Deloitte Interview Experience For FTE (On-Campus) 2024

Round 1 (Coding Test):

It was conducted on the Codility platform. It consisted of 3 coding questions to be solved in 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Question 1:

You are given an array of numbers. Find out if there is a way to pair the numbers in such a way that:

  • All the numbers belong to exactly one pair.
  • The sum of the numbers in each pair must be even.

If possible, print “YES”; otherwise, print “NO”.

Question 2:

Given a string of length ?, print the minimum number of operations required to make the string non-palindrome. In each operation, you can remove a character from the string. If the string is already a non-palindrome, then print 0.

Question 3:

There are n houses in a colony. You are given an array of length n where the ith index of the array specifies the energy requirement of the ith house. You want to install solar rooftops in some of the houses to satisfy the energy requirements of the whole colony. 2 types of solar rooftops cost X and Y respectively. If you install the first type in a house, it will produce the exact amount of energy that the house requires. If you install the second type, it will produce twice the amount of energy that the house requires. The extra energy produced will go back to the grid and can be used by other houses. Find out the minimum cost to satisfy the energy requirements of all the houses.

I have solved all three questions. Those who solved more than 1 question were selected for the next round.

You need to consider all test cases by yourselves; you will be shown the result of only public test cases, and once you submit your code against private test cases, you can’t change the code.

Out of 72 students, 15 were selected for second round.

Round 2 (Technical Interview 1):

It started with an introduction then I was asked 3 coding questions.

In each question, I was asked to first explain the approach and then dry run the code using some example testcases.

I was able to solve all the questions and selected for the next round.

Round 3 (Technical Interview 2):

Same as Round 2 it started with an introduction. Then the interviewer asked me to solve the following coding question.

Then he asked me

  1. Questions from binary search tree.
  2. Which sorting algorithms do I know?
  3. Best sorting algorithm in terms of time & space complexity.
  4. write pseudo code for any sorting algorithm.

After that, he asked me to design a database for an e-commerce website and then to write some SQL queries from the database.

I was able to answer all the questions and selected for the next round.

Round 4 (Fitment Round):

It also started with an introduction and basic HR questions were asked.

  1. Where are you from?
  2. family background.
  3. What did you learn from your internship?
  4. If you get a better offer will you leave our company
  5. What did you learn from all the interviews you have given?

Final Result:

At last 4 were selected from our college among which I was one.