to close a swiped row
    closeRow = (rowMap, rowKey) => {
        if (rowMap[rowKey]) {
    // Function to delete an item from the list
    deleteItem = (rowMap, rowKey) => {
        this.closeRow(rowMap, rowKey);
        const newData = [...this.state.itemList];
        const prevIndex = this.state.itemList
            .findIndex(item => item.key === rowKey);
        newData.splice(prevIndex, 1);
        this.setState({ itemList: newData });
    // Function to handle row open event
    onRowOpen = rowKey => {
        console.log('Opened row with key:', rowKey);
    // Function to render each list item
    renderItem = rowData => (
            onPress={() => console.log('Item touched')}
            <Text style={styles.itemText}>
    // Function to render hidden swipe actions
    renderHiddenItem = (rowData, rowMap) => (
        <View style={styles.hiddenContainer}>
                style={[styles.hiddenButton, styles.closeButton]}
                onPress={() => this.closeRow(rowMap, rowData.item.key)}
                <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Close</Text>
                style={[styles.hiddenButton, styles.deleteButton]}
                onPress={() => this.deleteItem(rowMap, rowData.item.key)}
                <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Delete</Text>
    render() {
        return (
            <View style={styles.container}>
                {/* Header */}
                <Text style={styles.heading}>w3wiki</Text>
                <Text style={styles.subheading}>Swipe to delete</Text>
                {/* SwipeListView */}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        flex: 1,
        backgroundColor: '#eee', // Light Gray
        paddingVertical: 20,
        paddingHorizontal: 15,
    heading: {
        fontSize: 30,
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        marginBottom: 20,
        color: 'green',
        margin: 20,
        textAlign: 'center',
    subheading: {
        fontSize: 24,
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        marginBottom: 20,
        color: '#333', // Dark Gray
        margin: 10,
        textAlign: 'center',
    itemContainer: {
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center',
        backgroundColor: '#FFF', // White
        borderBottomColor: '#E0E0E0', // Lighter Gray
        borderBottomWidth: 1,
        height: 80,
        borderRadius: 8,
        shadowColor: '#000',
        shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 2 },
        shadowOpacity: 0.2,
        shadowRadius: 3,
        elevation: 3,
        marginBottom: 10,
    itemText: {
        color: '#333', // Dark Gray
        fontSize: 16,
        fontWeight: 'bold',
    hiddenContainer: {
        flexDirection: 'row',
        justifyContent: 'flex-end',
        alignItems: 'center',
        backgroundColor: '#FFF',
        height: 80,
        borderRadius: 20,
    hiddenButton: {
        justifyContent: 'center',
        alignItems: 'center',
        width: 75,
        height: 80,
    closeButton: {
        backgroundColor: 'green', // Blue
        borderRadius: 20,
    deleteButton: {
        backgroundColor: '#E74C3C', // Red
        borderRadius: 20,
    buttonText: {
        color: '#FFF',
        fontSize: 16,
        fontWeight: 'bold',
export default App;

Steps to Run

To run react native application use the following command:

npx expo start
  • To run on Android:
npx react-native run-android
  • To run on Ios:
npx react-native run-ios


Adding Swipe to Delete in React Native