DELL EMC Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Selection Procedure: written (online) + 2 Technical + 1 HR (Total 4 rounds)
Each round was an elimination round
CGPA criteria: NO

Written Test:
• 60 MCQ’s to be solved in 75 min.
• Difficulty level was similar to GATE questions.
• Questions were from COMPUTER SCIENCE core subjects
Totally 75 to 80 members are appeared to this round, from 80 members initially they shortlisted 20 members. Firstly I’m not short listed for this round, when this matter reaches to my ear first thing came into my mind that how the short listing was done? Then I reach directly to the HR and ask for that how the short listing was done? But, he didn’t give any response, because he didn’t know the selection process for short listing candidates. The test was conducted by the third party.
Suggestion: If you are very confident that you are definitely get short listed, then directly go for the recruiter and ask about the short listing criteria.
The Interviews are goes on for the short listed candidates. After first technical round was came to completion then they announced that another 5 short listed candidates. And I’m the one of them.
After completion of written test, two days later they present a PPT about their company and after that they announce the shortlisted candidate’s details.
Totally 25 members were short listed for the technical interviews.

Technical Round -1 (F2F):
• Interview was begun with the discussion on my project; the interviewer asked me about that how my project will helpful to the people?
• After that interviewer was asked me questions on the Machine Learning subject. (because I mentioned it on my resume)
• About gradient descent
• Regression (problem solving)
• Dimensionality reduction.
• Some logical questions.
• Lift problem solving considerations
• Coding on some simple problems. (You need not write full code part. You’ll just need to write logic for that)
• String reversing
• In this round I got question from subjects like Machine Learning, Programming, logical question (it’s all about our thinking levels).
In every round you’ll get questions from subjects what you are mention in the resume and your core subject knowledge. If your resume was prepared by you you’ll definitely get short listed for the next round.
Be confident that I can answer for all the questions.
Nearly 20 students were shortlisted for the next round.

Technical Round -2 (F2F):
• This is also a technical round. (Difference was difficulty level was little more when compared to the previous round.)
• In this round also my interview was began with the discussion on my project.
• And some problem solving questions
• 2 hour glasses were given, measurements are 7min and 4 min. you’ve to measure a 9 minutes time with them.
• Question from Algorithms
• N-queen problem( 7 queen problem was given to me)
• Tower of Hanoi problem (7 towers was given to me)
• Queries from DBMS
If you’ve knowledge on your core subjects you’ll definitely get short listed.
8 members were short listed for the next round.

HR Round:
• This round was begin with the introduce yourself.
• Asked me about the roles in my project.
• Then, HR asked me about my daily routines like talking with my parents.
• Are you intro world or extra-world?
• If you get a chance to work on a project, what will you prefer? Team or single?
• And finally the HR ended the interview with the any questions for him?

After a half-an-hour the HR announced the result. 7 members were got intern. I got selected for 2 months summer intern with 20k salary at DELL EMC Bangalore. And they give the hand-banded pen drives for the intern selected students.